Eskuerra (the left, in proto-Romance) is a large international, unitarian and non-sectarian electronic list;
In its home page rebellious South America is depicted as a red fist, raising a rifle. It may be seen at:


Several revolutionary tunes may be listen and downloaded at Eskuerra:

1. Three versions of the Internationale:

1.1 An instrumental version in Xmas rythm (or MarXmas): internationale04 merry MarXmas.mid or L'internationale de Noël 4 k

1.2 L'internationale in its original French version, which was written under the ruins of the Paris Commune: l'Internationale choeur français 3168 k

1.3 L'internationale in Spanish (Castilian): Internacional castellano 3334 k

2. Che Guevara (sung in Castilian by Nathalie Cardone) 4065 k. A very beautiful, however sad song to remember el Che, the Latin American revolutionary heroe. «One must harden himself without never losing tendress» («Hay que endurecerse sin jamás perder la ternura»). At the end of the music a masculine voice from the deepness of history says:

«Esa olla irá creciendo cada día que pasa y esa olla ya no parará más.» (This wave will grow each passing day and this wave will not stop anymore). This is what is happening in South America and Mexico today.

3. Avante, Camarada ! (in Portuguese: Go on comrade!) 2795 k. _Avante_ means _vorwärts_, that was the name of the newspaper of the German social-democracy in the times of Marx and Engels. It is the beautiful antifascist song of the Portuguese communists. In April, 25, 1974 it was transmitted by the Portuguese radios in order to commemorate the overthrew of fascism and the end of the colonial wars. It was also broadcasted all over Brazil by some local radios that defyed the fascist censorship in the other side of the Atlantic Ocean by engaging in a transcontinental network with the revolutionary Portuguese radios, what produced a deep impact in Brazil. The Portuguese fascist government, however, sought refuge in Brazil.

4. Avanti Popolo ! (Go on. People !) or Bandiera Rossa (Red Flag), a communist song from the Italian folklore.

5. El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido 685k
(The united people will never be vanquished), by Segio Ortega: it is a Chilean 1973 song, the year in which President Salvador Allende was overthrown and killed. This expression is the most often heard in the South American leftist demonstrations.

6. Spaniens Himmel (Céu da Espanha) ou Canção da Brigada Internacionalista Thälmann 821 k
It means Sky of Spain or the Song of the Thälmann Internationalist Brigade, that was constituted by German communists volunteers who fought alongside of the Spanish Republic against the Nazifascist intervention:

«Die Heimat ist weit ... // so weit ! // doch wir sind bereit // bereit ! // wir kämpfen und wir siegen für dich, // In Spanien // Freiheit !» (The fatherland is far // so far ! // but we are ready ! // We fight and win for you // In Spain // Freedom !» A good lyrics on revolutionary internationalism !

7. Warszawjanka 455 k (the Warsawian, lyrics by Waclaw Swiecick). A song of the Polish workers being here sung in German.

8. Revolutionary songs from China:

8.1. Socialism is Good, 1338 k, a sweet Chinese song anterior to the Cultural Revolution (1966 / 1968).

8.2 East is Red, 1858 k, from the Chinese movie so named (1965) that helped to launch the Cultural Revolution.

8.3 Red Star Shining, 565 k, and Ode to Shao Shan, 944 k, both songs from the Cultural Revolution period. In this latter one the feminine voice becomes itself a beautiful musical instrument, what is helped by the intensivity of the vowels in the Chinese language.

The songs may be downloaded at


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Eskuerra (the left) is a large electronic list whose majority is Brazilian. The most part of the messages is written either in Portuguese (Galician) or Spanish (Castilian). Portuguese may be well understood by anyone who knows Spanish or Italian. Nevertheless, there may also be sent messages written in Catalan, English, Esperanto, French, German or Italian.

Eskuerra (the left) is a word that is etymologically related to _ezkerra_ in Basque, with the same meaning. It is a word of resistance, as the Basque itself, since it is one of the few original remaining Iberian words which have survived in the present Latin languages of the Iberian peninsula and of America to the Roman invasion of the old Iberia: _eskuerra_ (the left) has originated _izquierda_ in Castilian, _esquerra_ in Catalan and _esquerda_ in Portuguese, whose meaning is the same.

From January, 1st on the red star of PT (the Workers Party, Partido dos Trabalhadores, from _le grand Parti des Travailleurs_ as l’Internationale sings) will rule Brazil, the country that roughly represents half of Latin America. It is a party that most resembles the German Social-Democracy before World War I, both with a dominant right wing and a revolutionary and Marxist left wing.

Merry MarXmas,

Joyeux communoël,

Feliz Comunavidad,

Feliz Comunatal,

Felice Communatale !


Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!

Proletarians of all countries, unite !

Proletários de todos os países, uni-vos!

¡ Proletarios de todos los países, unios!

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