Below is an article from the (conservative) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Unwelcome Readers

By Lorenz Jäger

FRANKFURT. A debate is gaining momentum that some think should never have
been allowed to begin, certainly not in Germany. Many Germans are saying it
is a matter for the Americans. In the United States, meanwhile, people are
asking why Norman G. Finkelstein's book "The Holocaust Industry" is
preoccupying the Germans and the British yet being treated almost like a
specimen of samizdat in the U.S. That, at least, is the theme of a
commentary by British columnist Christopher Hitchens in the upcoming issue
of The Nation. Finkelstein has been given "the silent treatment," says

It is Finkelstein's thesis that in remembering the Holocaust, dogma - that
of the unique nature of Nazi genocide - and material interests have been
interlocked into an ideology. This led his critics to accuse him of
subscribing to a conspiracy theory. Finkelstein's response, published in
last Saturday's Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, is not lacking in ingenuity.
Supposing, says Finkelstein, that in the 1950s someone had claimed that the
CIA was "directly or indirectly" subsidizing a large number of the free
world's key cultural projects - the most obvious response would have been to
dismiss the originator of such ideas "as a hare-brained conspiracy
theorist." The punch line is, says Finkelstein, that "he would have also
been right."

So, is Finkelstein's book, which will be published in German next spring by
Piper Verlag, suitable material for a debate in Germany? Responding to a
survey by the German press agency dpa, German historian Hans Mommsen said it
was not. Ought "The Holocaust Industry" even to be discussed at the
Historikertag , the conference of German historians to be held in Aachen in
a few weeks' time? Historian Eberhard Jäckel is strictly opposed to the

Jäckel and Mommsen consider it primarily a matter for the Americans. "Why
should we respond to every polemic that doesn't concern us?" Jäckel asked
dpa. The Historikertag was "not the platform for delivering up-to-date
reactions," he added. Mommsen said better works on the "Americanization of
the Holocaust" had long been available but had regrettably escaped the
notice of the German general public.

Johannes Fried, chairman of the German historians' association, pointed out
that as matters stood, the Finkelstein debate was not on the conference
agenda. The association had an open mind on the matter if a debate was
wanted, he added.

Wolfgang Benz, director of the Berlin Technical University's Center for
Research into Anti-Semitism, sees the debate less as a matter for historians
than as a problem of political culture. Whereas in the U.S. the debate is
taking place on the left side of the spectrum, where both Finkelstein and
Hitchens see themselves, Benz is worried about the applause that Finkelstein
attracts from the average armchair warrior in Germany.

Munich historian Michael Wolffsohn believes that many German historians
avoid discussing the instrumentalization of the Holocaust "like the devil
avoids holy water," because they are conformists and fear for their careers.
"With or without the Historikertag , in the long term this topic cannot be
treated as taboo. Whether and to what extent Finkelstein did careful
research is a question of technique and method, but not a political
question. It is not the people raising the subject but those trying to
impose a taboo on it who are encouraging anti-Semitism," Wolffsohn said.

Historian Karl Dietrich Bracher also spoke out against making the subject
taboo. "One cannot exclude those topics from debate. That also has its
political importance," he said. Yet Bracher also argued for Germans to adopt
a clear attitude of reserve. "Finkelstein's and the Germans' moral
viewpoints are not the same," he said.

Commenting on Finkelstein's charge of financial irregularities on the part
of the Jewish Claims Conference, historian Hans-Ulrich Wehler said he would
prefer "foreign critics to find fault and not Germans, least of all
right-wing Germans," which, he added, would be leading to a completely
distorted view. "This is still a very delicate subject, and not just for
members of our political generation," he said. Fried said he was concerned
that the book, when published in German, might find the "wrong readers."

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