Reuters. 23 February 2003. Malaysia's Mahathir Says West Wants to Rule

KUALA LUMPUR -- Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Sunday
the world was in a state of terror, allowing a fear of Muslims to affect
international policy, and a war on Iraq would be seen as a war on

He spoke on the eve of a three-yearly summit of leaders of the
114-member Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) that is to issue a declaration
calling on Baghdad to comply with U.N. disarmament resolutions while
challenging Washington with vociferous opposition to any U.S.-led war on

"The attack against Iraq will simply anger more Muslims who see this as
being anti-Muslim rather than anti-terror," Mahathir, chairman and
summit host, told a business forum.

"The world is in a state of terror...We are afraid of Muslims, of Arabs,
of bearded people," he said of feelings since the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks on the United States.

Ahead of the two-day summit that opens Monday, Mahathir told fellow
developing nations the United States wanted to conquer the world.

"I'm certain if they are successful in Iraq they will turn to Iran next
and then to North Korea," he told a state-sponsored anti-war rally of
200,000 in a reference to the three nations President Bush has branded
an "axis of evil."

"After that, who will become their victim? It is clear the Western
powers want to conquer the world again."

Mahathir told NAM members U.S. inaction on North Korea was evidence of
the polarization of the world over Iraq.

"The fact that North Korea's open admission that it has weapons of mass
destruction has met only with mild admonishment by the West seems to
prove that indeed it is a war against Muslims and not against the fear
of possession of weapons of mass destruction by the so-called rogue
countries," he said.

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Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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