This is a great statement in my opinion.  Please pass this around.


Law Professors' Statement Challenging US War Plans

A US War Against Iraq Will Violate US and International Law and Set a
Dangerous Precedent For Violence That Will Endanger the American People

President Bush maintains that Iraq's "decade of defiance" of United Nations
resolutions justifies a war against Iraq. But the President ignores the fact
that a US war, unleashed without the approval of the UN Security Council,
against a country that has not attacked the United States, would itself be
an unlawful act, in defiance of America's treaty obligations, and a
violation of US and international law.

Our Constitution provides that treaties signed by the President and ratified
by the Senate are part of the "supreme Law of the Land." The United Nations
Charter, which our nation wrote in large part, and signed and ratified as a
treaty in 1945, provides that - except in response to an armed attack -
nations may neither threaten nor engage in warfare without the authorization
of the UN Security Council. President Bush swore to uphold and defend the
Constitution. Yet he advocates a right to ignore our treaty obligations and
to visit the scourge of war upon Iraq, with or without the approval of the
United Nations.

The dangerous path America is treading will only lead to more suffering by
Americans, as well as by others. The international rule of law is not a soft
luxury to be discarded whenever leaders find it convenient or popular to
resort to savage violence. The international rule of law is a bulwark
against the horrors of warfare that we Americans have so recently felt

Every nation that has ever committed aggression against another claimed to
be "defending" itself. The United States helped establish the United Nations
precisely in order to impose the rule of law on such claims, to make it
unlawful for nations to strike against others unless they were themselves
under armed attack. The United States is not under armed attack by Iraq.

Lawless international violence only breeds more killing of innocent people.
The massive civilian deaths, the scarred and maimed children, the ruined and
starving peoples, whose suffering is inseparable from warfare, can only
spawn new generations of embittered peoples, new hate-filled leaders, new
enraged individuals, determined to answer violence with violence.

The American people are not made safer by the unilateral use of force, in
violation of the "supreme Law of the Land" and the United Nations Charter.
We are further endangered. Lawless violence generates recruits for

We, teachers of law at American law schools, protest the Bush administration
's illegal plan to conduct a war against Iraq. We call upon our government
to step back from the brink of war and allow the United Nations to resolve
the crisis peacefully, patiently, and lawfully.

If you teach law at an American law school and would like to be listed as a
signer, please write to us at
Please include the full name of your university and/or law school.

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