More on the Kursk. It looks like that the Russian establishment is
seriously claiming that the sub was intentionally sunk by a NATO
ship. Slimy road they are treading on...

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Date sent:              Wed, 23 Aug 2000 16:52:33 +0200
From:                   democrite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     Nestor or Miguel Gorojovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [Fwd: Kursk sunk by British submarine]

democrite a écrit :

> > The information we have given earlier earlier, was from Radio
> > Rossia (main official Russian radio station) 21/08/00, 11 p.m.
> > Moscow Time. It was about official ("live") press conference of
> > the Russian ministry of Defense. The persons speaking on it, were
> > the minister, Mr. Sergueyev and the head of the Russian Northern
> > Fleet, Mr. Popov.
> >
> > There is severe pressure on the Russian army people now to
> > withdraw their words - pressure on those who know what they speak
> > about!-, just as it was in Kosovo, from the Russian politicians
> > who are prepared to close their eyes on the deaths of our seamen
> > just in order to keep their New World Order's bosses happy....
> >
> > That is why people who write about it, are very careful in
> > choosing their words.
> >
> > Source:
> >
> > The Version has found its confirmation?
> > (22/08/00)
> > ITAR-TASS has informed, from the competent military sources, the
> > fact of founding of a fragment of the fence of the deck cabin of
> > an unknown submarine at the distance of 330 m from the submarine
> > Kursk. "Almost immediately after the disaster this floating
> > fragment -a rescue buoy - was discovered, by its colors and
> > construction it was obvious that it was of British make.
> > Thereafter it sank." The Russian military have the information
> > that close to the area of the Russian Navy excursuses there were 2
> > American and 1 British submarine present. Another Russian  news
> > agency, Interfax , in its turn, thinks that "it is too early to
> > make the conclusions before the recovery of this object".
> >
> > Information from ITAR-TASS.
> > Russian Defense Minister, Marshall Igor Sergueyev, gave an
> > interview to the main Russian TV channel ORT, in which he gave a
> > detailed information about the circumstances of the tragic end of
> > the submarine Kursk. According to him, the submarine had its
> > mission in the frames of the current Russian Navy exercises: it
> > had to launch a missile and later on to discover a fleet on the
> > sea and to attack its main goal with a torpedo. The first part of
> > this excersise was successfully completed before 6 p.m. 12/08, and
> > it was confirmed then by its commander. He had to confirm the
> > completion of the second part by 6 p.m., but at 6 p.m. the
> > submarine didn't contact its base. The commander of the Russian
> > Northern Fleet Vyacheslav Popov then sent an order to Kursk to
> > inform the base about its position and actions. The norm it that
> > the reply from the submarine should have come within 4 hours. But
> > it didn't happen. Because of that Popov has given the order to
> > start the search and to prepare for the possible rescue operation.
> > The submarine was found on the 13th of August, and the rescue
> > works have started immediately then. Speaking about the reasons
> > for failure of the efforts to connect the rescue apparat to the
> > submarine, the minister pointed at the very strong underwater
> > floods in the area. "Under these conditions these efforts would
> > have always remain fruitless. By ourselves or by the British - it
> > wouldn't make any difference."
> >
> > The reason for the disaster was a collision. Most probably - with
> > another submarine. There was an unknown object under water near
> > Kursk at the time. It was big enough in relation to our submarine
> > to cause this damage. There are other versions, too. But,
> > according to the Government Commission investigating the crash,
> > they are far less credible.
> >
> > The Minister also has confirmed that the Russian seamen have seen
> > in the area of the crash a rescue buoy that is not being used by
> > the Russian Navy. Its colors and shape were most probably
> > British. It was later taken away by the strong stream. The
> > minister has confirmed  that the investigation will continue until
> > the Russians will find the answer to the question - with whom
> > Kursk has colluded. If it hasn't , and it will be confirmed that
> > the reason was different, then and only then this version will be
> > ruled out. Russia has officially requested NATO to give the
> > information if there were any NATO submarines in the area at that
> > time. "We were told - no,"- Igor Sergueyev has told the ORT, "But
> > the Russian representative in the NATO's head office in Brussels
> > was also told that even it there was a NATO nuclear submarine in
> > that area of the Barentz sea at the time of the crash, NATO would
> > have never admit this fact publicly and officially!"
> >
> >  (end of part 1, more will follow)

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Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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