>Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 14:42:20 -0400
>To: lbo-talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: new Yugo war?
>Business Week - September 25, 2000
>Why NATO Is Bracing for Another War in Yugoslavia
>Slobodan Milosevic is backed into the tightest corner he has seen in 
>years. The wily Yugoslav leader has presided over the disintegration 
>of his country, lost four wars, isolated his people internationally, 
>seen himself indicted as a war criminal, provoked last year's 
>devastating NATO bombings for his brutal repression in Kosovo, and 
>through it all, managed to survive. But now he faces a surprisingly 
>strong challenge in a presidential election scheduled for Sept. 24. 
>The opposition's Vojislav Kostunica, a 56-year-old lawyer and member 
>of parliament, leads Milosevic by 20 points in independent polls.
>Yet only a few optimists think Milosevic is on his way out. Instead, 
>most political observers see the election as a potentially dangerous 
>catalyst for a new Balkan crisis that could involve the U.S. and its 
>allies in another violent confrontation with the Serbs.
>Milosevic called the vote after ramming through constitutional 
>amendments in July. The new law allows him to run for reelection in 
>a direct vote rather than retire by 2001, as the old rules required. 
>But now, to win, it appears that Milosevic will have to commit 
>massive fraud. That could spark public protests in Serbia--the 
>larger of two republics remaining in the Yugoslav federation--and a 
>brutal crackdown on the opposition in response.
>''CRITICAL PERIOD.'' Just as bad, Milosevic may be tempted to 
>provoke a conflict with Montenegro, the tiny Yugoslav republic that 
>has defied Belgrade by introducing democratic reforms and opposing 
>Serbia's war in Kosovo. Civil strife inside Montenegro, where a 
>third of the population still backs Milosevic, or a skirmish on the 
>Serb-Montenegrin border could give Milosevic a reason to declare a 
>state of emergency and postpone the elections.
>The Montenegrins are bracing for a confrontation. Even if Milosevic 
>does not provoke an incident, Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic 
>has called on his citizens to boycott the election because 
>Milosevic's constitutional amendments diminish Montenegro's power in 
>the federation. ''We will not accept the results'' if Milosevic 
>wins, says Montenegrin Foreign Affairs Minister Branko Lukovac. ''We 
>will certainly enter the critical period of confronting Milosevic.'' 
>Lukovac fears Milosevic will order the army to seal Montenegro's 
>border to keep it from importing essential goods. If that happens, 
>Lukovac says, Montenegro's 12,000-strong police force--equipped with 
>armored personnel carriers, helicopters, and light weapons--will 
>fight. While they're no match in firepower, Djukanovic's forces may 
>have an edge in Montenegro's mountainous terrain.
>CORNERED. Such a conflict could easily spread into a broader Balkan 
>war, a worrying prospect for the U.S. A senior Clinton 
>Administration official says the U.S. and NATO allies have consulted 
>about possible responses to a Milosevic move. NATO has 40,000 troops 
>stationed in Kosovo. And the U.S. Navy is planning exercises in the 
>Adriatic Sea the weekend of Yugoslavia's election. ''The fear is 
>that Milosevic will move to strengthen his hand at home, in the 
>belief that he can do so because the U.S. is preoccupied with its 
>own elections,'' says Ivo H. Daalder, senior fellow at the Brookings 
>Because of his indictment in The Hague for war crimes, Milosevic has 
>few options but to hold on to power. He has told supporters that he 
>must win more than 50% of the vote on Sept. 24, so he can avoid a 
>run-off. It will be up to the Serbian people to decide whether or 
>not they accept the result.
>By Christopher Condon in Budapest, with bureau reports

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