A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.6 ; No. 5; 29 Jan - 4 Feb  2003


On 22 January, the trigger-happy Jharkhand police once again went berserk
and killed three people who were demonstrating against the police-criminal
nexus outside the Markachcho police station in Koderma district. Not a
single month has passed withot such instances of police brutality since
Babulal Marandi was sworn in as the first Chief Minister of the Jharkhand
state in November 2000. And till date no action has been initiated against
the killers in uniform. Advani had rightly declared at the time of inception
of the new state that Jharkhand would become an ideal police state.

Giridih is Marandi's home district and it is in the Giridih-Koderma region
that the new governmnet is having to face the most sustained and powerful
movement of the people under the leadership of the CPI(ML). Defying police
repression and defeating the government's attempts to divide the people, the
masses have continued to rise in their thousands against various instances
of Marandi's misrule. Like every dictatorial ruler who is afraid of his own
people and wants to secure his rule by unleashing more and more terror,
Marandi too is trying out the worn-out strategy of terrorising the people
into silence and submission.
But if the powerful Koderma Bandh of 24 January and the Rajbhavan March of
27 January is any indication, Marandi's terror tactics can only ignite a
bigger popular resistance. It is just not possible for the BJP to rule
Jharkhand at gunpoint.

Ironically, in neighbouring Bihar, the BJP is trying to wear the mask of
democracy to mislead the popular indignation against the reigning
police-criminal nexus and its patron, the Laloo-Rabri government. The
activists of the pro-democracy movement in Bihar must now ask the
loud-mouthed leaders of the BJP to shut up.

Both in Bihar and Jharkhand, the new year promises to be a year of powerful
popular assertion for democracy. Revolutionary communists must seize the
initiative and make every effort to mobilise the people in ever larger
numbers and lead the agitation to newer and greater victories.


The Communist Party of India (M-L) strongly condemns and protests the
incident of police firing on peacefully protesting people and killing of
three innocents at Markachcho PS in Koderma district of Jharkhand on Jan 22
and demands the resignation of Babulal Marandi government, arrest of all
police personnel deputed at Markachcho thana at the time of firing that they
be punished for committing murder and immediate suspension of DM and SP of
Koderma. The CPI(ML) also condemns the police and local administration's
attempts to produce a concocted and false version of the incident in order
to misguide the people.

The Party held a march to Raj Bhavan in Ranchi on Jan 27 and protested the
spate of atrocities being committed by police on innocent people of
Jharkhand. This was attended by a huge mass who came to express their anger
as well as to build up pressure on the govt. to punish the guilty of this
brutality. It was led by Central Committee members Subhendu Sen and Mahendra
Singh besides others. Leader of Jan Sangathan Manch Dayamani Barla also led
this protest. The protesters criticised the Governor who was not present at
the moment despite prior information and refused to give memorandum to his
officials, instead, it was pasted over the gates of the Raj Bhavan. It was
also decided to call for a Jharkhand bandh on January 31 if guilty policemen
were not arrested till that day.

The Party observed the district bandh in Koderma on Jan 24 which evoked an
overwhelming and spontaneous response. The bandh was also supported by CPI,
CPI(M), Forward Bloc, Marxist Coordination Committee and the RSP. People
blocked railway tracks and highways during bandh. Angered people also
blocked Grand Trunk road in Dhanbad.

A Black-Day was observed throughout Jharkhand the next day of this incident
on Jan 23. CPI(ML) supporters wore black badges on this day and effigy of
Marandi was burnt at Bundu, while protest marches, mass meetings, road
blockades and effigy burning were organised at Bagodar, Saria, Birni and Raj
Dhanwar, Bokaro, Ramgarh, Barkakana, Argadda, Giddi, Koderma, Garhwa,
Daltanganj, Barwadih, Lohardagga, Gumla, Dhanbad, Baliapur, Kumardubi and
Fusro besides many other centres.

This incident was also protested at Patna on Jan 23 by holding a
demonstration and burning an effigy of Jharkhand CM Babulal Marandi.
Addressing the gathering on this occasion speakers said that this incident
is a product of a well planned strategy of Jharkhand govt. to curb growing
people's resistance against police and state repression. While in Delhi, a
demonstration was held at Jantar-Mantar and a memorandum was sent to the
Governor of Jharkhand through its Resident Commissioner on Jan 24.

The Party has asked the Union Home Minister and the Chairperson, National
Human Rights Commission in Delhi to intervene in this matter.

To recall the whole incident, on January 22, a demonstration was being held
at Markachcho PS in Koderma district of Jharkhand to protest the rising
crime and police atrocities and it wanted to present a memorandum and
discuss their grievances with the thana in-charge, Pavan Uraon. When
peaceful demonstrators reached to the Markachcho thana and were expecting a
conversation, the thana in-charge instead of giving an ear to the people
ordered his policemen to start firing without any provocation. Three
persons, Mahesh Singh, Ashok Yadav and Ratan Modi, died instantaneously
after sustaining bullet injuries while Umesh Barnwal, Garha Singh, Kishor
Singh, Baban Kumar, Ram Chandra Yadav, Sushila Devi and Rajesh Singh have
sustained grievous injuries and four of them have been sent to Rajendra
Institute of Medical Sciences at Ranchi. The condition of Umesh Barnwal is
said to be critical. It has been reported that more than forty five people
have been injured. The circumstantial evidences themselves prove that this
was pre-planned and police was already prepared to commit such a ghastly
crime as no warning was issued, no lathi-charge was ordered, not even a
single shot was fired in air to scare the people if they were, as police
says, getting violent. Moreover, all killed and injured people have
sustained bullet injuries in upper portion of their body and thana in-charge
Oraon chased and shot Ashok Yadav at point blank in a school building where
he went to escape from the police brutality.
The People's Union for Civil Liberty and AIPRF have also condemned this


Police barbarism has surpassed all heights during the tenure of BJP-led
Government of Jharkhand. CPI(ML) MLA in Jharkhand Assembly Com. Mahendra
Singh said in a statement that since the police firing on the day of Eid in
Doranda nearly two years ago, the fact sheet of police excesses itself
reveals that the guardians of the law have been resorting to indiscriminate
firing on innocents once every 47 days. People are not allowed to enjoy even
basic human and civil rights under the Babulal Marandi government. There
have been at least a dozen cases of firing on innocent villagers since the
formation of Jharkhand. And people of Jharkhand can never forget some of
them, like police firing in Tapkara, then in Doranda, Semi Banjari, Bagodar
and Bokaro. These are yet to be probed and guilty policemen are yet to be
punished, because it is the government that patronises them to serve its own
vested political interests.This fact is quite explicit in state BJP
spokesman Umashankar Kedia's statement which was issued after Markachcho
firing shamelessly defending police action and terming this incident, which
claimed three lives and rendered as many as 45 injured, a "chhoti si baat"
(a trivial issue).

With increasing democratic resistance by the masses this kind of police
repression is becoming the order of the day. As CPI(ML)'s movement is fast
spreading in Jharkhand involving lakhs of poor peasants and tribals, police
and BJP government's repressive measures are earning more and more
notoriety. For the last two years CPI(ML)-led movement continues to march
ahead braving state repression and police brutalities. On March 1, 2001
Party General Secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya was arrested at the behest of
Marandi government on false criminal charges when he was leading a big
protest march against police atrocities in Ranchi and Party legislator
Mahendra Singh was confined to jail in April last year and same was the case
with Party State Committee member Raj Kumar Yadav and many others. This
incident has once again exposed police brutality in suppressing common
people who dare to rise for their democratic rights. And in Markaccho too,
where the police unprovokedly opened fire, people had been protesting
police's high-handedness and rising incidents of crime in a peaceful and
democratic manner.


The CPI(ML) has launched a statewide "Naya Bihar Banaao" (Build a New Bihar)
campaign on Jan 23 in a successful Cadre Convention held in Patna and
attended by around a thousand Party activists from all over the state. The
main speaker of the Convention was Party General Secretary Com. Dipankar
Bhattacharya who reiterated the need to oppose anti-people twin targets, the
Laloo-Rabri regime on the one hand and the BJP on the other, in order to
build a massive movement to ensure Bihar's development, turn it inot a New
Bihar. He said that Bihar needs a '74 like movement in terms of scale and
intensity, but at the same time it must be a positive negation of that
movement, because that spirit can now be revoked only by overthrowing the
renegades of 1974, like Laloo Prasad in Bihar and Narendra Modi in Gujarat.
He further added that the 1974 movement failed to provide any model even in
terms of government, its only product being a meek and submissive Morarji
govt. as an alternative to the Congress. Therefore, in retrospec,
re-evaluation of the whole phenomena and basic premises of that movement is
definitely needed. Current situation has entrusted us a greater
responsibility to build a movement on wider scale by uniting diverse social
forces and this can only be achieved under the banner of the Communist Party
and the Red Flag. To this end we have to guarantee ideological correctness
along with vibrant leadership and good mobilising capacity.

The participant activists came to attend the Convention from almost all 36
districts of Bihar. Bihar State Secretary Ramjatan Sharma opened the
Convention with his introductory address and Polit Bureau member and Bihar
Legislative Party group leader Ram Naresh Ram presided over it.

The Convention also passed several political resolutions that included a
strong condemnation of Markachcho police firing, welcoming people's
aggressive mood against Rabri govt. which has patronised police atrocities
and crime. It announced to hold a mass convention on 23 Feb in Patna and
programmes to protest BJP's attempts to spread communal violence through
various outfits of Sangh Parivar and appealed to the people to hold high the
glorious democratic traditions and give a befitting reply to its fascist
maneuverings. It condemned repression of agrarian labourers of West
Champaran; resolved to carry forward the legacy of people's struggles till
the dream of a total change is realised; and expressed anguish and concern
over rising violence by Ranvir Sena and other feudal and criminal forces,
who are working in nexus with the state machinery, particularly in north
Bihar and appealed to the people to rise up for bigger resistance movements.


Following a fortnight-long 'Rabri Hataao - Naya Bihar Banaao' (Oust Rabri
Govt. - For a New Bihar) statewide campaign in Bihar, the AISA and RYA held
an impressive 'Student-Youth March' in Patna on Jan 22 and called for a
students' strike on 11 February and a series of other programmes for the
coming month. While addressing the march CPI(ML) General Secretary Dipankar
Bhattacharya appealed the student-youth to oust the corrupt state govt.
through a militant movement that will also wipe out the communal fascist
forces in the state. He said that people give their mandates not only
through elections but also through mass movements against oppressive
regimes, which are more stable than electoral mandates. Presently the
situation is ripe to march forward for a more broad-based, militant movement
by associating it with aspirations of wide range of people, from rural poor
and dalits to urban proletariat to intelligentsia and middle class. Such a
movement can bring to the fore forces of change who can build a new, 'People
's Bihar'. He emphasised the need for unity of all Left and democratic
forces against both RJD-Congress and BJP. He said Laloo is providing the
opportunity to communal fascists by hobnobing with the Congress as latter's
tainted record in giving grounds to BJP in UP and Gujarat is known to
everybody. He added that the movement in Bihar will not only change the face
of the state, it will also set an orientation for the struggles for a
genuine democracy and Secularism throughout the country.

This march was led and addressed also by CPI(ML) MLA Raja Ram Singh, RYA
President Mithilesh Yadav, AISA State Convenor Suraj Kumar and Kamlesh
Sharma among others, AISF leader Jitendra Kumar, who expressed solidarity
with the movement and appealed for unity of all Left and democratic forces.


On 20th January, a rally and public meeting was held against the impending
American war on Iraq under the banner of 'Forum against the War on Iraq' at
Mysore. The Forum comprised of CPI(M), CPI, PUCL, KRRS (Puttannaiah) and
CPI(ML) (Liberation) along with many other democratic forces. The rally was
addressed by G.N.Nagaraju, State Secretary of CPI(M), Venkatramu, DCS of
CPI, K.R.Basavaraju of KRRS, Major General Vombadkare (Rtd), Prof.Ramdas and
Javaraiah from CPI(ML) along with others.


The US administration has, in the course of the last two years, been quietly
securing close
military and political ties with Nepal. The Bush administration has agreed
to provide $17 million in military equipment to the Nepali Army. The first
consignment of 3,000 M-16 rifles was delivered earlier this month and
another 2,000 are due to follow. A US military team from the Pacific Command
is currently in Nepal for a month-long joint training
exercise with the country's military. With this kind of US military aid in
the name of quelling insurgency the US wants to fortify its presence in the
strategic country of Nepal so as to utilise it as a base against its
declared strategic enemy China and also to set up an observation post for
the whole south Asia. The government of India has maintained silence over
this development, which further exposes its subservience to American global
interests. We express grave concern over and condemn the US-UK intervention
in the internal affairs of our close neighbouring country.


Several prominent writers in Kerala have condemned the Sangh Parivar's
campaign against the Kendra Sahithya Akademi Secretary, K. Sachidanandan,
and the writer, Zachariah. It has been alleged that the campaign is a
continuation of the attack on Kamala Surayya, who had won this year's
Ezhuthachan Puraskaram. The writers and cultural activists said that it was
a struggle for survival against communal fascism and emphasised the need to
forge an unity against attempts to impose the wishes of the communal forces
on society.


Though a planned mass demonstration against war on Iraq and globalization,
which was due to be held near the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet in Davos,
was foiled by the police after cracking down on some 1,500 people and
preventing them from joining the march, it failed to dampen the mood of
people resisting US war efforts and Globalisation worldwide and the capital
Bern in Switzerland witnessed a protest demonstration few hours later the
same day. The WEF meet in Davos is being attended by nearly 200 business and
government leaders of the world amidst high security.
As a fitting rebuff to this event, in Brazilian city of Porto Alegre around
100,000 people, activists and leaders from various streams opposing War and
Globalisation from all over the world, converged to discuss and share their
experiences through 17,000 workshops and Seminars in a six-day World Social
Forum (WSF) meet which started on January 22.
Brazil's recently elected president Luiz Inacio

"Lula" da Silva delivered a speech to this annual WSF gathering of
anti-globalisation activists which was initiated three years ago in direct
opposition to the Davos meeting of world bankers and heads of states. Lula
said in his speech that his newly elected govt. will continue to oppose the
International Monetary Fund and world finance capital which is still
dictating the limits of Brazil's possibilities. Though he flew to Davos to
attend the World Economic Forum meet, his party quelled all criticisms
claiming that he is going to the meeting of the financial elite to make a
case for a global campaign against poverty and hunger.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez also addressed the WSF meet and harshly
criticised the American-style capitalism and lashed out at Venezuelan
opposition leaders saying our struggle against the terrorists and fascists
has further strengthened the will of the Venezuelan people.

Activists here discussed on topics ranging from corporate misdeeds to Third
World debt.
The Cuban delegation discussed Washington's criminal blockade against the
island and US legislation known
as the Cuban Adjustment Act, which encourages illegal immigration. It was
also emphasised that Cuba will strongly denounce the Free Trade Area of the
Americas and expressed solidarity with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.

It is poverty, not cold

Amid reports of an imminent war in the Persian Gulf and the mutual
expulsions of diplomatic personnel by India and Pakistan, the deaths across
the northern Indian States caught in the cold wave, have hardly got the
media attention they deserved.
Though the number of people reported dead is more than 700, conventional
wisdom would convince anyone that the actual number of fatalities would be a
lot more.
True, a cold wave of such intensity is not a new phenomenon in the world and
there are places where the mercury dips several degrees below zero.
Though several times bitter than what is being experienced in India, it does
not kill people any longer in North America and Europe. Similarly it does
not kill all the people living in Delhi and its environs.
Instead, the truth is plain and simple. That people do not die due to the
cold as such, but because they are poor and cannot afford the protective
clothing. At least most of those reported dead are those who do not have a
place to spend the nights without having to expose their body to the harsh
weather; those whose daily diet does not contain enough calories to keep
them warm when the mercury dips; those who cannot afford the medicines when
their lungs get infected - pneumonia - by a bacterium that strikes after the
virus that causes common cold weakens the body considerably.
This process - anti-genic shifts - takes place in such cold climes and
affects those whose immune systems are already weakened due to malnutrition.
In this sense, the deaths should fall in the same category of loss of lives
due to an inadequate healthcare system or malnutrition or infant mortality
and hence caused due to an insensitive political setup.
The deaths during this winter, hence, is only a pointer to the State failing
to ensure the provisions of Article 21 - the right to life - guaranteed by
the Constitution. Indeed, the toll and the choice of words by the media,
knowingly or otherwise, presenting the deaths as having caused by the cold
wave (rather than driving home the point that it is poverty) is also
reflective of the yawning gap between the concerns of the articulate
sections in society and the ordinary people.
There were instances when the civil society institutions (consisting of the
articulate sections) could help widen the scope of Article 21 of the
Constitution when the Supreme Court interpreted that the right to life did
not mean mere animal existence (Olga Tellis vs Bombay Municipal Corporation
or the Pavement Dwellers case) and that it also included the right to
livelihood and decreed that the State was bound to ensure this.
The death of so many men, women and children, indeed, warrants invoking the
provisions of writ jurisdiction in the Constitution as was done in the
Pavement Dwellers case.
For this, it is necessary to recognise that they died because they were not
protected adequately from the cold.
-- By V. Krishna Ananth  in"The Hindu" dated Jan 25 '03.


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