It just goes to show that there is nothing so true that nobody can be found
to lie about it; nothing so good that nobody can be found to slander it;
nothing so righteous that nobody can be found to defame it; nothing so
heart-rending that nobody can be found to mock it.

However, the other side of the story is that whoever does that doesn't
necessarily get away with it in this period:

ONLINE UPDATE: March 19, 2003; 7 p.m.
Response to controversy over yesterday's editorial cartoon

First, I want to thank all of you who showed up outside our offices today
and the thousands of you who e-mailed comments. Our campus lacks enough
people of your courage and values. In our staff editorials, we've repeatedly
begged students to take stands on this generally apathetic campus, but to
little avail. I've received close to 2,000 e-mails and hundreds of phone
calls, most of which expressed outrage -- a few making threats -- at our
decision to publish the editorial cartoon. I've also received requests from
other papers to reprint the cartoon, requests I have denied.

The Diamondback employs two editorial cartoonists. At the end of last
semester, we had one opening and one applicant. That applicant was Daniel J.
Friedman. Our policy on editorial cartoonists is to allow them a rectangular
box on page 4 to express their views, so long as those views do not threaten
individuals and the content is not libelous. I have discussed the cartoon
with The Diamondback's lawyer, who assured me no legal issues, including
libel, arise from the drawing.

  Related item:

Editorial cartoon (March 18)

Friedman's cartoons are often jarring and controversial, but clearly this
one went further than any other. When he submitted his cartoon Tuesday
evening, several editors and I had a brief discussion and some voiced
disagreement with Mr. Friedman's viewpoint. But ultimately, this decision
was not about a viewpoint. The decision was about freedom of speech, and
that made the decision easy. Though the cartoon represents a radical view,
The Diamondback's editorial board believes whole-heartedly in freedom of
speech. We would be hypocritical to revoke any speech on the grounds of
radicalism. Neither this cartoon or any other represents the opinions of
myself, the editorial board or The Diamondback staff. As a newspaper, we are
beneficiaries and guardians of the First Amendment -- the very same First
Amendment that guarantees anyone the right to protest in front of our
offices and question our judgment. As many of you know, we have largely
steered clear of the Middle East conflict, focusing instead on our campus
and leaving international issues to the major media. The Diamondback has not
taken a stance on the conflict, nor do I plan to during my tenure as editor
in chief.

All this said, let me emphasize to all dissenters that your concerns and
efforts are not in vain. The response to this cartoon is unprecedented for
this newspaper, and you have raised the level of awareness. Let me add,
though, that we take very seriously the threats by a small minority of the
protesters. I have spoken with Mr. Friedman, and he is very shaken right
now. As I write this, at least 60 people are protesting outside our offices.
I spoke with this group, and they have told us they will stay until we
publish an apology and an article honoring the life of Rachel Corrie. They
have that right. We thank University Police for ensuring everyone's safety.
We appreciate the feedback, but ask that you keep it peaceful. We are
publishing letters and a guest column on our Opinion page Thursday, plus an
article covering the protest and the global reaction to the cartoon. We are
accused of factual errors, but the cartoon was not a news account and there
are conflicting reports on how Ms. Corrie died. We do not have the resources
to report on Ms. Corrie's death, and different accounts of what happened
make it impossible to determine what is fact unless an impartial government
or media organization undertakes an in-depth investigation.

Many responses have been directed to the university administration. Since
1971, The Diamondback has been independent of the university. We receive no
funds from the university, other than advertising purchases, and the
administration has absolutely no say in any of our decisions.

We are in awe of the overwhelming response, we are listening to the feedback
and that is why I met with the protesters today. I am unable to respond to
every e-mail or take every phone call, but please know that we are listening
and we will continue our policy of publishing as much feedback as we have
space for on our Opinion page.

Jay Parsons
Editor in Chief
The Diamondback

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