Please read this article and pass it along... The proposals in this so-called 
PATRIOT Act II are chilling. From what I gather alot of what I have said 
would make me eligible to be locked away by the Feds. Not that I see any 
helicopters out my window coming for me or anything of the sort, but I do 
fear that those who have a wider audience than I do who say what I say would 
be locked up. This is some very chilling stuff.
Bush administration preparing new police state measures

By John Andrews
22 February 2003

For months the Bush Administration has been secretly preparing a new bill to 
add or change dozens of federal laws and thereby dramatically increase the 
executive branch’s power to spy on people in the US, hold them secretly, and 
even strip them of their US citizenship.
Entitled “The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003,” the bill has been 
dubbed “Patriot Act II,” after the omnibus surveillance, immigration and 
crime bill rammed through Congress in the aftermath of the attacks of 
September 11, 2001. This secret plan to institute new police state measures 
only came to light because it was leaked to the Center for Public Integrity, 
which, on February 7, posted it on, along with a 
confidential Justice Department memorandum discussing each of its provisions.
The Justice Department memorandum is dated January 7 and marked 
“Confidential—Not for Distribution” on each page. It methodically describes 
a blood-chilling plan to give Attorney General John Ashcroft and the federal 
police he leads unprecedented powers to spy, to conceal their activities, to 
arrest in secret and hold people indefinitely, and to expel people from the 
Section 101 removes the requirement that domestic spying under the authority 
of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) be limited to agents of a 
“foreign power.” Under the new provision, according to the Justice 
Department memorandum, secret wiretaps and clandestine searches could target “
all persons, regardless of whether they are affiliated with an international 
terrorist group, who engage in international terrorism.” (Emphasis in the 
Section 103 eliminates the requirement that the Attorney General obtain FISA 
court approval for such wiretaps and searches “by allowing the wartime 
exception to be invoked after Congress authorizes the use of military force, 
or after the United States has suffered an attack creating an [sic] national 
emergency.” (The present “wartime exception” to the requirement of FISA 
approval is 15 days following a congressional declaration of war.) These two 
provisions together would give federal police virtually unrestricted power to 
listen in on telephone calls, read faxes and emails, and search homes and 
offices without even the fig leaf of approval from the secret FISA court.
Section 201 adds an exemption to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that 
“the government need not disclose information about individuals detained in 
investigations of terrorism until disclosure occurs routinely upon the 
initiation of criminal charges.” Since the Bush administration claims the 
right to jail people indefinitely and incommunicado as “enemy combatants” 
without ever charging them with a crime—including US citizens such as Jose 
Padilla arrested on US soil—this provision would effectively institutionalize 
the power of the government to “disappear” its political opponents.
Since September 11, 2001, the government has, by some estimates, rounded up 
as many as 1,200 people for immigration violations and as “material 
witnesses.” The executive branch has refused to identify the detainees or 
explain why they are being held, despite congressional requests and court 
FOIA orders directing it to do so. Ashcroft has distributed memoranda 
throughout the executive branch pledging that the Justice Department will 
“vigorously defend” against all FOIA requests.
There is an entire series of sections, 301-306, which sets up new procedures 
for the government to forcibly collect DNA samples from anyone “suspected” 
of any association with a “suspected terrorist group.” There is no precedent 
for using such intrusive methods to create a database of human tissues, nor 
any limitation in the bill on how the tissue specimens might be used.
Section 312 would invalidate all current injunctions and judicial consent 
decrees limiting the ability of local police departments to gather political 
intelligence, and eliminate the power of courts to enter such orders in the 
future. The proposal would restore the notorious “red squads” of large 
metropolitan police agencies by eliminating court controls on police 
infiltration and disruption of dissident political groups. The bill 
recommends that the reactivated local police intelligence units share their 
surveillance data with the FBI and other federal agencies.
Section 322 would eliminate traditional restrictions on arrests outside the 
United States by allowing extradition for offenses not listed in extradition 
treaties and by extraditing people from nations that do not have extradition 
treaties with the United States. The purpose of this law is to eliminate all 
legal restrictions on the ability of US agents to patrol the planet, seizing 
anyone they want and bringing them back to the US for imprisonment without 
respect for foreign sovereignty.
Section 402 would remove the requirement that the government prove someone 
had the intent to support terrorism to obtain a conviction for providing 
material support to a terrorist organization, so long as the government 
demonstrates that the supported organization has “international terrorism” 
among its objectives. This means that anyone who makes donations to or 
contributes services for an organization may be held liable for the 
organization’s alleged terrorist acts, even where that person has no way of 
knowing about the organization’s alleged unlawful activities. This provision 
would most dramatically affect Islamic charities that raise funds for 
humanitarian efforts, but which have been accused by the Bush administration 
of contributing money to Al Qaeda, Hamas, and other such organizations.
Section 405 makes it more difficult for courts to grant bail to people 
charged with terrorist-related crimes, even where the court makes findings 
that flight is unlikely and the release of the person pending trial would not 
be dangerous. The purpose of this bill is to allow the government to imprison 
people for long periods without having to convict them of any crime.
Section 501 is the most extreme provision in the new bill. It would give the 
executive branch the power to strip an individual of his US citizenship if 
“he becomes a member of, or provides material support to, a group that the 
United States has designated as a ‘terrorist organization.’” This provision 
flies in the face of the Constitutional provision that a US citizen can 
relinquish citizenship only voluntarily.
In addition, Section 503 “would give the Attorney General . . . authority to 
deny admission to the United States, or to remove from the United States, 
[aliens] whom the Attorney General has reason to believe would pose a danger 
to the national security.” With this power, Ashcroft could unilaterally 
expatriate and deport political opponents of the administration under the 
guise of fighting terrorism.
These far-reaching proposed measures were prepared in secrecy. Most 
commentators agree that the Bush administration was waiting for an opportune 
moment to ram the bill through Congress, like it did after September 11, 2001 
with the first Patriot Act, the text of which was not distributed until the 
last moment and was not read by most of the members of Congress who voted on 
According to the Center for Public Integrity, although rumors of a second 
Patriot Act have been circulating for months, as recently as the first week 
in February the Department of Justice told senior members of the Senate 
Judiciary Committee that no such legislation was planned. After the Center 
obtained its leaked copy of the proposed bill, it contacted the Department of 
Justice. The spokesman, Mark Corallo, first denied that any such measures 
were under consideration. When told of the leak, Corallo responded, “This is 
all news to me. I have never heard of this.”
After the Center posted the documents, Barbara Comstock, director of public 
affairs for the Justice Department, released a brief written statement 
declaring that “Department staff have not presented any final proposals to 
either the Attorney General or the White House. It would be premature to 
speculate on any future decisions, particular ideas or proposals that are 
still being discussed at staff levels.”
This press release was immediately exposed as a bald-faced lie. Public 
Broadcasting System (PBS) commentator Bill Moyers obtained an Office of 
Legislative Affairs “control sheet” indicating that the “Draft Legislative 
proposal entitled the ‘Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003’” was 
distributed to House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Vice President Richard Cheney 
on January 10, requesting their comments no later than January 13.
Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary 
Committee, learned of the proposed bill from the Center for Public 
Integrity’s disclosure. His reaction was that the legislation “turns the 
Bill of Rights completely on its head.” Conyers added, “This draft bill 
constitutes yet another egregious blow to our citizens’ civil liberties. 
Among other things, the Bush administration now wants to imprison suspects 
before they are tried and create DNA databases of lawful residents that have 
committed no crime.”
While news outlets have been bombarding the public with panic-inducing 
reports about “Stage Orange” terror alerts and urging concerned citizens to 
protect themselves against “weapons of mass destruction” with duct tape, the 
media has been almost silent on these proposed new governmental powers. PBS 
ran a lengthy Bill Moyers segment and the Washington Post ran a front-page 
story, but with the exception of one Fox News report, there has been no 
coverage on the television news channels, and other major dailies either 
buried their stories or ignored the issue altogether.
Although media reports have been few and muted, the revelations about the 
bill have generated a strong reaction from some civil libertarians. Yale Law 
School professor Jack Balkin, in a commentary for the February 13 Los Angeles 
Times, wrote, “Give a few dollars to a Muslim charity Ashcroft thinks is a 
terrorist organization and you could be on the next plane out of this 
country.” Accusing the Justice Department of “cynical manipulation of public 
opinion” by waiting to introduce the bill until the outbreak of war with 
Iraq, “when political opposition would be inhibited by support for our 
troops,” Balkin charges, “It now seems clear that there is no civil 
right—even the precious right of citizenship—that this administration will 
not abuse to secure ever-greater control over American life.”

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