[The second in command to the CIA's man in Belgrade,
Zoran Djindjic, can well afford the best legal advice
that money can buy.
He's been captured on videotape accepting $10,000 from
the CIA Southern Balkans station chief; one of many
installments one assumes.]

Perisic Claims Immunity From Prosecution

The former deputy Serbian prime minister accused of
spying for the US, Momcilo Perisic, has claimed
immunity from prosecution as a member of parliament.
Perisic, who was arrested in a motel on the outskirts
of Belgrade with the first secretary of the US
Embassy, said that he had previously waived his right
to immunity because he believed in the judicial
He claimed today that he had since become aware of
political influence on the military prosecution and so
had decided to claim immunity, in order to protect his
personal integrity and the function he performs in the
Federal Parliament, reported radio B92.

Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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