This is a  short [3 am Mountain Time] update on the Russ Turcotte search
situation.  The very substantial number of most recent e-mails and other
communications sent from literally all over on very short and urgent notice
to the North Dakota Governor's office [and to some other authorities] has
had a definitely heavy and positive impact. This began to become  formally
clear  from the Governor's office as early as Thursday morning and
continued.  At this point, both the Grand Forks Police Department and the
Grand Forks County Sheriff's Department are providing various forms of
important support  --  to the horseback and vehicular search group which
includes, among others, the Texas search team, many local and other
volunteers, riders from the Three Affiliated Tribes at the Ft Berthold [ND]
reservation and other regional reservations, riders from the Blackfeet
Nation in Montana [whose tribal council also contributed $1,000.]  The Grand
Forks Police Department is providing a command post and personnel [and a
dozen cell phones]; the Sheriff's Department is providing a command post at
the Fairgrounds as well as personnel.  And the University of North Dakota
Aviation Department is contributing a pilot and a plane for preliminary air
scrutiny of the region.  The weather for Friday will include some snow --
but this shouldn't stick for long and the basic weekend weather pattern is
expected to be clear.

Many members of Russ Turcotte's family have now arrived at Grand Forks.

In short, the atmosphere has changed considerably for the better and things
are moving.  Many thanks to all who have sent communications of concern to
Governor John Hoeven and others.  Your involvement has been crucial. The
Turcotte Family expresses its strongest gratitude to you.

On the matter of the search itself, one can only hope for the best of
"whatever will be, will be."  If nothing is found this weekend, we all will
continue other sensible approaches. The whole region is now alerted to Russ
Turcotte's disappearance -- and local/regional folk [farmers, ranchers,
hunters] will be certainly be keeping their eyes open.  In the meantime, all
of this has directed very important scrutiny -- nationally and far beyond --
on the Grand Forks and environs situation, where things are not at all good,
and where the murders of the three Turtle Mountain Native men of September,
2001, still remain unsolved.  That complex of issues certainly continues to

Hunter [Hunterbear]

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]
Protected by NaŽshdoŽiŽbaŽiŽ
and Ohkwari'

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