>As you will know from my message I agree with you in substance. This is why I
>would like you to explain the 'controversial' point about the 
>special historical
>period a bit more. Do you think that 'fascism' will never retutmn in its
>historical clothes or do you think that the bourgeoisie will not any 
>more need a
>petty bourgeois mass movement in order to smash any independent working class
>organization and to prepare for new interimperialst wars? Or may be you mean
>anything else.Please elaborate.

Specters of fascism -- real or imaginary -- are & will be used by 
neoliberals to consolidate their hegemony: the Third Way at home & 
humanitarian imperialism abroad (both of which appeal to 
petit-bourgeois moralism).  In other words, future fascists will come 
in anti-fascist guise.  Don't look for Brown Shirts.  Watch out for 
cool outfits, the kind worn by Bernard Kouchner.


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