Stand As One with the Korean People

Monopoly media newspapers across the country on December 25 were emblazoned
with headlines, quoting publications of the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (DPRK) as threatening the U.S. with an "uncontrollable catastrophe"
and the "brink of nuclear war." With a variation in only degrees, each
coupled these quotes with fear-mongering statements from U.S. officials
warning of the "threat from north Korea." In this update, Voice of
Revolution is reprinting the quoted articles in their entirety, so that
readers may reach their own conclusions regarding the stand of the DPRK.
[See "DPRK Stands In Defense of Korean Sovereignty and Right to

Voice of Revolution considers the stand of the DPRK and the whole of the
Korean people for peaceful reunification and in defense of their right to
sovereignty, including the right to self-defense against another aggressive
U.S. war, not only just, but crucial for world peace. The DPRK has not
invaded anyone, threatens no one and consistently stands for peace and
against use of force for settling conflicts. They have, for example, called
on the U.S. to sign a non-aggression pact with them, and the U.S. has
refused. They are currently restarting their nuclear energy facilities to
provide energy for their country.

We call on justice- and peace-loving people to oppose U.S. war plans and the
disinformation campaign fueling them. It is the U.S. that has the largest
nuclear weapons arsenal in the world and the means to deliver them anywhere
in the world. It is the only country to have ever used them. It has stated
that it would use nuclear weapons to make first strike attacks, directly
naming the DPRK, Iran and Iraq as targets. It has invaded Korea in the past
and is threatening to do so now. U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
said on December 23 that "it would be a mistake" to think the U.S. would not
attack Korea. Referring to impending war on Iraq, he said, "We are capable
of winning decisively in one and swiftly defeating in the case of the other.
Let there be no doubt about it."

Now is the time to stand as one with the people of Korea in their fight for
reunification and sovereignty. This is the issue, not nuclear weapons.

U.S. Troops Out of Korea!
Sign the Non-Aggression Pact!


"In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating
myself." -Frantz Fanon

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