Peace Must Win!  CCDS Statement on the Impending War on Iraq

[A statement by the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
Socialism 545 8th Ave, NY, NY 10018, [EMAIL PROTECTED] published
on portside, Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003.]

Despite an unprecedented, overwhelming world outcry against war;

Despite a decisive majority against war of the Security Council
and the entire United Nations;

George W. Bush has virtually declared a unilateral, illegal, and
potentially calamitous war upon Iraq.

The objectives of such a war are now widely recognized around the
world: to conquer Iraq and its oil; to establish a permanent US
military presence in the heart of the Middle East and to
ultimately bring the entire region under Washington's dominance;
to fulfill the frightening ambition of Bush's right wing hawks to
consolidate a new world order of unrivaled and unchallenged US
imperial power - thus threatening ever wider conflicts and global

Never in recent history has such a malign and dangerous ambition
been fortified by so much falsehood. The Bush White House has
exposed its determination that inspections to eliminate alleged
weapons of mass destruction not succeed. For a peaceful resolution
of that issue would have removed any rationale for a needless and
incalculably destructive war long craved by this Administration.

The people of the US now face the prospect of a brutal war
involving much bloodshed in which thousands of laser-guided bombs
and new terror weapons will bring suffering and death to countless
Iraqi civilians. It will bring long-term illness and fatalities to
all military forces including the men and women of the US
military. This war will bring increasing hardship at home as its
astronomical costs will spur deeper cuts in human services, will
swell deficits, and will aggravate the already serious recession
which is costing thousands of jobs every month. This war will
further undermine already alarmingly eroded constitutional rights
and will encourage ugly new waves of racist attacks upon Arabs and
other communities of color.

Even at this late hour, we cannot let up, but must actually
increase our efforts to stop this catastrophic war by continuing
to build ever broader and more inclusive opposition.

We ask everyone to heed the call of AFL-CIO President John Sweeney
to demand that Senator Richard Lugar (R- Ind), chair of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee release the Kennedy/ DeFazio HJ
Resolution 20 to "Repeal the Authorization for use of Military
Force Against Iraq" from his committee in order to be immediately
voted upon in the Senate. We also urge that all members of the
House and Senate be contacted to support the Kennedy/DeFazio

For Senate addresses:
For the House of Representatives:

We ask that urgent appeals be sent to UN Secretary General Kofi
Annan to call upon the UN General Assembly to prevent war in Iraq
by using UN resolution 377, "Uniting for Peace," a little known
resolution that can be used when the Security Council is split on
the issue of how to maintain international peace and security.
(For more information, contact the Center for Constitutional
Rights at its website:

Let us continue to protest, to march, to lobby, to engage in
nonviolent civil disobedience, and to call upon our friends and
neighbors to assail the ears of a scandalously complacent Congress
to rescind its authorization for the White House to wage war. Let
us utilize every creative idea, every ounce of energy, every grain
of compassion for the needless suffering of all caught in the ugly
web of war. Let us be present, resourceful and determined at that
fateful moment. Peace must win.

for more information:

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
545 8th Avenue; 14th Floor NE
New York, NY   10018

phone:   (212) 663-3526
fax:     (212) 663-3650

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