Antiwar Protest Largest Since '60s
Organizers Say 100,000 Turned Out

By Monte Reel and Manny Fernandez
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, October 27, 2002; Page C01

Tens of thousands of people marched in peaceful protest of any
military strike against Iraq yesterday afternoon, in an antiwar
demonstration that organizers and police suggested was likely
Washington's largest since the Vietnam era.

Organizers with International ANSWER, a coalition of antiwar groups
that coordinated the demonstration, had hoped for a turnout rivaling
that of its pro-Palestinian rally in April that officials estimated
at about 75,000. Organizers said they easily eclipsed that figure
yesterday, assessing attendance at well more than 100,000. D.C.
Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey also said he figured yesterday's rally
turnout exceeded that in April, but he didn't provide a specific

"We think this was just extremely, extremely successful," said Mara
Verheyden-Hilliard, a D.C. organizer with International ANSWER, Act
Now to Stop War and End Racism. "It absolutely shows that when George
Bush says America speaks with one voice, and it's his voice, he's

After a rally that lasted more than three hours at Constitution
Gardens, near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the march began at 21st
Street and Constitution Avenue. Using 17th, H, 15th and E streets NW,
protesters circled the White House and returned to their starting
point. Shoulder-to-shoulder crowds filled the streets for several
blocks. When marchers at the front of the procession returned to
Constitution Avenue on their way back, they had to wait to allow
demonstrators at the tail of the march to pass.

Demonstrations in other cities, including Rome, Berlin, Copenhagen,
Denmark, Tokyo and Mexico City, were held to coincide with the
Washington march, and in San Francisco, thousands marched through

Protesters arrived by the busload, by car and by Metro early
yesterday morning, some carrying signs and later joining in chants
that echoed a common theme: A war against Iraq would be unjustified,
and there is no consensus for it.

"Nebraskans for Peace" and "Hoosiers for Non-Violence" chanted
alongside silver-coiffed retirees from Chicago and a Muslim student
association from Michigan. Parents could be seen enjoying a sunny,
picnic-perfect afternoon by pushing a stroller with one hand and
carrying a "No War for Oil" sign with the other. Police on horseback
monitored nearby.

The tone of the rally was far different from the District's last
major protest -- the September demonstrations during the annual
meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
During those events, anti-globalization protesters had intended to
paralyze the city with disruptive throngs, but their numbers were
much smaller than expected, and they were dominated by a massive
police presence. More than 600 people were arrested during the IMF
and World Bank protests; yesterday, police reported three arrests.

Several groups, including the Anti-Capitalist Convergence that
organized one of September's protests, mounted an independent march
that fed into yesterday's rally and said everyone had agreed upon a
non-confrontational goal from the outset.

"I don't think police want problems, and I don't think we want
problems either," said Pat Elder, 47, a Bethesda antiwar activist who
participated in the unpermitted feeder march.

The morning began under hazy skies on the wet grass at Constitution
Gardens, as thick mud sucked at the heels of the arriving
demonstrators and the nearby Washington Monument appeared truncated
by fog. But by noon the skies cleared and most of the lawn was
shoulder-to-shoulder with people listening to Jesse Jackson, actress
Susan Sarandon, singer Patti Smith and former Attorney General Ramsey
Clark, among other speakers.

Several speakers referred to Vietnam era protests, and organizers
were eager to compare the current movement with the one that peaked
with a rally of between 250,000 and 500,000 people in Washington in
1969. The last large-scale peace protest in Washington was in 1991,
when about 75,000 demonstrated during the height of the Persian Gulf

Unlike those protests, yesterday's rally was different in that it
preceded war, and many interpreted that as an indication of a
potentially powerful movement.

"During the Vietnam War, no demonstration of comparable size took
place until 1967, three years after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
[that gave President Lyndon B. Johnson congressional authority to
expand the war in Vietnam]," said Brian Becker, co-director of the
International Action Center, one of the groups that make up
International ANSWER.

But if the passions of the Vietnam era led to protests that often
trembled on the edge between control and chaos, yesterday's event
suggested that this movement is burning at a lower flame.

"Here I'm not being spit on, people aren't throwing tomatoes at me
and Joan Baez isn't singing," said protest veteran Dot Magargal, 77,
from Media, Pa. "People just want to come out and say that not
everyone wants to go to war. This is a lot of people, a lot of
voters, and it has to count for something."

For those looking for symbols often associated with left-wing
demonstrations -- Grateful Dead T-shirts, dreadlocks, anti-corporate
slogans, Socialist newsletters -- plenty could be found. But it
wasn't necessary to comb through the fringe to find people who didn't
fit the mold. Many said they were first-time protesters who had never
attended a rally. Some said they were against all war, no matter the
circumstances, and others said they were simply against the
possibility of an Iraq invasion.

"I've never in my life done anything like this before," said Marie
Johnson, 31, of Columbia. "What I wanted to do was say that even
though Bush puts forth that everyone supports going to war against
Iraq, some of us don't. I just thought it was important for me to do
something to show how I felt."

Peggy McGrath, 59, said she hoped that Bush would look out of the
windows of the White House to see that thousands disagreed with him.
She said she remained optimistic that he might change his mind,
especially if enough people voiced opposition.

"I think there's actually been a shift already in Bush's rhetoric in
the last two weeks," said McGrath, who was on one in a caravan of
eight buses from Chicago. "The hope is that maybe he'll see this, and
maybe it can be stopped before it's started."

Bush, however, wasn't at the White House. He and first lady Laura
Bush flew yesterday from their Texas ranch to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico,
where the president was attending the Asian-Pacific Economic
Cooperation forum. Among other things, Bush was seeking to rally
fellow leaders behind his Iraq stance.

The president had some support at the rally from a group of about 100
counter-protesters who gathered at 17th Street and Constitution
Avenue. Along with activists from the national group Free Republic, a
group of Iraqi exiles chanted slogans against Saddam Hussein. In one
of the few points of tension during the day, police stepped into a
scuffle between peace activists and counter-protesters and led away
two of the former.

One who joined the counter-protesters, Imam Husham Al-Husainy,
explained that he came to Washington from the Detroit area with about
40 Iraqis to present the view of people who had suffered under

"Most of these people across the street, they don't know the reality
in Iraq," Al-Husainy said.

Although the main protest message was focused on opposing war in
Iraq, a few other causes slipped into the mix. Many of the same
people who marched for Palestinian rights in April joined yesterday's
march, waving Palestinian flags. But like others who had become
activists for other causes, they said opposing the war was what
brought them out yesterday.

"I don't come here to carry signs for fun," said Ribhi Ramadan, 36,
who brought his family of seven from Paterson, N.J., to the protest.
"I support not just Palestine, but everywhere that's threatened by

Luigi Procopio, 45, a social worker from the district, wore a pink
triangle with "$ FOR AIDS NOT WAR" written on it. He said even though
he normally focuses his activism on issues in the gay community, he
and at least a dozen friends came to protest the war in Iraq.

"It's time, man. . . . It feels imminent," he said. "Congress has
just rolled over."

Some protesters said they had been worried about attendance before
they arrived at the rally. Larina Brown, 22, a student from the
University of Minnesota-Morris, said she had feared that she and the
30 friends she traveled with would be greeted by scant crowds.

"It's a relief, really," Brown said. "I really wanted this to be a
big statement, to show it's not just radical, anti-American people
who go to these things."

Most of those who arrived in the morning on buses climbed back aboard
shortly after the rally ended. By 5:45 p.m., the streets were almost
deserted, and protesters had put down their signs and were sitting on
park benches snacking.

Mark Zheng, 33, of Amherst, Mass., stopped to take a photo of two
friends in front of a fountain in Lafayette Square. Zheng, from
China, had been at the Tiananmen Square protests. He said he was
impressed by the orderliness of the march.

"I think maybe people have different thoughts on things, but one
thing is clear," he said. "Peace."

Staff writers David A. Fahrenthold, Ylan Q. Mui and Mary Beth
Sheridan, staff researcher Madonna Lebling, special correspondent Liz
Garone in San Francisco and wire services contributed to this report.

© 2002 The Washington Post Company


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