East Timor Riots Signal Rough Start
Thursday December 12, 2002 6:50 AM

DILI, East Timor (AP) - The Hello Mister supermarket was among the few foreign-owned businesses that took a chance on a newly independent East Timor, selling peanut butter, gourmet cheese, spaghetti sauce and other goodies to expatriates.

Set ablaze amid bloody rioting last week, the store has been reduced to rubble. Its two dozen workers fled over barbed wire to escape hurled rocks and molotov cocktails.

``I'm getting the hell out of this country,'' said Canadian-born manager Kirk MacManus, reflecting gloom that East Timorese can only pray won't infect all potential foreign investors.

The mayhem just six months after independence signals a rough start for the world's youngest nation. It also underscores the fragility of East Timorese society as it struggles to emerge from 24 years of brutal Indonesian occupation and four centuries of Portuguese colonial rule.

Some blame unemployment and poverty for the rioting, looting and arson that broke out last Tuesday and Wednesday in the capital of Dili - killing two, wounding two dozen and destroying a number of buildings, including the prime minister's residence....Unemployment is estimated at between 60 percent and 80 percent. The United Nations says almost half of East Timor's 800,000 people live on less than 55 cents a day....

The pattern of violence during last week's riots lends some credence to the government's assertion that provocateurs were behind it. The rioters chose specific targets, including the Hello Mister market, a hotel, the parliament building and two properties belonging to Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri.

Yet hundreds of youths joined the mayhem, apparently unaware of any orchestrated plot - an indication the country had become fertile ground for the violent venting of frustration.

``There's no question that a place with 80 percent unemployment is a tinderbox,'' said Sidney Jones, the Indonesia director of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, a think tank.

``But it's not just a lack of opportunity and a lack of jobs. There are a lot of political grievances in East Timor that are rooted in the past,'' he said.

The violence has put the onus on the government and the United Nations to answer some troubling questions: Why did a fledgling police force supposedly trained to respect human rights open fire on unarmed crowds, as was seen by many witnesses, including an Associated Press photographer? Why were the 1,250 U.N. police officers still assigned to East Timor unable to stop the violence?

The U.N. mission, scheduled to end in June 2004, currently maintains more than 2,000 civilian and military personnel in East Timor in addition to about 1,000 local staffers....

The country is expected to start receiving revenue from substantial offshore oil and gas fields in 2005. Until then, it is dependent on foreign loans and grants....


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