Ttogether with militants of two grassroots social organizations, the 
Partido de la Izquierda Nacional to which I belong has organized a 
new poltical space, by name "Patria y Pueblo, los socialistas en el 
campo nacional" (Spanish: "Homeland and people, socialists in the 
national camp").

Within a general program of radicalized Latin American nationalism, 
Patria y Pueblo will struggle towards the construction of a National 
Liberation Front in Argentina, promoting leadership of the working 
class and the most oppressed ones as the sole guarantee for an 
irreversible victory against imperialism and local sepoys.  A full 
programme of Patria y Pueblo is available on demand.

This organization has also decided to launch a publication, which 
will appear at least once a month, and which will be also called 
"Patria y Pueblo".  I have been appointed as the director of this 

If you are interested in a (roughly) monthly load of news and 
analyses of Argentinean, Latin American and global events from the 
point of view of the patriotic and revolutionary revolutionaries in 
Argentina, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subscriptions are at u$s 10 per twelve issues outside Latin America, 
u$s 5 per twelve issues in Latin America.

Whoever wants to collaborate with higher sums will be particularly 
welcome. Any other kind of help will be also welcome.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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"Aquel que no está orgulloso de su origen no valdrá nunca 
nada porque empieza por depreciarse a sí mismo".
Pedro Albizu Campos, compatriota puertorriqueño de todos 
los latinoamericanos.
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