Note by Hunterbear:

I was very much a kid in the mountains of Northern Arizona when I read John
Dos Passos' great USA -- the huge 1930 trilogy with the three epochal
components:  The 42nd Parallel, Nineteen Nineteen, and The Big Money.  I've
always remembered much of it and certainly the section, "The Camera Eye
[50]," on the massively protested 1927 execution of the two framed-up
anarchists -- Nicolo Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti -- in Massachusetts.
This is a small and appropriate excerpt for this tragic day and era [The Big
Money, page 413]:

"They have clubbed us off the streets  they are stronger  they are rich
they hire and fire   the politicians   the newspapereditors  the old judges
the small men with reputations  the collegepresidents  the wardheelers
[listen businessmen college presidents judges  America will not forget her
betrayers] they hire the men with guns  the uniforms  the police cars  the
patrol wagons

.  .  .  . they have built the electricchair and hired the executioner to
throw the switch

all right we are two nations."


Out of that hideous tragedy -- the judicial murder of Sacco and Vanzetti --
as with the execution and imprisonment of the Haymarket martyrs -- came much
of the impetus and vision for movements great and massive and good.

As Then, so Now.

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]
Protected by NaŽshdoŽiŽbaŽiŽ
and Ohkwari'

In our Gray Hole, the ghosts often dance in the junipers and sage, on the
game trails, in the tributary canyons with the thick red maples, and on the
high windy ridges -- and they dance from within the very essence of our own
inner being. They do this especially when the bright night moon shines down
on the clean white snow that covers the valley and its surroundings.  Then
it is as bright as day -- but in an always soft and mysterious and
remembering way. [Hunterbear]

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