Note by Hunterbear:

This response by Michael Pugliese to my post of earlier today taking issue
with his sick attack on Lou Paulsen on Marxism Discussion and his avoidance
of any solid social justice issues should be looked at closely.  Speaking as
someone whose radical career began in earnest at the very beginning of 1955,
this is classic Redbaiting from the '50s and '60s.  The fact that this is a
loud voice in DSA is sad stuff -- but no longer especially surprising.  It
does have for me the one thin benefit of making me feel 21 years old again.

" But, you will prefer once again in Stalinoid
fashion to accuse us, in the fashion of the Third
Period of the Comintern in the early 30's, of being
social fascists,  [Pugliese]

Hear that Phelps-Dodge -- and the White Citizens' Council?  And the ghost of
Ole J. Edgar?
Anyway, I've been a DSOC/DSA member for a quarter century or so -- and am
also a member of Solidarity, SPUSA, CCDS and three labor unions.

Hunter [Hunterbear]

Pugliese writes:

 I'm opposed to the death penalty, on moral grounds,
it's racially disparate imposition esp. in the
Southern states like Texas. And, I really doubt that
is deters murderers, so just expresses a twisted sense
of revengeful "justice." No one here on the list or in
DSA is for the barbaric custom.
   My point, as always with your choice of alliances,
with in the case an organizer for a sect that brayed
for the death penalty against Hungarian workers and
communists trying to reform their society and break
out of their side of the Cold War prison or their
support for the suppression of the students at
Tienanmen (just check the archives at WWP Workers
World newspaper or read the Kevin Coogan pieces that
have been sent here previous) is that it is
politically and moral bankrupt
to think the socialist movement or anti-racism is
advanced by associating with or supporting
ideologically such retrograde groups and individuals.
   But, you will prefer once again in Stalinoid
fashion to accuse us, in the fashion of the Third
Period of the Comintern in the early 30's, of being
social fascists,
not anti-capitalist, just the left-wing of the
Michael Pugliese

--- Hunter Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Note by Hunterbear:
>As far as I can tell, I'm the only person on ASDnet
> [DSA] who has commented
> on the extraordinary and staggeringly significant
> positive action by
> Governor George Ryan of Illinois in clearing his
> state's death row -- and
> sparing over 170 human beings from state murder. The
> implications of this
> are enormous and global and enduring. In a
> discussion of this on another
> list, Marxism Discussion, I made two posts.  The
> initial one responded to
> another member of Marxism, Lou Paulsen.  I posted
> both of those on ASDnet.
> [I'm attaching my posts here once again.]
> And this, from Michael Pugliese, was the one and
> only response.  It -- the
> epitome of pure shabbiness and venal shallowness --
> and the general ASDnet
> silence on issues of racism and ethnocentrism and
> the death penalty [there
> are the few great souls who always do speak]  voice
> volumes about ASDnet's
> sterility and, given the many collaterally negative
> dimensions, about the
> increasingly irrelevant nature of much of DSA.
> Pugliese:
> "Ah yes, Lou Paulsen of the Chicago branch of the
> Workers World Party.
>    That Lou was on Doug Henwood's lbo-talk list for
> a
> while last yr. Under a multi-tendency polemical
> barrage
> from my friend, Thomas Seay, an ex-maoist from the
> now a libertarian socialist who translates texts by
> Toni Negri, anarchist Chuck Munson of the Black
> Bloc,
> Dennis Perrin who used to work for the media
> watchdogs
> FAIR, me and many others, Paulsen was unable to
> defend
> such historical/ideological positions of the WWP as
> their support for the suppression of the Tienanmen
> Square students, the crushing of the Hungarian
> Revolt
> in '56, support for Milosevic..."  [Pugliese's post]

> My [Hunterbear] post and the matter at hand had nothing to do
> with Tienamen Square,
> Hungary, Milosevic.  But, like the old song from my
> high school days, "Put
> another nickel in . . ."
> Lou Paulsen, BTW, is a very nice person --
> thoughtful, committed -- who,
> some time back, wrote one of the most sensitive and
> human pieces I've ever
> read anywhere on the pathos involved in the death of
> an elderly, close
> relative .

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]
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