(No war in Iraq - http://pnews.org/)


We are very involved in the Middle East. Turkey has the third largest
military in the world and gets it's weaponry from us. Saudi Arabia
buys even more and is America's biggest customer for weaponry.

Egypt remains the second-largest recipient of US foreign aid after Israel.
We just fought a war in Afghanistan and have promised to rebuild that
country. We're pumping aid into Pakistan to keep them on our side. We
couldn't be more involved there if we lived there.

But none of them like us very much. Fundamentalism is exploding in the
region and they don't like us deployed in the Persian Gulf while all the
rulers walk a fine line between Islam and holding on to power.

The U.S. is not popular with the masses but to the rulers of these
Middle-Eastern states the U.S. is very important to their survival. And
that is why most of them will fall in line behind anything George Bush
does and they consider Iraq a paper tiger however some like Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak have warned the United States not to go to war in
Iraq because as he has stated publicly, a war with Iraq has the potential
of spreading into a regional war and will cause more terrorism.

Mubarak is never-the-less expected to go along and permit the U.S. to use
the Suez Canal to move warships and Egyptian air space as it did in the 91
Gulf War.

Ignorant Cowboy

   "When President Bush first used "Axis of Evil" to describe Iran, Iraq
   and North Korea in his State of the Union address last January, the
   phrase instantly entered the lexicon of contemporary politics. For the
   President's fans, the words cleverly linked memories of World War II
   to Bush's belief that the contest with terrorists and the states who
   succor them is a war of moral clarity. For his foes, the term was
   cheap and illogical nonsense; there was no "axis," it was said, for
   the three nations posed different and discrete threats. As for
   branding them evil, that just proved once again that Bush was an
   ignorant cowboy who saw a multihued world in monochrome." [Michael
   Elliott - "The "Axis of Evil" in Action Was Bush right when he made
   Iraq, Iran and North Korea a loathsome trio?" - (12-23-2002) - Time]

During WWII there was an axis _alliance_ of those who represented fascism
and an alliance of nations opposing fascism. Iran, Iraq and North Korea,
who George Bush accused of belonging to an axis of evil are not in any way
aligned with each other nor is the concept of evil clear. Moral clarity
is in the eye of the beholder evidently because there are many who see
America's adventurous interventions as evil and unwanted and not least of
all causing a great deal of harm.

If there is an alliance or axis of evil, one can with "moral clarity"
define the actions of the United States and Britain as evil.  It is every
bit as ethically and morally wrong and therefore "evil" as any acts of
terrorism for the US and Britain to target civilian infrastructure as they
did in Iraq.

Referring to the war against Iraq, Noam Chomsky describes in "What We Say
Goes", an essay in "Collateral Damage" the U.S./British strategy against
the people of Iraq:

"The second component of the U.S.-U.K. assault was an aerial attack on the
civilian infrastructure, targeting power, sewage, and water systems; that
is, a form of BIOLOGICAL WARFARE (Emphasis mine), designed to ensure
long-term suffering and death among civilians, mounting--possibly
disastrously--after hostilities ended. The goal of the attack on the
civilian society was made reasonably clear; to place the United States in
a strong position to attain its political goals for the region by inducing
some military officer to take over and wield the `iron fist' as Saddam
himself had done with U.S. support before he stepped out of line. Recallng
those happy days when Saddam's `iron fist..held Iraq together' before his
single transgression on August 2, Times diplomatic correspondent Thomas
Friedman explained current State Department reasoning: If Iraq society
suffers sufficient pain, Iraqi general smay topple Mr Hussein, `and then
Washington would have the best of all worlds; an iron-fisted Iraqi junta
without Saddam Hussein.`" [Cynthia Peters (ed), "Collateral Damage", 1992]

"There was some concern that soft-hearted folk might balk at the sight of
tens of thousands dying from starvation and disease while the United
States holds the civilian population hostage...." [ibid]

 Hank Roth (TheGolem)
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for reasons NOT TO GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ <****>

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