----- Original Message -----
From: "soil ride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "soil ride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: Fw: [MLL] Fidel Castro's speech at Globalization Conference

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles F. Moreira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
> Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:24 PM
> Subject: [MLL] Fidel Castro's speech at Globalization Conference
> > Folks,
> >
> > The US and Anglo imperialists may well win the war should they invade
> > but what Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz said at the Meeting on Globalisation and
> > Development describes what is expected to happen to their drive for
> > imperialist globalisation in the long term.
> >
> > Comrade Fidel also demonstrates his briliant knowledge and understanding
> of
> > the truth behind the lies and disinformation spread by the spin doctors
> > imperialist globalisation, it's true effects on the economies especially
> of
> > Third World nations, the true role of IT, the wasteful role of the
> > consumerist society.
> >
> > Castro also re-iterates Karl Marx's vision of a globalised communist
> > of mutual benefit and cooperation for the benefit of all mankind, rather
> > than a world of imperialist globalisation where the big imperialist
> > will suck away the wealth of Third World Nations.
> >
> > As I've often said, the 11th day of September in the year 2001 marked a
> > turning point in world events and today we see people like President
> > Chavez of Venezuela turning the clock back on neo-liberal globalisation.
> >
> > Chavez has already initiated a crackdown on the pro-imperialist
> businessmen
> > and a union leader who tried to sabotage Venezuela's economy and I'm
> > that the wannabe-management, yuppie NGO-types will squeal about how
> > "undemocratic," "fascist," "totalitarian," "human rights violating," etc
> > Chavez government is -- as is to be expected of these running dogs of
> > imperialism.
> >
> > However, the hardships caused by neo-liberalism and the impending world
> war
> > will see the rise of more people like Hugo Chavez who will turn against
> the
> > tide of neo-liberal globalisation.
> >
> > Marxist-Leninists understand fully well that at the end of the day,
> > economics determines politics and whatever subjective or fadish
> > ideologies ideas may prevail at the time.
> >
> > When the new hypermarket down the road robs a shopkeeper of his
> > making him and his family unwilling victims of creative destruction by
> > neo-liberal imperialist globalisation he's not going to be too enamoured
> by
> > the rhetorical nonsense about the "benefits" of free markets and
> competition
> > by proponents of imperialist globalisation, and many like him will join
> the
> > ranks of protestors on the barricades against globalisation.
> >
> > Perhaps the reason why Internet wallahs and IT types so easily believed
> the
> > rhetorical lies of the spin doctors of globalisation and its false
> promises
> > is because they stood to benefit from it on equal terms as their
> > counterparts in the imperialist nations, especially the United States
> > they had a callous disregard for the hardship suffered by those who were
> > displaced, saying "tough luck to them if they can't change."
> >
> > As Marx said, "being determines thinking" and it's precisely their
> > apparently promising economic being back then which determined their
> > arrogant thinking but now that their economic being has been brought
> to
> > earth by the collapse of the dotcom bubble and moribund IT markets
> > worldwide, we can expect their thinking to change correspondingly too
> though
> > it will perhaps take a while, given the expected time lag between the
> > correspondence of conditions of actual existence and ideas.
> >
> > Speech by Castro follows
> >
> > Charles F. Moreira
> >
> > ================================================
> >
> > Speech made by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba,
> > at the closing session of the 5th Meeting on Globalization and
> > Development held in Havana, Cuba, on February 14, 2003.
> >
> >
> > Highly esteemed participants in the Meeting on Globalization and
> > Development;
> >
> >
> > Distinguished guests:
> >
> >
> > We have gathered here for a respectful debate and to listen to different
> > points of view. We have been honored by the presence of eminent and
> > perceptive thinkers, as well as representatives of international
> > organizations, who were kind enough to accept the invitation extended to
> > them, despite knowing that the majority of people attending this event
> > have opinions that diverge considerably from the policies followed by
> > the institutions they represent. Hospitality and respect for those who
> > hold different opinions have become a tradition at these meetings. What
> > worth would our analyses have if the ideas expressed were not matched up
> > against other diametrically opposed ideas valiantly maintained by those
> > who uphold another view of the world?
> >
> > Those of us who are not academics also need a dose of courage. Even when
> > we strive to be as well informed as possible about what is happening in
> > the world, sometimes we simply do not have the time needed to satisfy
> > our desire to learn about the growing number of facts and opinions
> > regarding the unique historical process we are living through and to try
> > to predict the uncertain future lying ahead of us.
> >
> > But, we cannot complain. We have been given the privilege of living in
> > what I would dare to call the most extraordinary and decisive era in all
> > of human history. Just as U.S. professor Edmund Phelps of Columbia
> > University said, when someone touched on an issue that departed from the
> > economic theme he was addressing, "That is not my topic," I should say
> > in advance that my topic today is not economics. My topic today is
> > politics. Although there is no such thing as economics without politics,
> > or politics without economics.
> >
> > Everything that has ever existed or exists today has been imposed on
> > humanity. From the natural laws that caused the human race to evolve to
> > the category of rational beings, to ethnic origin and skin color; from
> > groups of individuals who wandered through the forests gathering fruits
> > and roots, hunting or fishing, to the capitalist consumer societies with
> > which a group of wealthy nations are bleeding the Earth dry today.
> >
> > Developed capitalism, modern imperialism and neoliberal globalization,
> > as systems of world exploitation, have been imposed on the world, as has
> > the basic lack of the principles of justice demanded for centuries by
> > thinkers and philosophers for all human beings, yet still very far from
> > being a reality on Earth. Not even those who liberated the 13 British
> > colonies of North America in 1776, proclaiming as "self-evident truths"
> > that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their
> > Creator with certain inalienable rights, such as life, liberty and the
> > pursuit of happiness, were capable of freeing the slaves. Instead, this
> > monstrous institution was maintained for almost an entire century, until
> > it became so anachronistic and unsustainable that a cruel and bloody war
> > replaced it with other more subtle and modern, if not much less cruel,
> > forms of exploitation and racial discrimination. The same could be said
> > for those who waged the French Revolution in 1789 proclaiming liberty,
> > equality and fraternity, yet were not capable of recognizing the freedom
> > of their slaves in Haiti and the independence of that lucrative overseas
> > colony. Instead, they sent 30,000 soldiers to suppress them, in a futile
> > attempt to bring them back to submission. Despite the desires or
> > intentions of the men of the Enlightenment, what was really commencing
> > was a colonial era that extended to Africa, Oceania and almost all of
> > Asia for centuries, including large countries like Indonesia, India and
> > China.
> >
> > The doors to trade with Japan were blasted open with bombs, in the same
> > way that today, even after a war that cost 50 million deaths in the name
> > of democracy, independence and the freedom of the peoples, the doors are
> > being blasted open for the WTO and the Multilateral Investments
> > Agreement, for the control of the world's financial resources, the
> > privatization of state companies in developing nations, a monopoly on
> > patents and technology, and the attempt to demand the payment of debts
> > totaling trillions of dollars, impossible to collect for the creditors
> > and impossible to pay for the debtors, who grow increasingly poor,
> > hungry and distanced from the living standards attained by those who
> > were their colonial powers for centuries and who sold their sons and
> > daughters as slaves or exploited them to the point of death, as they did
> > with the native peoples of this hemisphere.
> >
> > It cannot be said that in the second half of the 20th century, the world
> > was divided up again like it was in the late 19th and early 20th
> > centuries. The world today can no longer be divided up, because it is
> > the almost exclusive possession of the nation that emerged at the end of
> > this turbulent history as the sole superpower and the most powerful
> > empire to ever exist. It is enough to observe how almost all of the
> > world's capitals tremble before the last word or the last statement has
> > been pronounced or is about to be pronounced in Washington. If there
> > were ever any illusion that the United Nations existed, it was
> > practically dissolved by imperial decree after that fateful day of
> > September 11, barely 17 months ago, and entirely replaced by the
> > fiercest unilateralism ever seen.
> >
> > Throughout the last few days, as I listened to our distinguished
> > participants and guests wield their well-sharpened arguments on issues
> > like the world economic crisis and especially the situation in Latin
> > America, the FTAA, the obstacles to the development of the poor
> > countries in the world today, the role of social policies, and real
> > facts, often in great detail, that such issues bring up on the causes of
> > so many and such profound tragedies; when I heard that the GDP rose or
> > fell, that sustained growth took place and then stopped, that an
> > increase in exports is the only way to reduce the deficit, restore
> > balance, create jobs, reduce poverty, boost development, fulfill
> > obligations; and then other times, when it was said that privatization
> > can be very useful, build confidence, attract investment at any cost,
> > foster competitiveness, etc., etc., I could not help but admire the
> > persistence with which, for half a century now, they have been
> > recommending the way to leave underdevelopment and poverty behind.
> >
> > I said earlier that all opinions deserve to be respected. But so must be
> > the many questions and doubts that spring to our minds. What kind of
> > idyllic world are we living in? Where are the minimum conditions of
> > equality that could make possible the solutions we are taught in schools
> > of economics for the development of the Third World countries? Is there
> > even really any such thing as free competition, equal availability of
> > resources, or free access to relevant technologies, monopolized by those
> > who possess not only the fruits of their own talent, but also the talent
> > of others, plucked from the least developed countries without paying so
> > much as a cent to those who used their meager resources to train them?
> >
> > In whose hands and under whose control are the international financial
> > institutions and the enormous surplus of funds? Who owns the big banks?
> > Where, how and by whom are huge sums of money laundered and deposited,
> > money derived from financial speculation, tax evasion, large-scale drug
> > trafficking and the fruits of massive embezzlement? Where are the funds
> > of Mobutu and of dozens of other major embezzlers of public wealth, who
> > handed over the resources and the sovereignty of their countries to
> > foreign capital, with the blessing of their Western tutors?
> >
> > Where are the hundreds of billions of dollars that vanished from the
> > former USSR and from Russia and how did that happen while the advisors,
> > experts, specialists and ideologues from Europe and the United States
> > were guiding it along the brilliant and blessed road to capitalism,
> > where a plague of vultures swooped down from every side to take control
> > of most of the country 's natural and economic resources? Who can be
> > held morally accountable for the fact that today its population is
> > decreasing and its health indicators -including infant and maternal
> > mortality- have worsened, while many of its people, including old men
> > and women who fought against fascism, are suffering hunger and extreme
> > poverty, which afflict millions?
> >
> > Who is destroying the national culture of other peoples through a
> > monopoly on the mass media and spreading the poison of consumerism to
> > every corner of the Earth? How can we view the expenditure of a trillion
> > dollars on commercial advertising every year, when that money could be
> > used to remedy the lack of education, health care, drinking water and
> > housing, the unemployment, hunger and malnutrition, that afflict
> > billions of people around the world? Is this simply an economic issue,
> > and not political and ethical?
> >
> > Neoliberal globalization constitutes the most blatant recolonization of
> > the Third World. The FTAA, as has already been reiterated here, is the
> > annexation of Latin America to the United States; a spurious union of
> > unequal parties, in which the strongest will swallow up the weakest,
> > including Canada, Mexico and Brazil. It is an immoral agreement that
> > will bring free movement for capital and commodities but death for the
> > "barbarians" who try to cross the boundaries of the empire through the
> > slaughterhouse that the border between Mexico and the United States has
> > become. For them there is no Adjustment Act that grants the automatic
> > right to residence and employment -no matter what violations and crimes
> > they may have committed- and which was created to destabilize Cuba as
> > punishment for the revolutionary changes that took place in our country.
> >
> > I must state resolutely and with no hesitation whatsoever, as a
> > revolutionary and a fighter who truly believes that a better world is
> > possible, that in my opinion, the privatization of the wealth and
> > natural resources of a country in exchange for foreign investment
> > constitutes a major crime. It is tantamount to handing over cheaply,
> > practically for free, all of the means of survival of the peoples in the
> > Third World. And it will lead to a new form of recolonization, more
> > convenient and self-serving, in which the natives will now cover the
> > costs for public order and other essentials, which formerly corresponded
> > to the colonial powers.
> >
> > In its relations with foreign capital, Cuba uses mutually beneficial and
> > carefully considered forms of cooperation that do not impinge on the
> > country 's sovereignty or place the control of national wealth and the
> > country's political, economic and cultural life at the mercy of any
> > foreign capital or power.
> >
> > As a rule, we do not give anything away for free, and when facing the
> > dilemma of paying a price, we render unto Caesar the things that are
> > Caesar' s and unto the people the things that are the people's. Make no
> > mistake about it: we are a socialist country and we will continue to be
> > socialists. And in spite of the colossal obstacles, we are building a
> > new and more humane society, with more experience, enthusiasm, energy
> > and dreams than ever. The U.S. dollar circulates, and the euro is
> > beginning to circulate, and they may be followed by other currencies to
> > facilitate tourism, but the currencies that fundamentally circulate are
> > the regular Cuban peso and the convertible Cuban peso. The monetary
> > situation is under control. The value of our national currency remained
> > stable throughout the entire year of 2002, something almost unheard of
> > in other countries, and there is no flight of hard currency.
> >
> > Among the immense problems weighing down on this hemisphere -as is all
> > too well known- is the colossal external debt. Payment on the capital
> > and interest of this debt sometimes absorbs up to 50% of national
> > budgets, which has an extreme impact on the services essential to any
> > country: health care, education and social security.
> >
> > The enormous interest that governments are forced to pay on deposits in
> > the banks, so as to precariously defend themselves from speculative
> > attacks and capital flight, make it absolutely impossible for them to
> > achieve any amount of development with the country's own funds.
> >
> > The free exchange of currencies imposed by the new economic order
> > constitutes a lethal instrument for the weak economies of countries
> > striving to develop. It has been a long time since money was worth
> > anything in itself, like it was in times past, something that could be
> > saved and buried in an urn, like pieces of gold or silver.
> >
> > At Bretton Woods -as all economists know -the United States, which
> > possessed 80% of the world's gold reserves, was accorded the privilege
> > of issuing the worldwide reserve currency. But back then, for each
> > banknote issued, it contracted an obligation to convert its value to
> > gold. This obligation was fulfilled, guaranteeing the value of the paper
> > currency through a simple procedure applied by the country's government,
> > that of buying or selling gold in the necessary amounts when there was a
> > surplus or deficit on the market. This formula was in place until 1971,
> > when U.S. President Richard Nixon, after huge military expenditures and
> > a war without taxes, adopted the unilateral decision to take the U.S.
> > dollar off the gold standard.
> >
> > Nobody could have imagined the colossal speculation that would
> > subsequently be unleashed in the buying and selling of currencies. Today
> > those transactions have reached astronomical levels, totaling over a
> > trillion dollars a day.
> >
> > Because of the credibility it had accumulated, the habit of using it as
> > an instrument of exchange accepted by all, the enormous economic power
> > of the country that issues it, and the lack of another instrument, the
> > U.S. dollar continued to play its role.
> >
> > Such a privilege was not and could not be enjoyed by the countries of
> > Latin America and the rest of the Third World. Our currencies are simply
> > pieces of paper in the international market. Their value is limited to
> > the amount of the country's reserves in hard currency, fundamentally
> > U.S. dollars. No national currency in the countries of Latin American
> > and the Caribbean is or can be stable. The real value of a currency may
> > be equivalent to 100 today, and in a matter of months, weeks or days,
> > depending on external or internal factors, it could be worth 50%, 40% or
> > even 10% of its former value. What happened in Argentina with the
> > idyllic, utopian and folkloric attempt to maintain parity between the
> > peso and the dollar ultimately ended, as was only logical, in disaster.
> > Something similar happened with the real and the dollar. Countries like
> > Ecuador ended up throwing their own currency onto the trash heap,
> > directly adopting the U.S. dollar as the only currency in domestic
> > circulation.
> >
> > In Mexico, as a rule, every six years the change in government led to a
> > heavy devaluation that considerably lessened the value of their
> > currency. Brazil, as a result of the last speculative attack and the
> > crisis of 1998, lost in barely eight weeks the almost 40 billion dollars
> > it had acquired through the privatization of many of its best production
> > and services companies.
> >
> > Capital flight is one of the worst forms of economic bleeding suffered
> > by the countries of Latin America in recent decades. It is not a matter
> > of transfers of profits earned by foreign investors; it is not a matter
> > of the plunder entailed by the payment of foreign debts that were often
> > contracted by dictatorial and corrupt regimes that squandered and
> > embezzled the countries' funds, or used them to cover private debts or
> > theft and shady dealings in private banks; nor is it a matter of the
> > growing losses caused by the well-known phenomenon of unequal exchange.
> > Rather, it is a matter of funds created within the country, surplus
> > value earned off the backs of poorly paid workers, or the honest savings
> > of intellectual workers and professionals, or the profits of small
> > industries, businesses and services.
> >
> > The asphyxiating yoke that binds the Latin American countries to capital
> > flight is the free purchase, with no restrictions or requirements
> > whatsoever, of hard currency with national currency, a formula imposed
> > as a sacred neoliberal principle by the international financial
> > organizations. It is estimated that this flight of capital, in some
> > countries like Venezuela, throughout a period of more than 40 years, has
> > totaled approximately 250 billion dollars. Add to this figure the
> > national funds that have escaped from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and the
> > rest of Latin America.
> >
> > Glory to the brave Venezuelan people and its valiant leader that have
> > just established control over the exchange rate, thus putting and end in
> > that country to the tragedy I have just described!
> >
> > I recall that at the time of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, in
> > 1959, the entire combined debt of Latin America was only five billion
> > dollars. Its population at the time, 214.4 million, has increased to
> > 543.4 million inhabitants -of whom 224 million are poor and over 50
> > million are
> > illiterate- while its total combined debt is no less than 800 billion
> > dollars in 2003.
> >
> > Why has this region of the hemisphere not achieved the post-war
> > development seen in countries like Canada, New Zealand, and Australia,
> > which were once European colonies, less wealthy and developed than us?
> > Is it perhaps due in part to the doubtful privilege of being the
> > backyard of the United States? Or could it be because we are a
> > contemptible bunch of whites, blacks, Indians and half-breeds, and thus
> > the negation of what the studies of the human genome and scientific
> > research have demonstrated: that there are no differences in
> > intellectual capacity among the different ethnic groups that make up the
> > human species? Where does the fault lie?
> >
> > I began by saying that everything that has ever existed or exists today
> > has been imposed on humanity. I fully agree with Karl Marx, who said
> > that when the capitalist system of production and distribution no longer
> > exists, and the exploitation of man-by-man disappears along with it,
> > this would mark the end of the prehistory of the human race. He based
> > his reasoning on the dialectical development of the history of our
> > species.
> >
> > This way of thinking may seem overly simple and outdated to many. Marx
> > studied the first stage of capitalism, an era that coincided with the
> > birth of a new class, destined to transform that society, which
> > inevitably became exploitative and ruthless, and to open the way to a
> > new era and a more just world. When he put forth these views, there was
> > still no such thing as electricity, telephones, internal combustion
> > engines, modern ships that travel at high speed and carry huge cargoes,
> > modern chemistry, synthetic products, airplanes that cross the Atlantic
> > with hundreds of passengers in a matter of hours, radio, television,
> > computers. He was spared from the horrifying vision of the irresponsible
> > way in which modern technology has been used by man to destroy the
> > forests, erode the earth, turn hundreds of millions of hectares of
> > fertile soil into deserts, overexploit and pollute the seas, eliminate
> > entire species of plants and animals, and poison the water we drink and
> > the air we breathe.
> >
> > Marx, who developed his theory in England, the most developed country of
> > the time, did not state the need for a worker-peasant alliance, nor
> > could he have possibly perceived the colossal problem that would arise
> > from the colonial world of that time. This was something that Lenin, his
> > brilliant disciple, following the line of his thinking in the special
> > circumstances of Imperial Russia, would discover and elaborate later.
> >
> > In the times of Marx, who witnessed the accelerated development of the
> > English industrial revolution and the nascent industrialization of
> > Germany and France, no one would have been able to predict, unless he
> > were clairvoyant, something so alien to his character, the role that the
> > United States of America would come to play barely 60 years after his
> > death.
> >
> > While Malthus sowed pessimism, Marx inspired hope.
> >
> > In those days, the geography of the planet and the laws that govern the
> > biosphere - the land, forest, seas and air - were little known. Very
> > little was known about outer space. The theory of relativity did not
> > exist, nor had a single word been written about the big bang.
> >
> > Marx could not have imagined that cell phones would allow people to
> > communicate from one end of the earth to another at the speed of light,
> > that trillions of dollars in stocks, currencies, hedge operations,
> > commodities that do not move from where they are and other securities
> > would change hands every day, and that the profits from speculation
> > would outweigh surplus value.
> >
> > Marx believed above all in the development of productive forces and the
> > infinite possibilities of science and human talent. He believed that a
> > fully developed world was an essential condition for the existence of a
> > social system capable of producing the goods needed to fully satisfy the
> > material and spiritual needs of society. He did not envision a
> > Revolution in a single country, and he saw so far into the future that
> > he was able to come up with the idea of a globalized world, such as I
> > have always understood it, a world joined together in peace and in
> > access to the full enjoyment of the wealth it can create. He could not
> > have even conceived of the idea of a world divided between rich and
> > poor. "Workers of the world, unite!" he proclaimed, and in the real
> > world today, this could be interpreted as a call for unity among all of
> > the manual and intellectual workers, the peasants and the poor in every
> > country, in pursuit of what has come to be called "a better world".
> >
> > For the first time in human history, our species is facing a real threat
> > of extinction. It is endangered not only by the destruction of its
> > natural habitat, but also by grave political threats, increasingly
> > sophisticated weapons of mass destruction and extermination, and
> > extremist doctrines backed by lethal and annihilating force.
> >
> > These are not days of hope and glory for peace in the world. A war is on
> > the verge of breaking out. This would not be a confrontation between
> > comparable forces. On the one side, there would be the hegemonic
> > superpower, with all of its overwhelming military might and technology,
> > backed by its main ally, another country with nuclear capability and a
> > member of the United Nations Security Council. On the other side, a
> > country whose people have suffered more than ten years of daily bombings
> > and the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives, mainly children, through
> > hunger and disease, following an unequal war provoked by Iraq's illegal
> > occupation of Kuwait, which was an independent state recognized by the
> > international community.
> >
> > The vast majority of worldwide public opinion is unanimously opposed to
> > a new war. Above all, they are opposed to the adoption of a unilateral
> > decision by the United States government in complete disregard for
> > international rules and the power and authority of the United Nations,
> > as limited as they already are. This is an unnecessary war, under
> > pretexts that are neither credible nor proven.
> >
> > Completely debilitated by the last war against the United States in
> > 1991, Iraq -which was backed and armed to a considerable extent by the
> > West during its war with Iran- completely lacks the capacity to
> > counteract the offensive and defensive weaponry wielded by the United
> > States. The United States, on the other hand, is fully capable of wiping
> > out any risk of the use by Iraq of nuclear, chemical or biological
> > weapons, if Iraq does in fact possess any such weapons; this is in
> > itself highly unlikely, and even if it did, any attempt to use them
> > would be politically absurd and militarily suicidal.
> >
> > The real danger lies in the fact that such an armed attack would become
> > a patriotic war for the Iraqi people, and no one can gauge in advance
> > their response and resistance, how long this war could last, how many
> > deaths and how much destruction it could cause, and what the human,
> > political and economic consequences would be for each of the
> > adversaries.
> >
> > The world would doubtlessly be subjected to enormous economic risks, in
> > the midst of the profound crisis it is already facing today. No one can
> > predict what would happen with oil prices under these circumstances.
> >
> > On January 29, when I spoke on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of
> > Jose Marti's birth, I quoted and analyzed a number of speeches made by
> > the president of the United States. I will now quote just a few lines,
> > which speak for themselves:
> >
> > "We will use every necessary weapon of war."
> >
> > "Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you
> > are with us, or you are with the terrorists."
> >
> > "This is civilization's fight."
> >
> > "The great achievement of our time, and the great hope of every time -
> > now depends on us."
> >
> > "And we know that God is not neutral."
> >
> > (September 20, 2001)
> >
> > "Our security will require transforming the military you will lead -- a
> > military that must be ready to strike at a moment's notice in any dark
> > corner of the world (...) ready for preemptive action (...)"
> >
> > "We must uncover terror cells in 60 or more countries."
> >
> > "We are in a conflict between good and evil."
> >
> > (Speech made on June 1, 2002, on the 200th anniversary of the West Point
> > Military Academy)
> >
> > "The United States will ask the UN Security Council to convene on
> > February 5, to consider the facts of Iraq's ongoing defiance of the
> > world."
> >
> > "We will consult, but let there be no misunderstanding. If Saddam
> > Hussein does not fully disarm, for the safety of our people and for the
> > peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him."
> >
> > "And if war is forced upon us, we will fight with the full force and
> > might of the United States Army."
> >
> > (Address to Congress, January 28, 2003)
> >
> > Although President Bush states his conviction that God is not neutral,
> > the fact is that Pope John Paul II and almost all of the world's
> > religious leaders oppose this war. Who can actually interpret the Lord's
> > designs?
> >
> > Two days ago we were discussing the future of humanity here. Some
> > wondered what would come after globalization, whether the current world
> > economic order would be long or short-lived, how long the new imperial
> > system would last. I will try, at great risk, to improvise an answer to
> > these questions, on which I have meditated more than once.
> >
> > I base myself on some personal convictions in which I firmly believe.
> > Men do not make history. Subjective factors can accelerate or delay
> > major events, even for relatively long periods, but they are not a
> > decisive factor, nor can they prevent the final outcome. Extremely
> > serious accidents of human or natural origin, a nuclear war, the
> > accelerated destruction of the environment and a relatively abrupt
> > change in the climate can alter all estimates and forecasts made by the
> > most visionary talents of our species. All of these things could still
> > be avoided.
> >
> > Objectives factors derived from the very process of development of human
> > society are the decisive factors.
> >
> > Economy is not a natural science, it is not and cannot be exact; it is a
> > social science. Concepts and ideas, trends and laws that have emerged at
> > a given time in a specific social and economic system tend to endure,
> > even when these systems may be reaching their final stages or have even
> > disappeared. This often prevents a correct interpretation of events. The
> > huge diversity of views and theories we hear at social science meetings
> > or gatherings bear witness to this. The huge mistakes made in any
> > profound revolutionary process are another good example.
> >
> > Politics, I would say, is a combination of both science and art,
> > although it is more art than science.
> >
> > We cannot forget that in both cases, responsibility lies with human
> > beings, and they are as varied and variable as the particles contained
> > in their genetic makeup.
> >
> > There is a lesson we can draw from history on which I usually insist.
> > Great solutions can only come out of great crises. I think that there
> > are very few exceptions to this rule.
> >
> > Today we are facing a great general crisis, both economic and political.
> > It may be the first fully global crisis.
> >
> > The prevailing economic order is unsustainable and unbearable. There is
> > no possible solution without major and radical changes. It is not
> > necessary to provide abundant data that has been repeated here and
> > elsewhere to understand the reality. Examples of local, regional and
> > hemispheric crises that are repeated with increasing frequency
> > demonstrate this. No country, rich or poor, is spared from these crises.
> > Many political parties are totally discredited. The people are
> > increasingly ungovernable. International financial bodies and related
> > institutions like the WTO, or groups of super wealthy countries like the
> > Group of 7, can no longer find a place to meet. Social movements and
> > organizations affected by or sensitive to the tragedy the world is
> > living through are growing in number everywhere. Modern technology has
> > made it possible to spread messages without help from the traditional
> > media.
> >
> > Despite the fact that 800 million people are still illiterate, billions
> > of people have access to a certain amount of information, through one
> > means or another, and they suffer on a daily basis from the scourges of
> > unemployment, poverty, the shortage of land, poor health, insecurity;
> > the lack of schools, housing, minimum hygienic conditions, self-esteem
> > and social status. Even consumerist commercial advertising itself
> > heightens their awareness of their own unmet needs and hopelessness.
> >
> > There is no way to continue this systematic deception. They cannot all
> > be killed off. There are already over 6.2 billion inhabitants on the
> > planet, whose population has increased fourfold in just one century. The
> > ranks of the discontent in the Third World are joined by millions of
> > educated workers and men and women from the professional sectors and
> > middle classes of the developed countries, who are increasingly
> > concerned about their own future and that of their children, as they
> > witness the poisoning of the air, the water, the soil and the plants,
> > and the disappearance of everything beautiful around them, a consequence
> > of the irresponsible and anarchic use of natural resources. The
> > continued existence of human beings in any part of the world is
> > increasingly becoming a fight for survival.
> >
> > That there is no alternative for humanity but to change its course is
> > something that no one can deny. How will it change? What new forms of
> > political, economic and social life will be adopted? That is the most
> > difficult question to answer, and it leads me to the final idea I want
> > to express.
> >
> > In this case, the subjective factor will play a more important role than
> > ever, and for that reason, it must be informed and encouraged to think.
> > Spreading information, fostering debate and building awareness will be
> > the responsibility of the most advanced. The World Social Forum in Porto
> > Alegre was an encouraging example of the new methods of struggle. The
> > 100,000 people who gathered there to reflect and discuss have presented
> > a vision of the forces that are emerging and will push forward the
> > changes that are objectively imposed on the world.
> >
> > In Cuba, we call this struggle the Battle of Ideas. We have been fully
> > engaged in this battle for three years and two months now. More than a
> > hundred social programs have emerged from it, the majority of them
> > devoted to education, culture, the spreading of knowledge, a revolution
> > in the school systems, the dissemination of information on a wide range
> > of political and economic topics, social work, increased opportunities
> > for higher studies, and the in-depth exploration of our most pressing
> > social problems, and their causes and solutions. Our goal is for the
> > entire population to achieve a high degree of comprehensive general
> > knowledge and culture, without which even people with a university
> > degree could be considered functionally illiterate.
> >
> > Our plans are ambitious, but we are truly encouraged by the results we
> > have obtained so far.
> >
> > Despite the fact that the world is living through a major economic
> > crisis, our country has managed to reduce unemployment to 3.3%. We hope
> > to reduce it to less than 3% by the end of the year, which would give us
> > the status of a country with full employment.
> >
> > Perhaps the most useful contribution to the struggle for a better world
> > that we can make through our modest efforts will be to demonstrate how
> > much can be done with so little, if all of the human and material
> > resources of a society are put at the service of the people.
> >
> > Nature cannot be destroyed, and the rotten and wasteful consumer
> > societies cannot prevail. There is a field where the production of
> > wealth can be
> > infinite: the field of knowledge, of culture and art in all its
> > manifestations, including a painstaking ethical, esthetic and
> > solidarity-based education, a full spiritual life, socially sound,
> > mentally and physically healthy, without which it would be impossible to
> > talk about quality of life.
> >
> >
> > Can anything stop us from achieving such goals?
> >
> > We want to prove what we all proclaim: that a better world is possible!
> >
> > The time has come for humanity to start writing its own history!
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Cuba SI - Imperialism NO!
> > Socialism or death! Patria o muerte! Venceremos!
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cubasi
> >
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