----- Original Message -----
From: redredred
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 7:17 PM
Subject: [MLL] Join the S11 cavalcade to Melbourne

The Guardian August 30, 2000

Join the S11 cavalcade to Melbourne

From Perth to Brisbane, workers, trade unionists, students, community 
activists, in fact, a broad cross-section of the community are moving to 
Melbourne to join the expected tens of thousands from Melbourne itself who 
will demonstrate against the World Economic Forum (WEF) of corporate big-
wigs. They will be travelling by car, bus, train and plane. A number of 
meetings and alternative forums have been arranged by the Melbourne S11 

If you haven't already arranged to go, it is not too late.

People will be protesting over the attack on working conditions, 
decline in living standards, the loss of jobs, the neglect of rural and 
regional Australia, the serious and growing problems facing the 
environment, the attack on democratic rights of all Australians, and the 
denial and neglect of the rights of Australia's indigenous people.

They will be opposing the privatisation of health, education, social 
security and other government services.

The same pro-big business policies are bringing poverty and unemployment to 
millions, as they are forced on people around the world.

These attacks are being made in the name of globalisation, globalisation 
for corporate interests.

The principal speakers at the World Economic Forum are the "captains" of 
the transnational corporations and those who support and profit from their 
policies and domination.

They will discuss how their interests can be better served, how they can 
force governments to carry out their policies, how they can increase their 
control and domination of the people of all countries, including Australia.

Some of the principal WEF speakers are John Howard, Peter Costello and 
other Howard Ministers, Bob Carr the Labor Premier of NSW, Paul Anderson 
CEO of BHP, Frank Cicutto, CEO of National Australia Bank, Kenneth Courtis, 
Vice-Chairman of Goldman Sachs, Junichi Hattori, CEO of Seiko Instruments, 
Heinrich von Pierer, CEO Siemens, Richard Pratt, Chairman and owner of 
Pratt Industries, Australia, Thomas Russo, Vice-Chairman of Lehmann 
Brothers, and many more representatives of the big corporations and the 
governments they have in their pockets.

Ziggy Switkowski, CEO of Telstra will be there, no doubt, looking for ideas 
as to how to privatise the rest of Telstra.

But the real representatives of the people will be out in the streets 
voicing their opposition to the medicine the big corporations are trying to 
force ordinary Australians to take.

Make your voice heard, make your feet count in Melbourne.

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