----- Original Message -----

Granma International On line
Monday, February 24, 2003.

Cuba ratified as 2006 Non-Aligned Movement president

THE 13th Non-Aligned nations summit that began on Monday
(February 24) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ratified the Latin
American and Caribbean group's decision for Cuba to become
president of the Non-Aligned Movement (NOM) in 2006.

Members of the so-called NOM troika are now departing
president, South African leader Thabo Mbeki; current
president, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad; and
next president, Cuban leader, Fidel Castro.

It was also informed that Fidel held bi-lateral talks with
the president of East Timor Rala Xanana Gusmao, whose
country became the 115th member of the movement during the
present meeting.

According to the program established for this 13th NAM
summit, Fidel will be among the first 10 speakers at the
plenary session on Tuesday, closing day of the meeting in
Kuala Lumpur. To date, more that 50 leaders and prime
ministers are attending.

The Cuban president traveled from Vietnam, arriving in the
Malaysian capital on Sunday night. On arrival at the
conference the next day, he cordially greeted Mahathir; this
is the third time that the two leaders have met, previously
carrying out official exchanges.

Fidel, whose visit to Asia also includes a stop over in
China before returning to Cuba, highlighted the importance
of this Kuala Lumpur meeting, adding that he would give a
short speech, as required by conference protocol.

As generally occurs during international forums that the
Cuban president attends, his presence will draw the most
attention from among the political leaders gathered in the
South East Asian country.

Fidelīs schedule in the Malaysian capital includes
individual meetings with various participating presidents
and prime ministers, inform Cuban delegation sources. (AIN)

Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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