you are deluding yourself if you believe that the Left or even the revolutionaey 
left in Turkey is anywhere near to challenge the existing order. It has been 
smashed in the past - specially in 1980 - both by the bourgeoisie and its 
generals and by its own shortcomings. Those who keep on talking abnout the 
'fascist' regime in Turkey may be personally heroes but show that they don't 
even have a materialist analysis of the country they are living in. If waging a 
cruel war against another people (here the Kurds) was already fascism Britain 
and France would have been fascist countries in colonial times. It may be a big 
progress that after beind smashed by the generals the turkish revolutionarey 
left has largely stopped to name each other fascist. They should now stop to 
call a reactionary chauvinist bourgeois democracy in a crisis ridden poor 
country fascist. Or do thew think that 'democracy' in the rich countries really 
functions like in school books? 
        I'm not sure that this information which I got from Turkish comrades is 
correct, but I was told that 'Dev Sol' distributed leaflets in Istanbul hailing 
Ceaucescu when he was killed in Romania. Don't believe that lunsatics like this 
will topple the well entrenched Turkish state. Also ask them about the 
liquidation of comrades from a break away faction a couple of years ago. I don't 
doubt that they have heroic fighters but unfortunately they are seriously misled 
. Best  A.Holberg

heikki sipilä schrieb:
> According to my opinion Turkish communists form one of the strongest
> communist groups in the world.
> I agree with their opinions in general.
> A sharp class contradcition in a NATO country is worth further focusing.
> Below please find a short survey about Turkey,
> Heikki
> Turkey´s fascist politics has for years formed a military threat against
> its neighbours and especially against Kurdish people in Turkey and in Iraq.
> Turkeys´s politics is connected with the new dangerous aim of escalation
> based on the American - Israel policy.
> However, there is a strong political and even military opposition in the
> Near East. Of course, the world imperialist machinery does its utmost to
> eliminate these forces.
> In autumn 1998 There was a murder attempt against the political leader of
> Kurdish liberation movement. Kurdish TV-programs and all information
> activities have continuously been disturbed.
> The leader of Kurdish freedom movement was Abdullah Ocalan. In November
> 1998 he was arrested by authorities in Western Europe in Rome. According to
> the official sources he was suspected for "crimes". The new Europol works
> effectively like Gestapo. There were demonstrations in Southern Europe in
> order to get Abdullah Ocalan free. In February 1999 Ocalan condemned in
> publicity the countries of Western Europe because of ignoring mass murders
> at Kurdish areas. Ocalan was released in December 1998 because of the
> pressure by Kurdish people.
> Abdullah Ocalan was abducted in February 1999 in Kenya. He was betrayed by
> the embassy of Greece. Behind this operation were CIA and Mossad. Ocalan
> has got a sentence to death. The political consequences are for us to see.
> PKK and all the Kurds´ front are a dangerous element for imperialism. In
> July 1999 another leader of PKK was captured.
> Turkish army performs military attacks continuously against Kurdish people
> at the border area between Iraq and Turkey.
> The fascist government of Turkey does not admit any kind of human right
> problems in the country. Turkey denies also the existence of the Kurds´
> ethnic problem. Yet about 30000 people have died in struggles between
> Turkish armed forces and the Kurds during the last fifteen years.
> Human rights are worth nothing in Turkey. Kurdish people are not the only
> victims.
> Turkey is a member of NATO. Turkey and Israel protect oil of world
> capitalism in Near East. Both states use extreme violence in order to
> suppress democratic movements.
> The relations between European Union and Turkey are improving. Turkey has
> informed about their intention to apply for membership of EU.
> There were held parliamentary elections in April 1999 in Turkey. The
> elections do not affect the Turkish fascist politics.
> Turkish troops made in April 1999 a strong attack against Kurds in northern
> Iraq. Thousands of civil victims. Amnesty International or any "human
> right" organizations are not interested at all. These cowardly crusaders
> for human rights dare not and do not want to criticize a NATO-country.
> According to realible sources in May 1999 Turkey is planning for a nuclear
> weapon of its own.
> In August 1999 PKK promised to withdraw its troops from Turkish area in
> order to save human lives. This sign of a good will did not affect Turkish
> politics.
> In the end of November 1999 Abdullah Ocalan´s death sentence was confirmed.
> The western countries who arranged his abduction pretend now to resist this
> decision.
> Very likely Turkey will be sooner or later  a member of the EU. Thus EU´s
> military power will be added with one fascist NATO-country.
> Against all judicial princips the justice systems of Germany and France
> have arranged political farce trials and given long prison sentences to
> members of the Turkish Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front
> (DHKP-C). In January 2000 there were prisoners in hunger strikes in order
> to resist the unlegalities. Germany and France represent imperialism. From
> imperialism´s point of view it is important to suppress all political
> resistance in Turkey. Turkey is in a strategic position on NATO´s way to
> the Caucasus oil area.
> The bourgeois Amnesty International is not interested in the unlegal
> sentences. As a demonstration The Ilhan Yelkuvan Solidarity Committee
> occupied the Amnesty International London office for three hours on Jan.
> 16th, 00.
> In April 2000 the Turkish government has answered the peaceful goodwill
> expressed by the PKK and all Kurds. The answer was given in form of cluster
> bombs. Thus violences will continue.
> The internal unrests and violences in Turkey go on . Police has in 2000
> accelerated arbitrary arrestings. Arrested demonstrators have been
> tortured. The intention of the Turkish fascist government is to subjugate
> people and especially to suppress communist activities. For this purpose
> they use isolations, which in practice mean death by torturing. Old prisons
> have been rebuilt and new prisons have been built to serve this goal. There
> are tens of thousands of political prisoners in Turkey. The amount of
> prisoners increases progressively. Police arrests prisoners´ relatives and
> friends who demonstrate against political arrestings. Visiting a prison is
> dangerous alike.
> In 2000 there were in Turkey massive 1st May workers´ demonstrations and
> marches first time for many years. This time police dared not use violence.
> In summer this process continues. Massive demonstrations. Police forces
> dare not always get involved. Turkish people have mass power and resistance
> for fight.
> In 2000 a revolutionary situation is about to be born in Turkey. The
> revolutionary activities are led by communist parties and groups, supported
> by large masses of people.
> People who have succeeded to escape from Turkey to Finland have told about
> the horrible and worsening circumstances. People do not tolerate any more.
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