AP. 20 March 2003. Thousands protest in Paris before U.S. Embassy.

PARIS -- Several thousand demonstrators poured into Paris' Place de la
Concorde in front of the heavily guarded U.S. Embassy on Thursday
evening to protest the war in Iraq.

The enormous plaza was closed to traffic and lines of police trucks and
vans closed off access to the streets leading to the embassy, which was
shut for the day as a security measure.

Some of the demonstrators -- students, Muslim groups and other war
opponents -- shouted "Bush-Blair: Killers!", while others waved banners
that said, "Yankee go home" and other slogans.

Under a bright blue sky, the mood was festive, with people sprawled out
sunning themselves, dancing to the beat of bongo drums and scrawling
peace symbols on the sidewalk. Some jumped into the fountain at the
center of the plaza.

"We can't accept this war," said Eric Josie, 25, an art student. "War is
not the solution. There is diplomacy, inspectors, there's so much that
can be done before a war."

Many of the protesters had marched to the embassy from an earlier
protest in an eastern section of the city.

Polls show that an overwhelming majority of French support the anti-war

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with photos

Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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