> > Stalinists Turn Market Savvy, Observe Human Rights Day by Fighting for
> >  Neoliberal Policies
> >
> > (Statement of the West Bengal Committee, Inquilabi Communist Sangathan,
> >  Indian Section of the Fourth International)
> >
> > On 10th December, 2002, on the day observed annually as Human Rights Day,
> >  police in Calcutta unleashed brutality on shanty dwellers in the Beliaghata
> >  Canal area. A large number of people were evicted from the only homes they
> >  had ever known, for the crime of being "illegal squatters", in a country
> >  where a huge number of people live below the poverty line and where the
>  idea
> >  of a room of one's own is a mere dream for most men and women. Protesters
> >  were dispersed by a massive show of force, and over a hundred were
>  arrested,
> >  including Sujato Bhadra, former General Secretary of the Association for
>  the
> >  Protection of Democratic Rights, West Bengal, Shaktiman Ghosh of the
>  Hawkers
> >  Sangram Committee, and Pranab Bandyopadhyay, veteran Gandhian and local
> >  community activist. Subsequently, the shanties were set on fire. 
> >
> > For the last half a decade, the neoliberal turn of the ruling combine in
>  West
> >  Bengal, the Left Front, has been steadily deepening. They have not given up
> >  their authoritarian mould learnt from Stalin (the CPI( M), the major
> >  partner, remains one of the world's most fervent admirers of Stalin, going
> >  to the extent of defending the mass murders of the 1930s), while adding to
> >  it a sustained commitment to neoliberalism. As, for them, a top-down
> >  bureaucratic control had been synonymous with socialism, the failure of
>  that
> >  bureaucratic dictatorship compelled these rudderless leftists to an open
> >  accommodation with the most acute capitalist counter-offensive. West Bengal
> >  Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee explained that his party was opposed
> >  to globalisation only insofar as a handful of countries benefited from it.
> >  So as long as the capitalists of India also make a killing, it is good. 
> >
> > However, the left front has a distinct vote bank, and therefore requires a
> >  different discourse. It has to proclaim that all its policies are for the
> >  majority. It boasts that it has a government of a different kind. It even
> >  claims that it is opposed to unwarranted evictions of toiling people, and
> >  asks people to remember how Sanjay Gandhi and Jagmohan had evicted people
> >  from the Turkoman Gate area during the Emergency of 1975-77. Since a series
> >  of its own measures nowadays are palpably anti-poor, anti-working class, it
> >  needs redefining what being for the people means. Development is the key
> >  word. In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, development used to mean creation of
> >  new jobs, setting up new schools, public health care systems, and so on.
> >  Now, the word has been entirely emptied of the old meanings in even the
>  most
> >  reformist and moderate forms. What does the improved Left Front mean by
> >  development? When pavement hawkers were removed, with payloaders smashing
> >  their stalls and the cops seizing their goods, a government utterly
> >  incapable of providing jobs to people, declared that urban development and
> >  beautification was the goal. The meaning became clear soon enough. In order
> >  to enable motor manufacturers to sell more cars, shiny new flyovers, built
> >  with money loaned by Japanese and other funding agencies, started coming
>  up.
> >  At the same time, tram services were reduced, and kept in archaic forms of
> >  the pre-independence era rather than being modernised. This, despite the
> >  evidence that they provide a cheap and environmentally safe mass transport
> >  alternative, and that increasingly they have become important across
>  Europe.
> >  In fact, it is part of the acceptance of the globalisation agenda, that
> >  instead of improving public transport systems, the government has gone in a
> >  big way for the development of conditions facilitating the sale of more and
> >  more cars. 
> >
> > The partially successful eviction of hawkers was followed by yet another
> >  development discourse - this time targeting shanty dwellers along some 11
> >  canals in and around Calcutta. The first attack in 2001 threw out settlers
> >  along the Tolly Nullah. Special forces, called the Rapid Action Force,
> >  ostensibly created to deal with terrorists, were deployed and the people
> >  were brutalized. Their shanties were ransacked, they were herded out at gun
> >  point, often their goods were thrown away. A year later, a People's
> >  Commission On Eviction and Displacement, set up by a group of concerned
> >  citizens, heard about the evictions and issued its Interim Report. The
> >  Commission consisted of Justice R. Sachar (retired) Chairman, Justice Moloy
> >  Sengupta (retired), eminent civil engineer Pijush Som, activists like Dunu
> >  Roy, Maitreyi Chatterjee, Samar Bagchi, Sanjay Parikh, Colin Gonzalves and
> >  Monideep Chatterjee. The Commission report stated that: "In all the cases
> >  investigated, the commission found that it was the poorest of the poor who
> >  were the victims of demolition/displacement. The commission was shocked to
> >  find the residents of the rail bridge at Tollygunge living under railway
> >  platform, in extremely inhuman conditions like rats in their holes, with
>  the
> >  fear of being crushed by a train at any time. They have been living
> >  animal-like existence for decades, it is extremely distressing that the
> >  government has not paid any attention to their pitiable condition.
> >  Similarly, those at Beliaghata (canal side) were living in an area
> >  completely unfit for human habitation. Most of the persons evicted were
> >  either rickshaw pullers, domestic workers, casual labourers, tribals,
> >  fishermen, and self employed persons. A large number were scheduled caste
> >  and scheduled tribe. We found their family income before demolition very
> >  low, and most often, below the minimum wage. After demolition their
>  families
> >  shall become utterly destitute". 
> >
> > Concerning the citizens' right to information, the Commission noted:
>  "Article
> >  19(i)(a) of the constitution of India speaks of freedom of speech and
> >  expression. This has been interpreted to include the right to receive
> >  information - the right to know. And yet we have found not only in this
> >  case, but in all the cases of eviction and displacement, that as far as the
> >  government of West Bengal is concerned, they appear to have a right to hide
> >  the truth from the public. The West Bengal government officials appear to
>  go
> >  out of their way not only to keep all information relating to their
> >  development plans top secret, but in fact, they do worse, and deliberately
> >  mislead the public as to their intent. This point was forcefully stressed
>  by
> >  Mitul Dhar, one of the deponents before the commission."
> >
> > Concerning rehabilitation, the findings of the commission began with the
> >  damning indictment that: "The simple principle of rehabilitation which is
> >  required to be followed is: ensure requisite rehabilitation at the new
>  place
> >  before displacing a person and uprooting him from his traditional roots.
>  The
> >  people are questioning as to why the brunt of development is borne by the
> >  suffering displaced persons who are not benefited by such developmental
> >  activities. This commission therefore makes a strong appeal to the
> >  government to follow a policy on rehabilitation before displacing the
>  poor".
> >
> > The Commission also found that the use of force had been massive: "In all
> >  cases we found extreme force being used against the civilian population. In
> >  this respect, a comparison with the British police may be in order. There
>  is
> >  absolutely no attempt made to carry out the evictions with even a trace of
> >  humanity. It is obvious that in the contemplation of government, the poor
> >  figure lower in the ranking order than animals, and perhaps even lower than
> >  garbage. Bulldozers were invariably used, a large police force with lathis
> >  and guns were invariably on sight. The Rapid Action Force was used in the
> >  Tolly Nullah eviction. Lathi charges were common. The demolition of houses
> >  with people inside was reported. Eviction at gun point was reported."
> >
> > These were some of the interim recommendations of the Commission:
> > 1.  The persons proposed to be evicted should be given full information and
> >  consulted well in advance in respect of whether the eviction is necessary
>  at
> >  all, and if necessary the framing of the rehabilitation scheme necessary
>  and
> >  the manner and mode of shifting.  
> > 2. Resettlement is a result of development projects. These development
> >  projects, as well as the rehabilitation schemes, must flow from the right
>  to
> >  life and livelihood.
> > 3. In all cases, it should be the responsibility of the state not to shift
> >  people and, as far as possible, to integrate peoples' housing in the very
> >  place where they are staying according to a scheme. 
> > 4. In cases where it is unavoidable that people be shifted, the new site
> >  ought to be as close as possible to the original site. Adequate time should
> >  be given for a transition to the new site. The entire scheme should be
> >  planned in consultation with the people. Adequate finance should be made
> >  available including finances for shifting   people and the cost of
> >  construction.  
> > 5. In no circumstances should the shifting be done in bad weather. 
> > 6. The state should avoid in all cases, the use of force. This is
> >  unacceptable in a democratic state. 
> > 7. Refugees living in the country for decades have to be treated like human
> >  beings and be rehabilitated in a humanitarian manner.
> > Quite clearly, Minister for Urban Development Ashok Bhattacharyya and his
> >  boss, the patron of arts, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, found this a joke. So
> >  flagrantly violating all norms of humane behaviour, ignoring the UN
> >  Commission on Human Rights, 54th Conference principles, as well as the
> >  "National Policy On Resettlement And Rehabilitation," 1998, they have
> >  proceeded to evict more people without any alternatives being provided.
>  They
> >  have denied that the government has any duty whatsoever to provide for any
> >  living space for these people, since they are illegal occupants. The
> >  aforementioned Commission recorded one public official as stating that
>  there
> >  is no relationship between development and human rights. And how can
>  illegal
> >  occupants claim human rights. This is not, then, too far away from European
> >  regimes claiming that "illegal entrants" to Fortress Europe cannot claim
>  any
> >  human rights. Possibly, their first illegality was to be born at all, since
> >  they cannot afford to live in the Brave New World of privatization,
> >  increasingly expensive housing and transportation, to say nothing of food
> >  costs, being brokered by Bhattacharjee as the way to development.
> >
> > It was symbolic, that the Left Front Government chose 10th December as the
> >  latest date. It sent out a message that the squatters and such other people
> >  do not merit human treatment. It is for the oppressed to draw the necessary
> >  conclusions. Once again, many had hoped that the government would relent
>  and
> >  either provide alternative space, or stop the eviction. Others had placed
> >  their hopes on the Trinamool Congress of Ms. Mamata Bandyopadhyay, or on
> >  lesser Left Front parties like the Forward Bloc, CPI and the RSP. They must
> >  now recognize that in fact, none of these parties will really fight. In a
> >  political system where parties contest for votes, it is important for Ms.
> >  Banerjee to show an apparent pro-poor stance while she is out of power. But
> >  she will not fight. She was conveniently in a hospital, and the rest of her
> >  party was marked by its absence. Indeed, the Mayor of the Kolkata Municipal
> >  Corporation is a leader of her party and he has strongly supported the
> >  evictions. As for the FB, CPI and the RSP, while they were concerned with
> >  their local bases, they are even more concerned with their ministerial
> >  berths. They know quite well that none of their parties are going to wage a
> >  fight for a break with capitalism, so why risk cabinet berths for issues
> >  where the mind of capital is clearly made up? The only way ahead is to
>  build
> >  organizations of the different oppressed groups, and to begin the process
>  of
> >  linking these up, as well as to fight within the organized labour movement
> >  for a turn to active solidarity with all such marginalized groups of
>  people.
> >
> > * Stop all further evictions.
> > * Immediate rehabilitation as well as payment of compensation to all the
> >  evicted people without looking at issues of whether they were "legal"
> >  squatters.
> > * Resist neoliberal globalisation.
> > * Oppose capitalism and all parties serving the capitalist class.
> > * Build organizations of the oppressed.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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