-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, July 27, 2000 11:36 PM
Subject: Anti-imp camp info #8: Final programme & Supporters

>                International Antiimperialist Summercamp
>                          No to Globalisation!
>>From Seattle to San Vicente Caguсn
>           The Revolt against the Dominion of Injustice is Advancing!
>                 Assisi, Italy, 30th Juli-6th August
>                      http://summercamp.cjb.net
>Programme of the Antiimperialist Summercamp
>Sunday, 30th July
>21.00: Opening of the Summer Camp, Presentation of the delegations,
>of greeting
>22.30: Concert
>Monday, 31st July
>Morning, Start 9.30
>З Presentation of the delegation from Yugoslavia (Workers Movement,
>З Meeting of Solidarity Organisations with Yugoslavia
>З Presentation of the delegation from Russia (Oleg Shein, communist member
>of State Duma, Sergey Novikov, Responsible for International Relations of
>the Russian Party of Communists)
>Afternoon, Start 15.30
>The NATO crimes in the Balcans
>Workers Movement (Kragujevac), Stefano De Angelis and others
>Evening, Start 21.30
>Forum 1: The deadly weapons of the humanitarian warfare
> Introduction:
> M. Saba (Observation Centre for Ethics and Environment), Francesco
>Iannuzelli (Association Peacelink, Disarmament-Section)
>Forum 2: Resistance for justice in Brazil
> Introduction:
> Paola Riccobelli (Centre For Human Rights Defence of the Garulhos, Sao
> Latin American Coordination of Jurists and Social Scientists for a
>Democratic Alternative of the People (Clajadep)
>Forum 3: National Liberation Struggle against globalisation
> Discussion table
> with representatives of different liberation movements
>Tuesday, 1st August
>Morning, Start 9.30
>З Presentation of the delegation from Mexico (Democratic Left of the
>Independent Popular Front Francisco Villa)
>З Presentation of the delegation from Sardinia (Gavino Sale, Bustiano
>Cumpostu, Sardinia Nation, Federation of Communists from Sardinia)
>З Presentation of the delegation from Turkey (Revolutionary Peoples
>liberation Front, DHKC)
>Afternoon, Start 15.30
>Amnesty! Repression, prisoners of conscience and disregard of the human
>rights in the world of globalisation
>Discussion table
>with representatives from Association of Friends and Relatives of Political
>Prisoners (Spain)
>Irish Republican Socialist Party (Northern Ireland), Euskal Herriko
>Komunistak (Basque Country)
>Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front (Turkey)
>Fidelity to Man and Nature (Palestine)
>Evening, Start 21.30
>Forum 1: Violence or non-violence?
>Forms of struggle against globalisation
>Committee against the NATO and War, Ravenna, Italy
>Forum 2: The war in Chechenia, the Putin Government and the Russian Left
>Sergey Novikow, Responsible for International Relations of the Russian
>of Communists)
>Forum 3: International solidarity
>Don Vitalian della Sala
>Father Jean Marie Benjamin (responsible for Cultural Affairs of UNICEF)
>Wednesday, 2nd August
>Morning, Start 9.30
>З Latinamerican Coordination of Jurists and Social Scientists: Autonomy and
>Peoples Power (Introduction: Professor J.)
>З Presentation of the delegation from Ireland (Irish republican Socialist
>З Presentation of the delegation from Basque Country (Euskal Herriko
>Kommunistak-Basque Communists)
>Afternoon, Start 15.30
>Echelon and the electronic observation
>Nicky Hager, New Zealand
>Evening, Start 21.30
>Forum 1: Immigration and Antiracism in the Europe of Schengen
>Immigrant Group of Brescia, Italy
>Paola Riccobelli (Social Worker in the Prostitute Milieu for the
>On the Road)
>Forum 2: Citizenship and Work: Human Rights for all?
>Stefano Garroni and others
>Forum 3: The new right-wing movement and Antifacism
>Withold Fischer, Eastern Germany
>Willi Langthaler, Austria
>Thursday, 3rd August
>Morning, Start 9.30
>З Presentation of the delegation from Palestine and Libanon
> (The Communards, Libanon; Fidelity to Men and Earth, Palestine)
>З Presentation of the delegation of Chile (Peoples and Indigena Network of
>З Presentation of the delegation from the Sri Lanka (Peoples Liberation
>Front, JVP)
>Afternoon, Start 15.30
>The Islam and the New World Order
>Cultural Association of Hezbollah
>Evening, Start 21.30
>Forum 1: The libanese resistance against Zionism
>Cultural Association of Hezbollah
>Forum 2: The challenge of new communication technologies for a
>Elэas Letelier, Chile
>Forum 3: Euskadi: Independence and repression
>Basque Communists (EHK)
>Friday, 4th August
>Morning, Start 9.30
>З Presentation of the delegation from Pakistan (Communist Party of
>З Presentation of the delegation from the Philippines (KMU, Trade Union and
>Member of Bayan)
>З Presentation of the delegation from Venezuela (Federation of University
>Students of Venezuela, FEUV)
>Afternoon, Start 15.30
>The liberation struggle in Colombia
>International Commission of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
>Colombia-Peoples Army (FARC-EP)
>International Front of the National Liberation Army (ELN)
>Paul Emile Dupret (Adviser of the United European Left for Latin America)
>Evening, Start 21.30
>Forum 1: Colombia: A new Vietnam? Task of the international
>Forum 2: The future of the People of Assiria after the turn of PKK
>Revolutionary Patriotic Organisation Bethnarin
>Forum 3: Mexico after the elections: parliament or revolution?
>Democratic Left of the People (IDP)
>Independent Popular Front Francisco Villa
>Saturday, 5th August
>Morning, Start 9.30
>Ecology, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering: new tasks in the struggle
>against capitalism
>Discussion table with
>Laura Corradi, expert on environmental health, docent for medicine
>on the University of Messina
>Grazia Francescato, president of the Italian Green Party
>Afternoon, Start 15.30
>The Revolt of Seattle: a forward-looking example for the resistance in the
>Grazia Francescato, president of the Italian Green Party
>Norma G. Biёas, KMU, Philippines
>Confederation of Peasants, France (inquired)
>21.00: Greetings to the Participants
>21.30: concert  and closure
>Sunday, 6th August
>Throughout the entire week there will take place a seminary for alternativ
>communication and medias with Elэas Letelier (Poet form Chile, ex-officer
>the Sandinista National Liberation Army, Founding Member of the Network of
>Realtives and Friends of Political Prisoners of Chile)
>On Friday at 11.00 there will take place a press conference with the mass
>media and a video transmission with all the delegations and organizers of
>the Camp
>01 Grazia Francescato, president of the Italian Green Party
>02 Sard Nation
>03 Father Jean Marie Benjamin; French popular Priest, activist against
>globalisation, responsible for cultural affairs at the UNICEF
>04 Paul Emile Dupret; adviser for the United European Left in the European
>05 Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
>06 Asociation of Relatives and Friends of Political Prisoners (Spain)
>07 Basque Communists
>08 Oleg Shein (Russia); Member of the State Duma and independent trade
>09 Russian Party of Communists
>10 Russian political union "Worker"
>11 Movement New Left (Russia)
>12 Workers Union (Russia)
>13 Co-ordination Committee of the Workers Movement (Ucraine)
>14 Communist Construction (Munich, Germany)
>15 Workers Movement (Yugoslavia)
>16 Workers Party of Yugoslavia
>17 Socialist Peoples Party (Yugoslavia)
>18 League of Communists of Yugoslavia Communist Party of Serbia
>19 League of Communists of Yugoslavia Communists of Montenegro
>20 Red Action (Duisburg, Germany)
>21 Revolutionary Communist League (Thuringia, Germany)
>22 Group Mќcadele (Germany)
>23 League of Anti-imperialists, Communists and Socialists (Germany)
>24 Irish Republican Socialist Party
>25 International Leninist Current
>26 International Forum (Denmark)
>27 Action Committee 24th March (Thuringia, Germany)
>28 Confederation of Sard Communists, Sardinia
>Latin America
>29 Latinamerican Coordination of Jurists, Social Scientists and Marginal
>Groups for a Democratic and Popular Alternative (Brasil)
>30 Marxist Leninist Communist Party (Brasil)
>31 Trade Union of Public Empoyed (Volta Redonda, Brasil)
>32 Independent Popular Front Francisco Villa (Mexico)
>33 Democratic Popular Left (Mexico)
>34 Free Center for Artist and Theatre Experimentation (Mexico)
>35 Federation of University Students of Venezuela
>36 Movement Free Fatherland (Paraguay)
>37 Coordination against Police and Institutional Repression (Argentine)
>38 Elэas Letelier, poet from Chile and ex-official of the Sandinista
>Liberation Army
>39 Movement of the Revolutionary Left (Chile)
>40 Peoples and Indigenous Network Chile
>41 Redskin Resistance (Bogota, Colombia)
>42 Labor Workers Help (El Salvador/USA)
>43 Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (Argentine)
>44 Support Group to Free Lori Berenson (Peru)
>45 Liberation Party (Argentine)
>46 General Council of Strike (UNAM, Mexico)
>47 Emancipation Project, Popular Junta of Buenos Aires for the Bolivarian
>Congress of Latin America and the Caribbean Countries (Argentine)
>48 Collective for International Information (Loxicha, Mexico)
>49 Music Group Cristal Andino (Chile)
>50 Movement of Unemployed Teresa Rodriguez (Argentine)
>51 Independent Proletarian Movement (Mexico)
>52 Group of ex-Political Prisoners, Relatives and Friends (Argentine)
>North America
>53 International Action Center
>54 Socialist Freedom Party
>55 All India Peoples Resistance Forum
>56 Communist Party of Pakistan
>57 Labour Party Pakistan
>58 BAYAN International (Philippines, European Office)
>59 Peoples Liberation Front (Sri Lanka)
>60 Communist Bund (Japain)
>61 New Party for Social Equality (Sri Lanka)
>62 United Workers Federation (Sri Lanka)
>63 Committee for the Unification of the Revolutionary Left (Indian
>Middle East
>64 Loyalty for Men and Earth (Palestine/Lebanon)
>65 Movement of Commoners (Libanon)
>66 Revolutionary Patriotic Organisation Bethnarin
>67 Revolutionary People's Liberation Front (DHKC, Turkey/Kurdistan)
>68 African Liberation Forces of Mauretania
>69 All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party (Ghana)
>70 African Party for Democracy and Socialism (Senegal)
>71 Nicky Hager (New Zealand); expert for Echelon and electronic
>For further information and inscription:
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10

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