ML Update
A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-3; No.-37; 20-9-2000


Indo-U.S. 'Partnership' and
the Unmasking of 'the Mask'

Vajpayee’s voyage to America has finally come to an end. Even though the
visit had to be cut short by two days because of his troubled knees,
this was probably the longest trip to the US by any Indian Prime
Minister. This was also the first time an Indian Prime Minister had
carried such a huge stock of expensive gifts for his hosts. But at the
end of the day, the visit will probably be remembered more because of
the Prime Minister’s all too evident knee troubles. He could barely walk
or stand, and he delivered his address to the US Congress as he was
seated. In the Sangh Parivar’s reckoning, however, the troubled knees of
the PM perhaps only counted as an additional plus point. Here is an
Indian PM who is prepared to stoically forget his knees, and also the
fact that his host country is about to choose its next President, just
to demonstrate his country’s unswerving commitment to America!
Isolating Pakistan and securing a stronger American note of approval for
India’s role in Kashmir and vis-a-vis Pakistan was the topmost political
priority of the Vajpayee mission. The NDA government has been
campaigning hard to get the US to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. On
this score, Vajpayee is once again returning empty-handed. If anything,
the knee-jerk reaction displayed by Vajpayee in spurning General
Musharraf’s offer for an unconditional dialogue struck a jarring note in
the UN General Assembly. America, however, cannot but savour the Indian
insistence on American approval, which weakens India’s own initiative in
the bilateral sphere of Indo-Pak relations and opens every possible door
for ever greater American interference in the subcontinent.
The economy was obviously the second most important concern. Vajpayee
directly appealed to the bosses of corporate America: “Today, I invite
you, captains of the US industry, to grab the many new opportunities
India offers.” He reassured the US Congress about the NDA government’s
unbridled commitment to throw open the entire Indian economy and trade
for American penetration. Yet for all these concessions, the deals
signed between the two countries during Vajpayee’s visit did not add up
to more than $ 6 billion. The amount of course does not refer only to
direct US investment in India - indeed, how many of these deals will
actually materialise and how much US investment that will really involve
is anybody’s guess - it also includes loans like $ 900 million
sanctioned by the US Exim Bank for purchase of US goods and services.
And for those die-hard gullibles who believe in the US propaganda of
reciprocity and saffron illusions of a great future for India in
America, the Washington Post  carried a story while Vajpayee was in
America. It described graphically the plight of the 4,20,000 H-1B
visa-holders (visa of a temporary nature), 55 per cent of whom are
Indians, who according to the paper are treated by the US government
with an approach of “open arms but closed doors”.
Beyond Vajpayee’s troubled knees, India’s troubled borders with
Pakistan, and endless investment talks and e-commerce oratory, the
voyage was of course also marked by distinct Hindutva overtones and
signs of the controversial civilisational basis on which the US wants to
secure India’s subservience. Away from the heat and dust of coalition
politics, in America Vajpayee discovered the ideal ambience to shed his
liberal masks and reveal his saffron soul. Vajpayee’s unmistakable
swayamsevak-first statement and his avowed commitment to the India of
his dreams on securing two-thirds majority were meant as much for his
audience back home as for his hosts and friends on the American soil.
And it invited a grand reciprocal gesture from the American custodians
of Western civilisation. Vajpayee’s address to the US Congress was
preceded by something unprecedented. A Hindu priest was called to offer
the customary morning prayer, and he of course did it in English!
If the saffron brigade offers its services as America’s most trusted
Indian collaborator in the drive towards a US-dominated unipolar world,
America is clearly more than willing to back the former in realising its
dreams of project Hindutva. This is the political-ideological basis of
‘reciprocity’ on which Washington and New Delhi are manufacturing their
vicious visions of partnership.

Martyrs Memory

Martyrs' Memorial at Lasarhi in Bhojpur Dedicated to People

Fulfilling long-standing demands of the people, the CPI(ML) installed an
impressive statue of the 12 villagers who had been martyred by the
British police at Lasarhi (Agiaon PS) in Bhojpur of Bihar in 1942. The
memorial was dedicated to the people by CPI(ML) General Secretary Com.
Dipankar Bhattacharya at a mass meeting held on 15 September. The
meeting was presided over by veteran freedom fighter Rampret Singh and
conducted by Vimal Singh. Veteran freedom fighter Com. Ramakant Dwivedi
'Ramata' was the chief guest. These martyrs belonging to Lasarhi, Chasi
and Dhakani villages also included a woman, Akali Devi. Party had
initiated a campaign to declare Lasarhi village a historical place and
erect a memorial there in 1998. The same year on 15 September the
foundation stone of statue was laid by Party's Politbureau member Com.
Ram Naresh Ram, MLA from Sahar. The memorial was completed in two years
by noted sculptor Chulhan Prasad.
Speaking at the mass meeting Com. Dipankar said that when the people of
Lasarhi sacrificed their lives for the sake of freedom in 1942 movement,
people like Atal Bihari were serving as informers for the British. Even
today he is doing the same job for American masters. The struggle for
freedom was a struggle of peasants and workers. It is on the basis of
the ideals of these martyrs, by means of a democratic movement that
Bihar can be brought back onto the path of development.

Protest and Resistance

Sangh Bid to Foment Communal Tension in AMU

CPI(ML) strongly condemned Sangh Parivar affiliates VHP, Bajrang Dal and
BJP for their attempts to foment communal trouble in Aligarh Muslim
University. Party has demanded high level enquiry into the incident of
picking up of a student by plain clothes men. Party said that Sangh
Parivar in alliance with communal sections of police and administration
are set to vitiate the atmosphere in A.M.U. The saffron brigade has
branded the whole academic community of A.M.U. as a bunch of
anti-nationals and issuing statements to "kill  them in encounters" or
"hang for treason", and the police and administration is acting to
suppress all democratc voices in the campus and justifying all its
arbitrary activities as crackdown on I.S.I agents.
An AISA delegation led by Kavita Krishnan, AISA national president and
Tanveer Fazal of J.N.U. visited A.M.U. They expressed solidarity with
the struggle of A.M.U. students against the communal ploy to demonize
the institution of A.M.U. and called upon students of D.U., J.N.U. and
Jamia as well as all democratic citizens to join hands with the
struggling A.M.U. students.

AISA Protest in Lucknow

In continuation of their protest against fees hike in Lucknow University
campus, AISA activists opposed the visit of Suraj Bhan, Governor of UP,
on 12 Sept. Police lathicharged the protesting students and arrested
state AISA secretary Ajit Singh Yadav and beat him in police custody.
AISA has protested this police high-handedness under instruction from
the saffron rulers in the state.

Demonstration Against Padrauna Firing

CPI(ML) has demanded resignation of BJP govt. in UP and judicial enquiry
into Padrauna firing on sugar mill workers and peasants on 29 August. To
press this demand, demonstrations were held on 15 September at district
headquarters in Uttar Pradesh. Party activists from Kushinagar, Deoria
and Gorakhpur districts, demonstrating at Gorakhpur divisional
headquarters, were led by Com. Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Secy. of UP
State Committee. Thousands of people joined demonstrations held at
Pilibhit, Chandauli, Ghazipur, Gonda, Robertsganj (Sonebhadra), Akbarpur
(Ambedkar nagar) and Bijnor. In Lucknow, CPI(ML) and AICCTU held a
dharna at GPO Park. In Basti Party activists brought out a bicycle
procession. In Varanasi, dharna was held and memorandum was submitted to
Divisional Commissioner. A day before a dharna was held to protest
increasing feudal and police attacks on dalits in the eastern zone. In
Lakhimpur Kheri the demonstration was held at Bankeganj block. Earlier,
statewide protest day was observed on 2 Sept. and a protest meeting was
held at Subhash Chowk in Padrauna on 9 Sept. addressed by Com. Lal
Bahadur Singh, State Committee member and Gen. Secy. of RYA.

Student Convention

Uttar Pradesh Chhatra Sangharsh Samiti organised a convention at
Sampoornanand Sanskrit University in Varanasi on 13 Sept. and decided to
hold gherao of UP Assembly on the first day of its session in October in
protest against fee hike, reduction of seats and age bar on candidates
seeking election to students union. Around 200 students and youth
associated with RYA participated in this convention. It was conducted by
AISA general secretary Com. Sunil Yadav and concluded by Com. Lal
Bahadur Singh, Gen. Secy. of RYA. The convention also decided to observe
statewide protest day on 18 Sept. against police repression on student

Demonstration by Agrarian Labourers in Bihar

More than 3000 agrarian labourers held a demonstration on 4 September
breaking Sec.144 at Masaurhi sub-division office demanding arrest of
Ranvir Sena chieftains and supply of free arms to agrarian labourers to
defend themselves against Ranvir Sena. The demonstration was addressed
by PB member Nand Kishor Prasad.
The same day agrarian labourers also held demonstration at Fatuha and
Fulwari block offices on the same demands. On the next day, more than
3000 agrarian labourers from the villages of Maner, Bihta and Naubatpur
blocks came to demonstrate before Danapur sub divisional headquarters
and held a meeting there.

Effigy of CMs Burnt

Effigies of chief ministers of Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, U.P., M.P., Tamil
Nadu and Karnataka were burnt in a demonstration participated by around
150 people in Gwalior on 11 Sept. Agitators shouted slogans against
police repression and firing in first four states and surrender by the
last two states to Virappan demands


Left Leaders Join CPI(ML) in Bhind of M.P.

Three CPI(M) leaders in Gohad area of Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh,
namely Com. Mohammad Bharaiyya, Com. Dhuaram Mahor and Com. Rasheed
Khan, along with 30 other members, joined the Party in a meeting held on
12 September. The meeting was attended by CPI(ML) state leader Com.
Devendra Singh Chauhan.

Party Convention in Araria
A convention of more than 250 activists, most of them agrarian labourers
and around 50 women, was held at Farbisganj in Araria district of Bihar
on 10 Sept. The activists have recently come to our Party from CPI. It
was decided to recruit 2,000 agrarian labourers in one week. The
convention was addressed by Com. Prabhat Chaudhary, incharge of east
Bihar zone.
A cadre convention was organised at Bhagalpur on 17 Sept. in the course
of preparations for the success of Bihar Bandh on 23 September.

Panchayat Fray in Kerala

Party organisation in Palghat district of Kerala has decided to contest
from a district panchayat seat in Koduvayur division, on a block
panchayat seat from Pallavur division and in a village panchayat seat of

Seminar on Development of Bihar

Party organised a seminar on the question of development of Bihar on 11
September in Muzaffarpur. It was attended by over 500 persons, among
whom more than 150 were from intelligentsia, journalists and teachers.
Notable among them was Prof. Nawal Kishor Chaudhary of Patna University.
Speakers appreciated the fact that CPI(ML) has brought the agenda of
Bihar's development on the main focus and given it a shape of mass
movement. This apart, the Party has come up with a concrete package in
this regard in place of empty rhetorics. Addressing the seminar Com.
Dipankar said that contrary to the apprehension that land reform will
destabilize the social balance, it is the existing social balance that
is responsible for backwardness of Bihar and this social balance must be
upturned. If Bihar has remained backward it is because mafia and
scamsters have made fortune out of this backwardness. Paraphrasing Rahul
Sankrityayan, he coined the phrase: "Bhago nahin, Bihar ko badlo" (Don't
escape, transform Bihar).

Farmers to Encircle  Rajasthan Assembly

CPI(ML), CPI and CPI(M) have decided to intensify the ongoing agitation
against power reform in Rajasthan. While observing protest day on
October 7, the Vijayadashami Day, they will burn the copies of the
Government order breaking the State Electricity Board into five
different companies along with the effigies of Ravana.
Addressing the joint press conference on 16 Sept., Comrades Mahendra
Chowdhary, Tara Singh Siddu and Hariram Chouhan, State Secretaries of
CPI(ML)-Liberation, CPI and CPI(M) respectively said that the struggle
against power reform will be intensified. Thousands of farmers will
surround  the assembly on November 1 in protest against power reforms,
while 50 lakh signatures are being collected to submit a mass petition
to the Governor. Com. Mahendra Choudhury along with  other Left party
leaders accused the Govt. for raiding the farms and disconnecting the
power lines. State Govt. talked about providing 8 hrs power supply for
farmers but the real power supply was limited to 4-5 hrs, they charged.
Thousands of connections had been snapped within a fortnight under the
pretext of pending arrears, when the farmers  had suffered heavy losses
due to erratic power supply resulting damages of pump sets. Exposing the
hypocrisy of the Congress Govt. in Rajasthan , the leaders said that
whereas the Congress is agitating against power reform in Andhra, its
government in Rajasthan is  going the Andhra way.

Typical Experiences

Nationwide Telecom Strike:
Workers' Independent initiative in Tamil Nadu

Glorious three days reminiscing 1968 P&T General strike. Displaying
exemplary solidarity, firmness and vigour, workers succeeded in
paralyzing the telecommunication, the most 'dynamic' sector of the
economy. It was an indefinite strike from Sept. 6 jointly called by the
federations led by the Left, Congress and BJP. Though the strike was
against privatization, main demands included job security for women
workers and financial viability of the proposed corporations. Workers
rejected the monetary offer by the Communication minister. Thanks to the
workers' pressure, BJP leaders were exposed in a day as no.1 renegade of
the working class. But the workers persisted. Madras circle witnessed
the concentrated expression of militancy, solidarity, high spirit and
firm determination. Here, contrary to BJP's speculation, telephone,
cellular, pager, even internet operations were totally paralyzed on the
second day. The state was virtually disconnected from the rest of the
world. Strike forced the management to close the offices and lock the
tool room for first time after the 1968 general strike.
Soon after BJP back-out, CPI(M) leadership started propagating pessimism
and secretly mobilized their supporters to go back to work at Flower
Bazaar Exchange. But the overwhelming majority of workers assembled at
the gate opposing this, and the exchange was handed over to the police.
Workers resorted to road blockade and picketing against police
interference. More than 1000 workers were arrested including large
number of our supporters. Consequent protest against the arrest spread
all-over the city.
During preparations for the strike, Spark, a forum of vanguards, had
actively involved workers through intensive propaganda, agitation and
demonstration at grass root level exposing the BJP Govt. sellout of the
telecom sector to the US imperialists. Thus broadest possible
mobilization of workers to make the strike complete success could be
possible.  After a period of stagnation, this time we achieved a
breakthrough in mobilizing a large number of agitators. This calls for
consolidation of the forces emerged in the struggle and expansion of
mass work.


Hirawal Performs in Patna

Hirawal, a performing team of Jan Sanskriti Manch,( cultural
forum)presented three songs, 'Ek din Raja marle aasmaan mein urat maina
na' written by Gorakh Pandey, 'Pahle daal mein kaala tha, ab kaale mein
daal hai' by Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena and 'Rahne ko ghar nahin hai
Hindostan hamara' by Ram Kumar Krishak, in drama form at Shakuntala
theatre of Kalidas Rangalaya in Patna on 8 September. Santosh Jha sang
the songs and directed the dramatic presentation. The presentation was
so live that it was received standing ovation from the spectators. On
the whole, it highlighted the crisis of culture due to the infiltration
by multinational companies.


The International Oil Crisis and India

The current skyrocketing oil prices have hit around $36 a barrel on the
international market, compared to less than $10 just a few years ago.
Opec assurance to increase oil supply failed to calm panic at petrol
pumps and angry fuel protests numbling across Europe. Truckers,
protesting against diesel prices blockaded highways across Western
Europe, with Britain set to invoke emergency powers to prevent shortages
turning a national crisis. In London, petrol pumps ran dry after panic
buying swept Britain. In worst hit areas, rubbish went uncollected and
hospitals cancelled non-emergency services. Dutch truckers stages
wildcat blockades to stop traffic on motorways around Amsterdam and
Rotterdam. Striking French truckers have rejected the government’s
latest offer to end a dispute which has brought much of France to a
standstill. Lorry drivers and militant farmers are blockading nearly all
the oil refineries and fuel depots in the country as part of their
campaign for cheaper fuel. Over 80% of petrol stations have run dry and
rationing has already been imposed in some regions.
Fuel demand is high in developed nations, where it is essential to the
functioning of big industry. However, those countries have the resources
to face the costs. But the problem has caused consternation,
particularly in Asia, where there is a growing concern that the rise in
oil prices will bring about galloping inflation, leading to another
economic crisis. The gravity of the problem in India is evident from the
expanding oil pool deficit which rose from Rs.6000 cr. on March 31 to
Rs.7,500 cr. by the end of July. The deficit is now estimated at Rs.9000
cr. and it may double before the end of this fiscal if prices continue
to stay where they are. The oil import bill for 2000-01 had earlier been
estimated at $17 bn. based on $28 a barrel. With prices ruling above
$33, the oil bill will exceed $20 bn. against last year's $10 bn. The
consequent burgeoning subsidy on diesel, kerosene and LPG will become
nearly impossible to sustain. Ram Naik is just waiting for PM to return
to announce a price hike. However, it is dismaying that contrary to the
belief that India would become self-sufficient in oil, or even an oil
exporting country following the discovery of oil in Bombay High in the
70s, the entire oil production by both ONGC and OIL, came down from
34.63 mn. tonnes in 95-96 to 27 mn. tonnes in 1999-2000. Within one
year, between 98-99 to 99-2000, there was a sharp decline in indigenous
production from 43.1% to 33.5% while imports went up during the same
period from 56.9% to 66.5% of domestic requirements. And the saffron
"Swadeshi" govt. is coolly presiding over the disaster consequent to
this decline in self-sufficiency. Thus the only hope to balance the ill
effect of international petroleum price hike has been belied.

Strengthen the Party Campaign

Combat Individualism and Liberalism, Strengthen Party Unity and

"Whenever there are party members who swell with pride and whose
individualism is not resolutely checked by the party, these members will
contend for position, power and profit, traffic in flattery and favours,
engage in small-group activities and even commit the crime of helping
the enemy to disrupt and split the party ... Under the cloak of the
party's correct line, they seek to attain their personal ends by taking
advantage of the shortcomings or mistakes of some leading comrades and
differing opinions within the party, fomenting dissension, spreading
rumours and sometimes carrying illegal activities under false pretences.
If we are not politically sharp enough we are likely to be fooled... No
matter in what form and to what extent individualism manifests itself,
it goes against collectivism. Both bourgeois and petty bourgeois
individualism stem from bourgeois ideology.
We should make a distinction between activities that violate party
discipline and damage party unity and ordinary liberalism. Of course,
liberalism is a bad thing and it stems from bourgeois mentality, but it
is relatively mild failing. Many manifestations of liberalism mentioned
by Mao Zedong in his essay "Combat Liberalism" are of this ordinary
category. We should also make a distinction between a serious degree of
individualism and ordinary complacency... It is not unusual for people
in our party to become conceited when they have achieved a little in
their work. We should draw a distinction between that sort of
self-satisfaction and a serious degree of individualism. Of course,
ordinary liberalism and complacency can be made use of by individualists
who are engaged in activities that violate party discipline, and they
can develop into a serious degree of individualism. Then, is there any
difference between liberalism and complacency on the one hand and
individualism on the other? Yes, there is. The criterion is whether or
not the party member has personal ambition, jockeys for leadership,
damages party discipline and carries out anti party activities. If this
criterion is made clear to all, the political consciousness, vigilance
and combat effectiveness of the entire party membership, especially of
high ranking cadres will be greatly enhanced. All party members,
especially high-ranking cadres, should therefore combat and overcome not
only individualism, but also liberalism and complacency ”. ---(Selected
Works of Zhou Enlai, Vol. lI, pp.129-138

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