Belgium has been exhibiting examples of unlawfulness regarding the Fehriye Erdal trial during the last months. We have been mentioned these examples in our previous statements. Sometimes these were about the security of Fehriye Erdal, sometimes the national security of Belgium or even the Euro 2000 football tournament. The Belgian state declared, from time to time, that “she is a dangerous terrorist”, “the judges are under threat” etc. Of course, none of these were true.
The secret agreements and mutual interests between Belgium and the fascist regime in Turkey.
Submission of Belgium to the political blackmails and threats of fascism in Turkey.
Animosity of Belgium against the struggle of the peoples in Turkey for democracy and independence
The state in Turkey and fascist mobsters are intimidating Belgium, sometimes with threats and by using the economic relations at other times. The Belgian legislation and the government makes the decision “Fehriye Cannot be Extradited to Turkey”, but then the Minster of Internal Affairs, Duquesne says “No, she should be extradited”
Then the same Internal Ministry is stating that “Fehriye can be released” and right after this decision it declares that “we have changed our decision, she cannot be released!”
The decision of the higher court was “ the reasons of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have no valid grounds” But the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not care about the law or legislation! Because justice and law are only for show in Belgium. And Fehriye’s detention continues.
The meaning of all this is the co-operation with the fascist regime in Turkey. It means being responsible for all torture, massacres, oppression, disappearances under detention and terror in Turkey. The Belgian state only care about the economic and political relations with Turkey. Because its interests are more important than, for instance, human rights.
The fascism in Turkey threatens Belgium. It openly declares that “ If Belgium release her, we will continue to chase her. We know how to bring her here from a third country”. And as the Belgium secret service reveals “Turkey will kidnap a Belgian diplomat to exchange with Fehriye”. Just having a look at the summary of the history of this injustice will clarify the ongoing shame:
  • Fehriye Erdal was arrested on September 26, 1999 and accused of being a member of an illegal organisation.
  • She applied for asylum on December 16, 1999 on political grounds. The relevant office in Belgium has decided to carry out an evaluation on her application.
  • On March 27, 2000, she was acquitted by the Knokke court.
  • On May 26, 2000 the Belgian government decided not to extradite her to Turkey because of the human rights violations and the death penalty.
  • The ministry of Internal Affairs of Belgium, decided on May 29, 2000 that if she could provide an address in Belgium she could be freed.
  • And following to this the Ministry of Justice of Belgium finalised its decision of acquittal on May 31, 2000. On the same day the Ministry of Internal Affairs changed its decision and decided to keep her in prison because of the “national security of Belgium”.
  • On June 15, 2000 the Immigration Office and Ministry of Internal Affairs, decided not to extradite her to a third country (any other country except Turkey) and went ahead with her asylum application.
  • The Belgian Office of Foreign Nationals also agreed with the earlier decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in favour of releasing Fehriye Erdal on July 3, 2000.
  • On July 10, 2000 the Ministry of Internal Affairs insisted on extraditing her to a third country and to keep her in prison until then.
  • Fehriye appealed against this decision and the case has been taken to a higher court. The decision of the high court opposed the national security decision of the Ministry of Internal affairs and demanded her release. Despite this decision the Minister insisted on her imprisonment and therefore SHE IS STILL IN PRISON.
  • Once again Fehriye appealed against the latest decision of the Minister on August 1, 2000.
  • The court sitting was held in Brugge prison on August 11, 2000 and it was postponed to a later date.
  • She has been on Hunger Strike since July 14, 2000 (Today is the 33rd day of her Hunger Strike) and she is determined to continue her action until she is released.
Turkey threatens and Belgium submits. The same Belgium initiates campaigns against Haider and Pinochet. Who will believe such deceit? There is neither justice nor law and order. The acquittal of Fehriye in Belgian courts cannot hide the impotence of the Belgian state. This is the acceptance of the national indignity. We stated many times and once again we will repeat it, the Belgian people do not deserve this indignity.
She has been on an uninterrupted Hunger Strike since July 14, 2000 since this is her only weapon against the arbitrary practices of the Belgian state and denial of her freedom because of political reasons. She will continue her action until all the arbitrary practices are lifted and she is freed. Meanwhile the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Duquesne, the other relevant institutions and individuals from Belgium and overall the Belgian state will be responsible for any negative conditions on Fehriye’s health.


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