----- Original Message ----- 

There seems to be some sort of media blackout going on regarding an
anti-war demo in NYC today. This article refers to 100,000
demonstrators, surely a number meriting a report.]

Sacramento Bee. 20 November 2002. Anti-war protesters march in

SACRAMENTO -- Protesters circled through downtown Sacramento Wednesday
singing songs of peace.

Marchers carried flags and peace symbols and chanted, "No blood for

The scene was a far cry from gatherings in Washington, D.C., which drew
about 100,000, and San Francisco which had at least 40,000 marchers.

"People are at work and in school," explained Organizer Maggie Coulter,
with a group called Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action.

"But we are joined by hundreds of thousands around the world who have
walked for peace and oppose a war in Iraq."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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