*****   New York Times  27 December 2002

Brazil Sends Gasoline at Venezuelan's Request


RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec. 26 - In a show of support for Venezuela's
embattled president, Hugo Chávez, the Brazilian government has sent
an emergency shipment of 520,000 barrels of gasoline to help relieve
shortages caused by a nationwide general strike now in its fourth
week, government officials here said today....

A spokeswoman for the Brazilian state oil company, Petrobrás,
confirmed that the shipment, made at Mr. Chávez's request, was on its
way to Venezuela. She said it was expected to arrive on Friday or

Commercial and political ties between the two countries have
strengthened considerably since Mr. Chávez took office in February
1999, proclaiming his intent to lead a peaceful social revolution.
President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil approved the gasoline
shipment, and there are indications that his successor-elect, Luiz
Inácio Lula da Silva, of the left-wing Workers Party, was also
involved in the decision.

Mr. da Silva takes office on Wednesday and has a longstanding
personal and ideological affinity with Mr. Chávez, who is also
reported to have asked Brazil to supply crews to operate Venezuelan
oil tankers.

"He thinks like I do," Mr. da Silva said earlier this year, adding
that while the Venezuelan leader can be "excessively impetuous" at
times, he is "a killer ball-handler" who deserves praise for his

Mr. Chávez in turn has said "Lula is a great man" whose rise to power
he has wished for "day and night." After Mr. da Silva won a landslide
victory here in October, Mr. Chávez said he hoped Brazil would join
Venezuela and Cuba in establishing an "axis of good" in the

Earlier this month, Mr. da Silva sent one of his chief foreign policy
advisers, Marco Aurelio García, to Caracas to assess the crisis. In
interviews with Brazilian newspapers after his return, Mr. García
said the new Brazilian government wanted to "contribute to Venezuelan
stability" and accused Mr. Chávez's opponents of seeking to provoke
"a situation of uncontrollable violence" that would cripple the world

"Imagine the No. 5 oil producer with a civil war and Iraq with a war
that is not at all civil," Mr. García said in the Rio daily O Globo
on Tuesday. "That would bring disastrous consequences."...

<http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/27/international/americas/27BRAZ.html>   *****

*****   Brazil to swap gasoline to fuel-starved Venezuela

By an OGJ correspondent

RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec. 26 -- In a swap for future crude oil deliveries
from Venezuela, Petroleos Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) has agreed to
provide 520,000 l of gasoline to Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA)
now to relieve the fuel shortage caused by a general strike that has
virtually shut down Venezuela's national oil company.  That shipment
should arrive in Venezuela "by the end of this week," Petrobras Pres.
Francisco Gros told OGJ Online....

Acting on a personal appeal from Chavez, Brazil's President Fernando
Henrique Cardoso requested Monday that Petrobras provide the gasoline
to Venezuela. Brazil is a net importer of crude....

Marco Aurélio Garcia, international representative of Brazil's
President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, recently returned from a
4-day visit to Venezuela where he reportedly promised Chavez that
Lula would send two tankers: one loaded with gasoline and the other
empty. Chavez also asked for technicians to unload crude in
neighboring countries.



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