More U.S. Forces To Korea?
Jan. 31, 2003
The request for forces is a clear sign the Bush administration is no longer 
counting on diplomacy alone to handle the building crisis with North Korea. 
(CBS) CBS News has learned that the top U.S. military commander in the 
Pacific is seeking the deployment of more troops and warplanes in response to 
provocative new moves by North Korea. 

The request for additional troops comes as satellite photos show North Korea 
could be about to start reprocessing spent uranium fuel rods into weapons 
grade plutonium, CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin 

The U.S. commander in the Pacific asked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for 
about 2,000 troops, mostly Air Force personnel, to back up the 37,000 already 
stationed in South Korea. 

Two dozen long range bombers – B-52s and B-1s – would be moved to the 
Pacific island of Guam, in range of targets in Korea. Eight F-15e 
fighter-bombers plus U-2s and other reconnaissance aircraft would be added to 
U.S. forces in Japan and Korea. 

Officials caution that Secretary Rumsfeld has not yet approved the buildup 
and that no military action is imminent. But the request for forces is a 
clear sign the Bush administration is no longer counting on diplomacy alone 
to handle the building crisis with North Korea. 

The satellite photos of the North Korean nuclear complex at Yongbyon show 
activity at both a building where spent fuel rods are stored and the nearby 
reprocessing facility where weapons-grade plutonium can be extracted from the 

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer would not comment on the reports Friday, 
but warned Pyongyang against taking "another provocative step" that "further 
isolates North Korea from the international community." 

U.S. intelligence estimates North Korea has enough uranium on hand for about 
six nuclear weapons and could begin producing the plutonium for those weapons 
in March – exactly the same time the United States could have a 
quarter-million troops committed to battle in Iraq. 

That's not to mention 10,000 American soldiers in Afghanistan, where U.S. 
intelligence expects al Qaeda and the Taliban to mount a spring offensive. 

Military officers insist they can handle the buildup in Korea, as one put it, 
without breaking a sweat, but it will require a juggling of forces. The 
aircraft carrier now assigned to Korea is also included in the war plans for 
Iraq, so the Pentagon will have to send another carrier to take its place. 

The Yongbyon plant is at the center of the current nuclear dispute. The plant 
was padlocked under a 1994 deal, in which the United States called off an air 
strike on the plant and agreed to supply the North with civilian nuclear 
power plants and fuel aid. In return, the North agreed to stop nuclear 

This October, the U.S. confronted the North with evidence that it had started 
a separate, uranium enrichment program. The Bush administration cut off the 
fuel aid shipments, leading North Korea to declare the 1994 deal dead, expel 
nuclear inspectors and threaten to restart Yongbyon. 

The New York Times reported Friday that the Bush administration may be 
keeping quiet about the suspected moves at Yongbyon — in contrast to its 
approach in Iraq — in order to avoid creating a crisis atmosphere on the 
Korean peninsula. 

Publicizing the reports could force the administration to decide whether to 
launch a military strike against the plant — risky because it could touch off 
a larger conflict. For the North, the Times reports, moving to reprocess the 
rods could be a bid to increase negotiating leverage. 

North Korea on Friday rejected U.S. pressure to "internationalize" the 
dispute over its nuclear development and again demanded a non-aggression 
treaty with Washington. 

"We are opposed to any attempt to internationalize the nuclear issue on the 
Korean Peninsula and we will never participate in any form of multilateral 
talks," North Korea's ambassador to China Choe Jin Su said at a news 
conference in Beijing. 

Choe repeated his government's demand for a legally binding non-aggression 
treaty. Washington has ruled out such a treaty but said it could provide a 
written security guarantee. 

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