ML Update

A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine

Vol.-5; No.-45; 6-12 Nov 2002

Remembering the Leninist Legacy of November

Eighty-five years ago, the world had witnessed the best way of resisting an imperialist war. The first socialist revolution had demonstrated with stunning clarity that the imperialist chain could well be snapped at its weakest link. The immediate product of that revolution, the Soviet Union, of course did not survive beyond a period. But today as imperialism wages yet another global war, the lesson of November 1917 has acquired renewed relevance. All over the world, the working classes and oppressed peoples are once again seething in anger against imperialism’s global offensive.

Two recent electoral verdicts from South America bear strong testimony to this surge of popular anger. The enormous victory of Lula in Brazil has attracted the attention of the whole world. Of course, it has been in the making for a long time. The PT or Workers’ Party has been a growing political force in Brazil’s political landscape. The party has been controlling several cities and even provinces of this most populous country of Latin America. This was Lula’s fourth attempt at winning the presidential sweepstakes and he has really romped home with an unprecedented majority. Of course, over the years Lula’s stance has been considerably watered down. But there can be no mistaking the popular aspiration for freeing Brazil from the US-controlled Fund-Bank dictated economic stranglehold.

Around the same time, the results of the first round of presidential elections in Ecuador have also revealed a leftward trend. The presidential candidate of the Left, Lucio Gutierrez has emerged as the frontrunner with nearly 20% of the popular vote. The results reflect a growing anger against US-led infringement of Ecuador’s sovereignty and the elitist economic policies that are pauperising the working people. The trend is also expected to be reflected in an enhanced presence of the left parties in the parliamentary arena as well as in provincial and cantonal councils.

Earlier in Europe, the German elections too became a platform for recording a powerful European voice against US unilateralism. Almost all European capitals have witnessed massive demonstrations against Washington’s campaign for war on Iraq. Anti-war sentiment is growing in the US as well. It now remains to be seen how far this sentiment can find reflection in the forthcoming US elections.

Officially, India remains cut off from the growing global opposition to the economic and military offensive of US imperialism. In fact, India is increasingly being bracketed with Israel and looked upon as a blind supporter of the US-led war. The responsibility of giving an effective voice to the anti-war anti-imperialist mood of the Indian people lies primarily with the communist movement in India. When the domestic and foreign policies of the Indian ruling classes serve as a vehicle for the economic and military offensive of US imperialism, the communist movement will have to serve as the spearhead of a resolute resistance to both saffron subversion and imperialist offensive.

CPI(ML)'s 7th All India Party Congress in Patna

For the CPI(ML) and its thousands and thousands of members and supporters, it is the time of the Party's Seventh All India Congress which is going to be held at Vinod Mishra Nagar in Patna from 25 to 30 November. Patna is set to witness a surge of rippling red crowd on 30 November at the closing ceremony of this Congress.

More than seven hundred delegates from all over the country and representatives from international Left and anti-imperialist movement and also the progressive sections of the Indian diaspora from abroad will participate in this assembly of the CPI(ML).

While assessing the current international and national situation and reviewing the progress made by the party since the last Congress held at Varanasi in October 1997, the Congress will address itself to the crucial question of giving a fitting rebuff to the growing offensive of communal fascist forces in the country and imperialism's ongoing war on the world.

The discussion on the draft document which was circulated by the central committee of the Party to all its committees and members has been completed. The opinions and suggestions of members and committees on these documents have reached to the Party headquarter. The Polit Bureau and the Central Committee of the Party will meet from 5 to 8 Nov to update the draft documents on the basis of these suggestions. This updated draft will then, finally, be placed before the Congress.

Meanwhile, all electoral colleges have completed process of electing delegates to the Congress and extensive propaganda has begun in this last phase.

Stop Imperialism's War on the World !

Foil the Fascist Conspiracy in India !

Intensify the Communist Movement !


Agrarian Labourers Protest in UP

The Uttar Pradesh Khet Mazdoor Sabha (UPKMS) organised protests in many districts in the state on 28 October against UP govt.'s anti-labour and ant-poor policies highlighting various issues severely affecting livelihood and lives of agricultural labourers in the state. Demonstrations were held at district headquarters in Chandauli, Gazipur, Ballia, Deoria, Kushinagar, Ambedkar Nagar, Gonda, Sitapur, Lakhimpur-Kheri, Pilibhit, Jalaun and Varanasi districts raising the demands for issuance of red ration cards to all agrarian labourers and to all families living below poverty line in the state, implementation of Minimum Wages Act, guarantee of work throughout the year, revamping of public distribution system (PDS), to distribute surplus land to agricultural labourers and ensure possession over land to those who have already been allotted land pattas, and to withdraw cases falsely put on many Party leaders in Lakhimpur-Kheri district.

The CPI(ML) and UPKMS, in Uttar Pradesh, are demanding to the UP govt. to issue red cards (BPL cards) to everyone below poverty line, but the latter is continuously trying to evade this issue. It is a well-known fact that millions of people who deserve red cards are being deprived of their basic rights due to govt's increasing apathy which is cutting subsidies and job opportunities in the name of new economic policy of liberalisation and globalisation. The onslaught on Indian agriculture after the WTO agreement has further intensified the sufferings of the poor, which is nakedly evident by the recent starvation deaths in few districts of eastern UP. The CPI(ML) and UPKMS are voicing the growing resentment among rural poor, particularly agricultural labourers, against these anti-people policies. Although the govt. was forced to distribute red cards after long and protracted successful struggles at a few places as in Pilibhit, it remains a half won battle due to the corruption prevalent in PDS system and govt's policy to cut subsidy in PDS and not to distribute food grains which were lying in abundance till last season in its godowns and even going waste.

In this backdrop, while CPI(ML) is organising rural poor and agricultural labourers on these issues and on the question of distribution of land, the state has increased its repression in the form of more and more growing organised attacks by police-criminal-bureaucrat nexus and many cadres and leaders have been implicated in false cases by the police. Recently in Lakhimpur-Kheri district where Party has mobilised masses in a militant struggle for occupation of a piece of land in favour of landless poor, the police and local administration has come openly to protect mafia-landlords and arrest warrants have been issued against almost all Party leaders in that district by falsely implicating them under many sections of Cr.P.C.

Thousands of agricultural labourers have participated in these protest demonstrations in over a dozen districts and pledged to intensify their struggle till the demands are fulfilled.

CPI(ML)'s Exposure Campaign in Chhatisgarh

The CPI(ML) held an exposure sit-in (Bhandaphor Mahadharna) at Raipur in Chhatisgarh on 1 November on the occasion of the completion of two years of formation of this new state which is currently being ruled by Ajit Jogi govt. of the Congress. Hundreds of people from Bhilai, Raipur and Bilaspur districts participated in this protest-cum-exposure programme. Representatives of the Loktantrik Samajwadi Party and the Bharat Jan Andolan also joined the programme. A memorandum was also submitted to the Chhatisgarh Chief Minister through district magistrate of Raipur, demanding special package for the development of the state, halt on the privatisation move of natural resources and of industries being pursued by the government, effective launching of 'food for work' programme, a complete package to check increasing migration, emphasis on irrigation programme on a priority basis, guarantee of fixing the support-price for paddy at Rs. 700 per quintal, seizure of land which is under illegal occupation of rich and influential farmers and its distribution to the landless people, withdrawal of the decision to retrench workers in Mandir-Hasaud FCI depot, etc.

   Speakers at the dharna criticised NDA ruled central government which is trying to take credit of formation of the new state but evading from the responsibility of providing a comprehensive package for its development. Simultaneously, the Congress ruled state govt. also came under attack as it has shown a complete lack of vision and seriousness required for the development of a backward state like Chhatisgarh and its people.

A resolution was also passed at the dharna supporting the ongoing movement for bonus by the workers of the Bhilai Steel Plant. The dharna also demanded withdrawal of cases against CPI(ML) leaders who have been falsely implicated while protesting against unauthorised occupation of land by mafia. The protest programme was addressed by CPI(ML) central committee member Rajaram and other leaders including Narottam Sharma, Lalan Ram and Ashok Miri.

'Committee Against War on Iraq' to hold Anti-War Demo on 14 Nov.

('The Committee Against War on Iraq' which was formed after a meeting of various Left and democratic parties and organisations on 26 October, has decided to hold a big protest demonstration opposing the US war on Iraq at New Delhi on 14 November. Here we are reproducing the statement adopted by the Committee in that meeting. -Ed.)

The United States is going ahead with its plans for a military attack on Iraq. There are no grounds whatsoever for this flagrant violation of international law and the national sovereignty of Iraq. Since 1991, Iraq has been subjected to severe sanctions which has caused great damage to the country's economy. Tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens particularly children have lost their lives due to malnutrition and lack of medicines and essential medical equipment. Till 1998, United Nations weapons inspectors had gone through all installations to dismantle any potential for production of weapons of mass destruction.

President Bush has declared that America's aim is for a "regime change" in Iraq. The Bush administration is prepared to accept nothing less than the removal of President Saddam Hussein. This is totally unacceptable and smacks of imperial arrogance. Such a stand poses a danger to the sovereignty of all countries.

The US government is pressurising the United Nations and the Security Council to adopt a resolution which can provide the pretext for a military attack on Iraq. The Bush administration has made it clear that even if the United Nations does not go along with its untenable stand, it is prepared to go ahead with its unilateral act of aggression.

A war on Iraq will cause unimaginable destruction. Thousands of lives will be lost and the country devastated. It will create new tensions which will threaten world peace. Already the stand of the United States has led to a wave of anger among the people in all Arab countries. Use of brute military force will only strengthen the forces of terrorism. India's interests will be seriously harmed by such a war.

All over the world people are coming out into the streets to protest against the threat of war against Iraq. The Indian people cherish the close ties that our country with Iraq and its people. We demand that the Vajpayee government, not remain silent. It must take a firm stand opposing the US moves for war. It must rally international opinion against such a blatant act of aggression against a friendly country.

The reflect the views of the people we are setting up a committee to say "No War On Iraq". The committee Against War on Iraq will work to mobilise all sections of the people to oppose the US plans for war and express solidarity with Iraq.





CPI(ML) Condemns EU's Move to List Professor Sison as ‘terrorist’

CPI(ML) unequivocally condemns European Union (EU) declaration of demonising Jose Maria Sison, as ‘terrorist’. By this act, EU imposed a serious setback on the ongoing peace negotiations between National Democratic Front and Philippine government.

Bowing to the US arm-twisting EU listed Sison, the chief political consultant of National Democratic Front in its peace negotiation with Philippine government, New Peoples Army and Communist Party of Philippine and many other popular revolutionary leaders and organisations of several third world countries as ‘terrorist’, EU acted in desperation in a most arbitrary manner. It disregarded the widest European popular representations against such declaration and the broader interests of Philippine people. Not even a word in the declaration about the American Puppet Arroyo ruling clique of Philippine resorting to state terrorism on daily basis and accelerating its bloody repression on the popular democratic forces of Philippine grievously violating the peace agreements.

EU blatantly violated the civil and democratic rights of Sison. He has been branded as a terrorist without showing even a single act of terror, He has been branded as a criminal without citing any crime there by inflicting untold suffering to him and his family.

It is irony that European states feel that it is in their domain to decide who is terrorist and who is not in an Asian sovereign country like Philippine. People knew that it is a part of much more broader strategy of Imperialist Powers to destroy the popular revolutionary movements all over the world. But such counter revolutionary imperialist schemes are bound to be defeated by the peoples as they did time and again in the past.

Elections in Ecuador:
The left wins the first round

The left and popular sections of Ecuador represented by the presidential candidacy of Lucio Gutiérrez won an important victory in the first round of elections. The massive vote for Colonel Gutiérrez in all provinces of the country is a clear proof of growing popularity of the left. It is being expected by the Ecuadorian media that when the votes of the small provinces and the countryside come in, the vote for Gutiérrez will increase further, and he should get some three percent more than the second place candidate, the multimillionaire Álvaro Noboa, richest man in Ecuador and the 14th richest in Latin America.

Gutiérrez’s victory is the defeat of the traditional right of the Social Christian Party (Neira) and also that of social democracy of the Democratic Left (Borja) and Roldós.

On the other hand, the vote for Gutiérrez shows that there is an important popular base in the poorest parishes, cantons and provinces of Ecuador. The organisations of the left played a vital role, as Gutiérrez recognised in his speech an hour after the polls closed, when he pointed out the valor of the MPD as a party that fights for the interests of the country.

- Courtesy: En Marcha, Ecuador

Make the
CPI(ML)'s 7th Congress
a Great Success !!

25-30 Nov 2002
Vinod Mishra Nagar (Patna)

All are Cordially Invited to the


of the

7th All India Party Congress

of the

on 30 Nov '02

at Gandhi Maidan, Patna.

CPI(ML) Liberation
Central Office
U-90, Shakarpur, Delhi - 110092

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