WIVL schrieb:
>  The US monopoly capitalists are trying to divert the attention of the
>  working and lower middle classes in the USA away from the deepest economic
>  crisis that it has faced since the Depression of the 1920's.  Besides
>  wanting to deflect the attention away from massive problems on the home
>  front, the Bush administration and the section of monopoly capital that he
>  represents are already preparing for the next election in 2004.  They want
>  to maintain their control of the state apparatus. This is one of the main
>  reasons behind the looming war on Iraq. Therefore the monopoly capitalist-
>  controlled media, mainly from the US and the UK are trying to
>  psychologically prepare the working and middle classes of the world for a
>  war on Iraq. We are supposed to believe that Saddam Hussein and his army is
>  a threat to 'world peace'! What little threat there was, had been dismantled
>  by the UN inspectors between 1991 and 1998. If there had been any so-called
>  weapons of mass destruction, we would long ago have heard of this on the
>  headlines of the capitalist media. For the moment, the only ones with the
>  weapons of mass destruction appear to be the US, UK, Germany, France,
>  Chinese, Russian and Israeli regimes!  Due to imperialist control of the UN,
>  the allegations that the UN inspectors are spying on the Iraqi military must
>  be seriously considered. The United Nations is not a neutral party in the
>  whole affair as it is its sanctions that have killed hundreds of thousands
>  of Iraqi children due to blocking of medical supplies. Meantime the Iraqi
>  elite have continued to live in luxury. The giant companies in the US, UK,
>  Germany, France, China and Russia are all competing with one another for a
>  piece of control over the Iraqi economy.
> Why does imperialism want a war on Iraq?
> Firstly it must be said that the different monopolies from the various
>  imperialist countries mentioned above have no fundamental problem with the
>  war on Iraq. They all have a stake or are trying to get a bigger stake for
>  themselves. What they are arguing about is who controls the oil, who gets
>  the contracts to rebuild the oil refineries after the war and such detail.
>  The truth is that these monopolies are part of the handful of capitalist
>  gangsters who control the world's wealth and who would stop at nothing to
>  increase their profits. If there is no reason for a war, they are sure to
>  manufacture a reason. It is not for nothing that the US regime has set up
>  the "Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group" which brings together secret
>  military actions, with information warfare and deception. It's aim is to
>  provoke 'terrorist' attacks which will then require "counter-attack" from
>  the US on countries harbouring the 'terrorists'. In short this is a special
>  unit that can manufacture a reason for war or invasions. The UK, Israeli ,
>  the French , the German regimes all have similar secret structures.
> But why do they need a war? There is huge over-capacity in the world economy,
>  meaning that many factories are working at much less than full capacity.
>  Investors from all over the world have huge amounts of money in the US
>  economy that is in decline. For some time now there has been a deep economic
>  crisis in the US. There is no major industrial expansion in the US. Since
>  Sept 11, 2001, many thousands more workers have been laid off in the US. A
>  huge component of the US economy is the military industrial complex. The
>  bottom line is that the military industrialists need a war to boost their
>  decreasing profits.  Indeed immediately after the Sept 11 attacks Donald
>  Rumsfeld , the US Defence Secretary was demanding a war on Iraq. They only
>  stopped then because they had not yet laid the psychological groundwork for
>  this. The US working and middle class have been so brainwashed into thinking
>  that they are under threat that sufficient numbers of them are providing
>  political support to the murderous plans of the monopolies, with George Bush
>  as their spokesman. Such has been the political damage done by 'terror'
>  groups that through their indiscriminate choice of targets where workers and
>  lower middle class get hit, the capitalist parasites take advantage of this.
>  The capitalist media has also helped to drive the US working and middle
>  classes into the arms of reaction. A wedge has been driven between the US
>  and UK working class on the one hand and the working classes in the
>  neo-colonial world on the other. The monopoly parasites are riding the crest
>  of the wave, hoping to take maximum advantage out of this. No matter how
>  many Iraqi civilians or American or British youth are slaughtered on the
>  battle field, as long as the dollars keep rolling in, the monopolists are
>  happy. Anything to divert attention away from the real issues facing the
>  working class in the imperialist centres. That the French , German, Russian
>  and Chinese regimes hesitate is not that they are anti-war, but they fear
>  the working class opposition on their home soil. Similarly the Saudi and
>  other Arab regimes also fear the revolt from the working and middle classes
>  on home soil. This is also the reason why the SA regime is making feeble
>  anti-US statements on the Iraq question. They have an election coming within
>  18 months and need to keep up the pretences of being 'independent' and
>  pro-worker. The Cosatu, Nactu and Fedusa leadership should be leading mass
>  protests against the pending war on Iraq but they are too concerned with
>  keep the peace with their capitalist masters that they fold their arms and
>  do nothing while the Iraqi working class stands to be slaughtered on a mass
>  scale- not to mention the US and UK workers who are being used as cannon
>  fodder in the slaughter of fellow workers.  
> The second important reason why the US wants to wage a war on Iraq is that
>  they want to impose a puppet regime that is directly under their control,
>  much like in Afghanistan. Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the
>  world, after Saudi Arabia. The US economy is heavily dependent on imported
>  oil, including that from Iraq. Anti-imperialist feeling is growing among the
>  world working classes, not least in the Middle East. If there were to be a
>  popular overthrow of the Saddam regime and the indirect control of
>  imperialism over Iraq broken, this would be a devastating blow to the
>  already shaky US economy.  As with any raw material from neo-colonial
>  countries, any crisis would affect imperialist countries more than the
>  economy of the neo-colonial countries themselves.  This is because the
>  working classes in the neo-colonial countries are subsidising the economies
>  in the imperialist centres through cheap raw materials while being kept in
>  abject poverty by their regimes, the local lackeys of imperialism. Even the
>  coming to power of an Islamic regime that is not under direct imperialist
>  control would pose problems for US monopoly capital. [Such a regime would
>  not be pro-working class but may as in the case of Iran pose as
>  anti-imperialist]. Any overthrow in Iraq with directly impact on Saudi
>  Arabia where the regime is under enormous anti-imperialist pressure from the
>  masses.
> Defenders of democracy?
> US imperialism wants the world to believe that they are the foremost
>  defenders of democracy. Nothing is further from the truth: Did US
>  imperialism lift a finger when Saddam was gassing the Kurds? No. In fact the
>  very weapons used by Saddam had been supplied by the US during the Iran
>  -Iraq war. This supply of weapons was personally supervised by the very
>  Rumsfeld [current US Defence secretary] in visits to Baghdad. Did the US
>  regime act against the murderous Turkish state when they slaughtered
>  hundreds of thousands of Kurds? No. In fact the US supplied the weapons to
>  the Turkish regime that helped them carry out the slaughter. The US has
>  strong links with the Pakistani military who seized power in a coup. The US
>  regime instigated the failed coup in Venezuela. The US regime arms and funds
>  the murderous Israeli regime in their ongoing slaughter of the Palestinians.
>  The US regime has strong trade ties with the Chinese regime - one of the
>  most brutal Stalinist regimes still remaining. This confirms our long held
>  view that the Stalinist claim of  building Socialism in one country means in
>  reality capitulation to imperialism. 
> Recently the North Korean regime, another Stalinist bureaucracy, expelled UN
>  nuclear inspectors. Yet the US does not threaten it with war as they do
>  Iraq. Firstly, North Korea has no oil. Secondly North Korea is an ally of
>  China and any attack on them will severely undermine the huge US investments
>  there. There has been a huge move from South East Asia to China by
>  imperialism. So crushed are the working class that imperialist reaps massive
>  profits there. This is on a massive scale what imperialism did in South
>  Africa when the resistance movement had been crushed in the 1960's. Russia
>  sells weapons to North Korea and the Russian capitalists would surely not
>  tolerate a war on them.
> Whether it be a formal 'democracy' or military or Stalinist dictatorship, for
>  US imperialism the bottom line is that they will only tolerate complete
>  subservience to their domination and exploitation of the working classes.
>  The history of the class struggle has shown that only the combined might of
>  the world working classes can stop imperialism in their tracks.  Time and
>  again they have been forced to retreat. They can be defeated once again!
> The working class rises despite the role of the established working class
>  leadership
> Across Europe and in the heartland of reaction, the US, the working class
>  resistance is rising but the leadership of the working class movement in
>  South Africa keep their members off the streets. The working class should
>  demand action from their leadership or set up alternative action fronts to
>  meet the imperialist forces head on. Already, Bush has cancelled his plan
>  tour of Africa in January due to the mere threat of revolt from the working
>  classes of Africa. If there had been massive demonstrations, this would have
>  weakened the psychological grip that the capitalists have over the US
>  working classes and would have inspired resistance all over the world. The
>  African masses have won the first round without the help of the leadership.
>  Now is the time for the working class to rise in their millions to stop the
>  slaughter of the Iraqi people and to prevent US and UK youth from being used
>  as cannon fodder for the profits of the handful of capitalists. These
>  capitalist parasites will make all sorts of promises today to gain support
>  for their murderous plans, but tomorrow workers will be dumped into
>  starvation on the unemployment line! 
> The Way Forward
> We call for the setting up of Anti-Imperialist Fronts across the world, of
>  the broadest possible forces to stop imperialism in their tracks. The
>  Vietnamese working class and peasants halted them, the Venezuelan workers
>  stopped their coup, the world working classes have the power to stop the
>  slaughter in Iraq. Only the Iraqi people led by the working class can decide
>  their destiny.
> US military bases out of Botswana and Diego Garcia!
> US military bases out of the Middle East and from every corner of the globe!
> Down with imperialist war on Iraq!
> Stop the UN blockade of Iraq!
> Workers of the world unite! We call on the working classes in the US to unite
>  with your class brothers and sisters in Iraq to stop the handful of monopoly
>  capitalists in their tracks! We have nothing to lose but our chains! 
> Forward to the Anti-imperialist Fronts! Forward to sustained mass actions and
>  General Strikes to halt imperialism in their tracks!
> Forward to the rebuilding of the Fourth International!
> Forward to a Socialist Federation of Workers' states in the Middle East!
> Forward to Socialism! 
> Issued on 10th January 03 by Workers International Vanguard League, 1st Floor
>  Community House, 41 Salt River rd, Salt River 7925 South Africa. Ph 021
>  4476777 or ph 0731555529
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/14/02 02:21AM 
> www.newstatesman.co.uk
> http://pilger.carlton.com/print/124759
> New Statesman (London)
> 16 December 2002
> John Pilger reveals the American plan
> Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush
> said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have
> come alarmingly true, writes John Pilger
> The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and
> individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more
> than two years ago and disclosed only recently. What was needed for
> America to dominate much of humanity and the world's resources, it said,
> was "some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor".
> The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the "new Pearl Harbor",
> described as "the opportunity of ages". The extremists who have since
> exploited 11 September come from the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right
> groups and "think-tanks"  were established to avenge the American "defeat"
> in Vietnam. In the 1990s, there was an added agenda: to justify the denial
> of a "peace dividend" following the cold war. The Project for the New
> American Century was formed, along with the American Enterprise Institute,
> the Hudson Institute and others that have since merged the ambitions of
> the Reagan administration with those of the current Bush regime.
> One of George W Bush's "thinkers" is Richard Perle. I interviewed Perle
> when he was advising Reagan; and when he spoke about "total war", I
> mistakenly dismissed him as mad. He recently used the term again in
> describing America's "war on terror". "No stages," he said. "This is total
> war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out
> there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we
> will do Iraq . . . this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we
> just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and
> we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war
> .. . . our children will sing great songs about us years from now."
> Perle is one of the founders of the Project for the New American Century,
> the PNAC.  Other founders include Dick Cheney, now vice-president, Donald
> Rumsfeld, defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defence secretary, I
> Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, William J Bennett, Reagan's
> education secretary, and Zalmay Khalilzad, Bush's ambassador to
> Afghanistan. These are the modern chartists of American terrorism.
> The PNAC's seminal report, Rebuilding America's Defences: strategy, forces
> and resources for a new century, was a blueprint of American aims in all
> but name.  Two years ago it recommended an increase in arms-spending by
> $48bn so that Washington could "fight and win multiple, simultaneous major
> theatre wars". This has happened. It said the United States should develop
> "bunker-buster" nuclear weapons and make "star wars" a national priority.
> This is happening. It said that, in the event of Bush taking power, Iraq
> should be a target. And so it is.
> As for Iraq's alleged "weapons of mass destruction", these were dismissed,
> in so many words, as a convenient excuse, which it is. "While the
> unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification,"  it
> says, "the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf
> transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."
> How has this grand strategy been implemented?
> A series of articles in the Washington Post, co-authored by Bob Woodward
> of Watergate fame and based on long interviews with senior members of the
> Bush administration, reveals how 11 September was manipulated.
> On the morning of 12 September 2001, without any evidence of who the
> hijackers were, Rumsfeld demanded that the US attack Iraq. According to
> Woodward, Rumsfeld told a cabinet meeting that Iraq should be "a principal
> target of the first round in the war against terrorism". Iraq was
> temporarily spared only because Colin Powell, the secretary of state,
> persuaded Bush that "public opinion has to be prepared before a move
> against Iraq is possible". Afghanistan was chosen as the softer option.
> If Jonathan Steele's estimate in the Guardian is correct, some 20,000
> people in Afghanistan paid the price of this debate with their lives.
> Time and again, 11 September is described as an "opportunity". In last
> April's New Yorker, the investigative reporter Nicholas Lemann wrote that
> Bush's most senior adviser, Condoleezza Rice, told him she had called
> together senior members of the National Security Council and asked them
> "to think about 'how do you capitalise on these opportunities'", which she
> compared with those of "1945 to 1947": the start of the cold war.
> Since 11 September, America has established bases at the gateways to all
> the major sources of fossil fuels, especially central Asia. The Unocal oil
> company is to build a pipeline across Afghanistan. Bush has scrapped the
> Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions, the war crimes provisions of
> the International Criminal Court and the anti-ballistic missile treaty. He
> has said he will use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states "if
> necessary". Under cover of propaganda about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass
> destruction, the Bush regime is developing new weapons of mass destruction
> that undermine international treaties on biological and chemical warfare.
> In the Los Angeles Times, the military analyst William Arkin describes a
> secret army set up by Donald Rumsfeld, similar to those run by Richard
> Nixon and Henry Kissinger and which Congress outlawed. This
> "super-intelligence support activity" will bring together the "CIA and
> military covert action, information warfare, and deception". According to
> a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld, the new organisation, known
> by its Orwellian moniker as the Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group, or
> P2OG, will provoke terrorist attacks which would then require
> "counter-attack" by the United States on countries "harbouring the
> terrorists".
> In other words, innocent people will be killed by the United States. This
> is reminiscent of Operation Northwoods, the plan put to President Kennedy
> by his military chiefs for a phoney terrorist campaign - complete with
> bombings, hijackings, plane crashes and dead Americans - as justification
> for an invasion of Cuba. Kennedy rejected it. He was assassinated a few
> months later.  Now Rumsfeld has resurrected Northwoods, but with resources
> undreamt of in 1963 and with no global rival to invite caution.
> You have to keep reminding yourself this is not fantasy: that truly
> dangerous men, such as Perle and Rumsfeld and Cheney, have power. The
> thread running through their ruminations is the importance of the media:
> "the prioritised task of bringing on board journalists of repute to accept
> our position".
> "Our position"  is code for lying. Certainly, as a journalist, I have
> never known official lying to be more pervasive than today. We may laugh
> at the vacuities in Tony Blair's "Iraq dossier" and Jack Straw's inept lie
> that Iraq has developed a nuclear bomb (which his minions rushed to
> "explain").  But the more insidious lies, justifying an unprovoked attack
> on Iraq and linking it to would-be terrorists who are said to lurk in
> every Tube station, are routinely channelled as news. They are not news;
> they are black propaganda.
> This corruption makes journalists and broadcasters mere ventriloquists'
> dummies. An attack on a nation of 22 million suffering people is discussed
> by liberal commentators as if it were a subject at an academic seminar, at
> which pieces can be pushed around a map, as the old imperialists used to
> do.
> The issue for these humanitarians is not primarily the brutality of modern
> imperial domination, but how "bad" Saddam Hussein is. There is no
> admission that their decision to join the war party further seals the fate
> of perhaps thousands of innocent Iraqis condemned to wait on America's
> international death row. Their doublethink will not work. You cannot
> support murderous piracy in the name of humanitarianism. Moreover, the
> extremes of American fundamentalism that we now face have been staring at
> us for too long for those of good heart and sense not to recognise them.
> With thanks to Norm Dixon and Chris Floyd
> ======================
> *** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
> is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
> in receiving the included information for research and educational
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> original source. ***
> www.nu.ac.za/ccs

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