En relación a Re:  [L-I] MODERATORS NOTE : on list culture.,
el 23 Aug 00, a las 12:35, A.Wosni dijo:

> That's understood, but what are 'insults'? Are political
> characterizations as eg. 'liberal','centrist',
> 'Stalinist','Trotzkyists' insults or is it that while they are not in
> fact they can be used like this? Can anybody give a definition?
> A.Holberg

In Argentina, a very dirty speaking community to be fair, there are
lots of ugly words. I am a Jew. One of the way to call us Jews is
"ruso". which is not ilogical keeping in mind that Argentina sticks
to the _ius solis_, thus citizenship and nationality are the same
thing, and certainly were for the Migrations personnel who received
the newcomers; same reason explains why people of Arab origin are
known as "turcos"

There are many ways to say "ruso". Some of them are friendly, others
brutally insulting. In the same way, there are many inflexions, both
contextual and of speech, for words such as "negro", "tano",
"gringo", and so on. Even such a strong word as "puta" (whore) can be
at the same time insultant or admirative.

It all depends on the context and the intention. There is no rule, A.
Wosni. Your question has a single answer:  scrutinize your
submissions and kill anything that you yourself feel would be
insulting. And take the risk. Adjectives are, certainly, a dangerous
ilk of words. It is best to replace them with long sentences, with

We ALL know what we are talking about, particularly those I am
thinking of while writing down these lines. Flame wars are smelt by
the smoke that begins to flow in the air. Whoever does not help put
things in order is, to put it simply, betraying the principles on
which L-I is founded.

And, to be honest, THIS particular moderator is beginning to be tired
of smoky woods.

El que avisa no es traidor.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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