DETUDAK (Committee for Solidarity with the Revolutionary Prisoners in
Turkey) speech for September 23 event at Camden Centre, Town Hall, Judd
Street, London WC1H 9JE. (Starting 5:30, admission three pounds).
DETUDAK unites the supporters of a number of revolutionary organisations in
and from Turkey.

Dear friends,
The 21st century is being declared to be the century of "bourgeois
 democracy", but when we look at the military coups, the hunger, the growing
poverty, the refugee crises, environmental disasters, arms races, injustices
in the distribution of income and so on, these show how false this statement
is. Whoever says all these things can be resolved within a democratic
framework is engaging in bourgeois propaganda. Fascism is continuing in
Turkey and countries like it. Imperialism's collaborators and governments
are trying to change their image, but in fact imperialism has always
continued to finance and support them no matter what they do. Because of
that, under conditions of fascism, resolving problems is only possible by
carrying out revolution. Our current government, which is the most
collaborationist government in our country's history, is very quick to
remove anything that might cause anxiety to the American imperialists. As
soon as the DSP-MHP-ANAP (Democratic Left Party-Nationalist Movement
Party-Motherland Party: in other words, a "left-wing" party, a far-right
party and a liberal-conservative party) coalition came to power, they
adopted all the laws that imperialism considered necessary. They gave
imperialism the message, "You can trust us." The banks and social security
reforms were very quickly processed through parliament.
Looking at this framework, it is not easy to see how Turkey's domestic
situation is to take shape in the next period. Because domestic conditions
and the policies of the oligarchy are mostly shaped by external forces. The
situation in our country and also the prospects for the future cannot be
correctly determined because of mistakes in establishing what the current
world situation is. Well, what is the current world situation? The new world
order of imperialism doesn't mean eternal peace and the triumph of
democracy. Everyone knows this now. These theories lost their credibility
and influence at the beginning of the 1990s. Among some bourgeois ideologues
and also among the left, there are still some who defend such views. But the
defenders of these theories are put in a difficult position following the
attacks on Iraq and Yugoslavia, as well as the instigation of nationalism in
other parts of the world. In this world, international laws, democracy and
people's rights are not making progress, instead imperialism is engaging in
wild pillaging. The cold war has ended, they say. If the cold war has really
ended, is your arms expenditure spent on justice and equality? Injustice and
inequality have deepened. So here all the theories regarding the new world
order have collapsed. It is known that imperialism is worried and anxious
about this century. We saw that very openly at the imperialists' Istanbul
AGIT summit, in Seattle and in Davos. Their fears are growing. So they apply
more pressure and terror. All the imperialist institutions indicate that
unjust income distribution all over the world is worsening, but they do
nothing to remedy this. On the contrary, the gap between rich and poor is
growing because of the ambitions of the monopolies. Especially in
imperialist countries, all the laws against terrorism are being
strengthened. There is no reason to think that these countries can export
democracy to other countries. The aim of establishing the European Union was
to create a stronger internal market in Europe and to resist American and
Japanese imperialism. What can Turkey derive from this? Nothing will come
from the European Union to Turkey, but Turkey is going to be offered to the
EU monopolies as an open market. The USA and the European Community, by
accepting Turkey's application as a candidate country, want to control the
other countries on Turkey's borders and be able to exploit these countries.
The imperialists and their collaborators are trying to remove the potential
for revolution in Turkey. The results of such operations have been known
from the beginning. They are doomed to failure. Economically and
politically, Turkey's rulers have no power to destroy the revolutionary
movements. This country has so many contradictions, and despite the pressure
and harassment it is still continuing to create revolutionaries. But the
revolution is going to be more powerful. Analysis of the conditions in our
country and the world show that this is the reality.
When you look at our countries, since being accepted into the European
Community and the Hizbullah operations, the election to the state presidency
and the "hope" operations have caused complications in peoples' minds.
"Where are we going?" The answer to this question, economically and
politically and with regard to military developments, can be seen clearly in
day-to-day events. But the direction by American imperialism with the
support of European imperialism, and the subjective preferences of
intellectuals can also obscure such things.
Governments at the uppermost level organise prison massacres. The parliament
supports such massacres by remaining silent or conducting enquiries which
are just for show, so how can we say that such a country is democratic?
Who would believe that there is any democracy even if one only looked at the
Ulucanlar events and saw the behaviour of the state and its institutions as
well as the attitude of imperialism and international institutions. TUSIAD
(Employers' and manufacturers' confederation in Turkey) talked about
abolishing capital punishment, it pretended to be defending huamn rights but
after the Ulucanlar massacre it did not even say one word. Europe did not
want to see Ulucanlar, though when it wants it will devote enormous
attention to even one incidence of torture. Imperialism's professional
servants will ask questions about everything in a particular country, from
the economy to human rights, but they did not ask the state a single
question about Ulucanlar. But all these things are still not enough to open
the eyes of some people. These people are blind and their brains have ceased
to function. We say to them, you cannot flee from the reality of Turkey, if
you try to escape from it these facts are going to follow you in the form of
our people who were raped, and others who will come after you, bringing
their coffins with them. In this case, before they come to you bearing their
coffins, you cannot say, we didn't believe it, you must see this reality and
frame policies that deal with it. Those who are honest about the
revolutionary struggle have to listen to revolutionaries. Saying that the
policy of putting prisoners in isolation is a matter of implementing
European standards cannot be acceptable. Because all the European bourgeois
democracies still use the laws of Hitler and Mussolini against
revolutionaries. They are widening their system "of democracy" for
opposition movements which are not against the system, but against
revolutionary alternatives they are using more and more repression as
fascist regimes did previously. Did you say no the IMF? Did you want
independence from imperialism? Did you want democracy as opposed to fascism?
Did you take part in the struggle for right and freedom? Did you want your
rights? Did you say no to YOK (the Higher Education Council in Turkey, which
politically controls the education system there)? Did you say "go away" to
Eurogold (a gold prospecting firm which is damaging the environment in
Turkey)? Did you say no to nuclear power? In short, one way or another, if
you oppose the Susurluk-fascist state in Turkey, your road will definitely
take you to the F-type prisons.
"No to the IMF": IMF's soldiers answer this. "Give up your resistance!
Surrender!" People who say no to the IMF have only beliefs and hopes. Those
who say surrender have tanks and guns and shells. There are two sides to
this. On the one side, IMF's soldiers, on the other, the people and their
leaders. Attacks are taking place in order to benefit the IMF and
imperialism, and to establish the security of the monopolies. Resistance is
based on the revolutionary struggle. The revolutionaries know that the cells
are part of the operations to make them surrender. That is why it is not
enough to say "no to the IMF". We must also say "no to the cells", because
they are connected. The shape and meaning of this resistance is saying no to
the cells and taking action against them. The captives already say, we are
not going into the cells, we are going to resist. They are going to do what
they say, there can be no doubt of that. The servants of the IMF cannot put
any of them into the cells without killing them through assassinations or
massacres. They have already showed their will during the Unlimited Hunger
Strike and the Death Fast of 1996. They said they would rather die than live
without honour, and that is what they did. Instead of surrendering at
Ulucanlar, they said, we are going to resist with our honour, and they did.
Today, with the same will, they said we will not go into the cells. Today
the prisons are located physically and morally at the focal point of the
struggle for revolution and counter-revolution. The importance of the cells'
physical structure is secondary. From September 12, 1980 to 1987, during the
military coup, the cell-type prisons were used from time to time. Bursa,
Gaziantep, Eskisehir, Sagmalcilar special-type prisons were already built as
cell-type prisons and opened. The revolutionaries lived in these cells for
many years. But cell-type practices did not take so long. After a time they
gained the right to leave the cells and then the prisons became
dormitory-type structures. In past years, the conditions in prisons were
relatively better because of gains achieved by prisoners' struggles. But
today, these events take on a completely different meaning outside the
The problem with cell-type prisons is not an architectural problem, it is a
political one.
The contra-guerrilla state always creates excuses to enforce its will. The
provocation in Burdur Prison (July 2000) is the latest example of that. On
Wednesday July 5 at eight o'clock, they asked the revolutionary captives,
"Will you go to court?" That question means in Burdur Prison, "Are you
coming voluntarily to be tortured?" This is the reality in our prisons.
Centrally they decided to carry out a provocation at Burdur. Once this
decision was made, it was very obvious that they would attack the prisoners.
Yesterday they used as an excuse the dormitory problems in Ulucanlar, today
the excuse for attacking them is that they didn't want to go to court. The
problem was not that they did not want to go to court, but the prisoners
wanted to put a stop to torture. Today's attacks are basically the
continuation of the attacks started in 1996. The Susurluk state had to
retreat in the face of legendary resistance. But obviously they have not
abandoned the policy of the cell-type prisons. The oligarchy used this time
for preparation. That preparation is based on the construction of cell-type
prisons and trying to legitimise them in the eyes of public opinion. They
said there was no money for workers and civil servants, but they spent
trillions of lira on building cell-type prisons. This shows us how important
the cell-type prisons are for the system. That is why we have to correctly
understand the truth about the prisons. The prisons problem will not be
resolved with one act of resistance. The prisons themselves will continue to
be a problem. Because this is a war of wills. As long as one side does not
give up, it will continue all the way to revolution.
The rulers will continue their policies to bring about surrender based on
the diverse conditions that exist. This could be prison uniforms, forcing
prisoners to sing the national anthem or the cells.
The 1996 hunger strike was a political triumph over the enemy. Some rights
were gained. But the revolutionaries did not think for a moment that the
attacks would not resume. The line of heroism which started with the 1996
hunger strike and Ulucanlar will repel new attacks. The people of Turkey can
trust the Free Captives forever. They are going to turn the cells into bombs
which will explode in the brains of the fascists. Everyone must be sure of
that. Because those who are legitimate and right cannot be destroyed or made
to surrender at any point in history.
What happens in future will be based on facts such as these.
Revolutionaries had their arms cut off in Burdur, but their brains continue
to function.
If we look at past revolutionary history, at the end of the 19th century
there were expectations of revolutions in European countries, but these
hopes were transferred to the countries of the east. Revolution will
definitely take place here or there. And it happened in 1917. The oppressed
gained power in Russia. The peoples had to wait 25 years to see another
revolution. East European countries, then the Chinese revolution changed the
world. It was a very difficult revolution in China. Imperialists and local
collaborators spilled an incredible amount of blood to stop the revolution.
But the peoples triumphed. To stop Vietnam's revolution America used the
whole of its armies but could not succeed. The world was shaken by
revolutions. In the 1970s Africa awoke. National independence movements in
Africa, revolutionary movements in Latin America. From the Middle East to
the Far East, revolution was everywhere. Seventy years of the 20th century
were progressive years for national and social liberation struggles. The
1980s and 1990s were reactionary. The reason for reaction was not the
success of imperialism but imperialism and the oligarchy were helpless.
Reactionary uprisings in the countries which had had revolutions caused the
collapse of the socialist system. Socialist governments collapsed,
capitalist restoration began. This development affected negatively all those
who were fighting for revolutions in their own countries. Some of them sat
down at the peace table, some of them abandoned the armed struggle and
resumed legal forms of struggle. This period was one in which imperialism
made progress. but it did not last as long as they hoped. But today we can
say everything is changing in the opposite direction. Yet there are no
revolutions that can shake imperialism, but the rulers could not dominate
countries as they thought they would. People's movements grew on the basis
of economic, democratic, cultural, political and environmental demands. All
dynamics show that will grow more and more. When imperialism announced in
these years that it had triumphed, the people who did not accept its victory
and did not deviate from their aim in the slightest would rise even higher.
We briefly explained developments. The rulers are going to become weaker
economically and politically, crises will deepen.
To play the role of sub-contractor for imperialism can provide some
short-term benefits, but that is all. To be a sub-contractor in the Caucasus
will narrow the oligarchy's room for manoeuvre and restrict the state's
legitimacy. The state's anti-national characteristics are going to be more
clearly exposed. The fascist authorities in Turkey rely on imperialism. To
continue their power, imperialism is the only thing they can rely on. This
is the reason the governments are in the service of imperialist monopolies.
But the imperialism the fascist authorities trust lives in fear. Under the
philosophy of globalisation, growing injustices in income distribution in
most countries between classes continue. Imperialism sees rebellion as a
possibility and they are trying to achieve stability in their neo-colonies.
This stability is not going to last because every step they take for
stability brings with it instability. When they have no way out, they will
want more from their collaborators. The arms race in Turkey is the result of
this. Complete reliance on imperialism makes the oligarchy feel safe. But
still they cannot escape from new political and economic crisis. Little
things can come to Turkey from the Caucasus, but they cannot establish
economic and political stability. To be a sub-contractor may force you to
take part in military interventions, whatever benefits may be derived from
it. New and bigger crises are inevitable. Whereas the role of Turkey
enforced by the imperialists is going to bring about more rapid political
collapse and as a result it will help the revolution develop. The
governments are implementing this. All the system parties are purely
collaborators with this. The army's claims to oppose the plans of the USA
are rubbish, or a new way of being in their service. They have no objection
to the role of sub-contractor.
Revolutionary politics means declaring Turkey's unlucky role as a
collaborator and slaughterer in the Middle East, Balkans and the Caucasus.
Our real aim is to bring down this government of imperialist collaborators.
Because in Turkey's front, the best thing is to establish good relations
with neighbouring peoples and not to be used as a base against neighbouring
countries. We have to stop our children from being used as soldiers in the
Caucasus to make people enemies of one another.
The revolution against the rulers of the new world order's "crumbs of
On the one hand, the bourgeoisie was screaming, "Socialism is dead," on the
other it was opening a channel for demands for freedom, independence,
democracy and justice. This channel was explained as being about peace,
dialogue and agreement. Imperialism was going to establish peace, dialogue
and agreement through its interference. The interference of imperialism and
its crumbs of democracy were enough to remove some obstacles. It is not even
worth discussing whether something can be democratic when it is interference
from imperialism. What will happen? What does imperialism say to
neo-colonial dictatorships? Is there anything else than the appearance of a
few rights, so far? There is no need to repeat revolutionary theory about
war and peace. Revolutionaries drew a very clear line many years ago. We are
not going to give up our honour for peace. The existence of imperialism
means destroying all the honour of colonial countries on a daily basis. The
existence of exploitation tramples on human honour every day. That means as
long as imperialism is present there can be no peace. We will continue the
Wouldn't reforms be allowed? They would. But we have much more on our mind.
A good reformist can do some management of people's living conditions. But
this cannot be revolution, as Che said. Revolution is sacrifice, war, to
believe in the future and have trust in it. Revolution has to climb over
childish reform programmes. Reforms are by-products of revolutions. If not,
we are not dying for reforms, we are not fighting for reforms. Our fight in
our country and the world is to create more essential changes.
Dear friends and working people, we are optimistic, because:
Look at the framework of the world. Is there any reason in this framework to
be hopeless or without revolutionary morale? Of course not. Every detail of
that framework has revolutionary anger and belief in victory. There are two
reasons to be optimistic about revolution in the 21st century. On the one
hand, diagnosis of the world and the condition of Turkey. That diagnosis
shows us that imperialism and the oligarchy cannot escape from the crisis
they are in, they cannot give anything to the people, the period of time
under the control of imperialism and the collaborators will continue with
more exploitation, more repression. Imperialism cannot stop this epoch of
revolutions and also its fascist government cannot remove Turkey's potential
for revolution. Imperialism produces unsolved problems. Imperialism cannot
run the economy based on the arms trade. Recently on the world's stock
markets, information technology and computer shares have gone up a lot, but
this does not change the basic character of the capitalist system and they
do not solve capitalism's problems. Imperialist competition is not over. The
establishment of the EU and the announcement that the USA is the boss of the
world have not ended the contradictions, indeed they have deepened. And as
long the anti-imperialist struggle of the world's workers develops, and
revolutions narrow the room for manoeuvre of the imperialists, these
contradictions will inevitably deepen further. Up to today, all the
intervention by the new world order created unsolved problems, for example,
Iraq and Kosovo. They had to confess that they could not solve them. There
is nothing else imperialism can do against resistance to its new world
On the other side of our optimism, our self-confidence, decisiveness, trust
in ourselves and our Marxist-Leninist ideology that we are right and we are
defending what is good, morality and justice, and if we have all this, how
is it possible not to trust ourselves.
This need all over the world and everywhere in Turkey still remains. This
old world which was made more ugly by imperialism with every passing day,
will only be cleaned up by revolution. The oligarchy can make plans for
cells, plans to destroy, but revolutionaries cannot be finished off by
massacres. Fighters for justice, quality and freedom can never be finished
off. The people's demand for justice, equality and freedom continues
everywhere in the world and these people see that the fight cannot be ended
and revolution will not be prevented in this world. Revolutions will live
and the struggle will continue.
This development increases our hope and decisiveness. Let us ask these
questions once more. Has the crisis of imperialism ended? Has the wild
character of capitalism changed? In our country or the world, the
distribution of income become more equal? Has justice come to our country or
to the world? Has democracy come to Turkey? If all the questions asked
receive the reply, "No," revolutions will continue. Imperialism is preparing
itself against rebellions, the rulers try to destroy the revolutionary
organizations, they try to make people unorganised, that means the war will
develop, ideas of becoming soft or looking for theories about peace will
before long end up in the rubbish bin. Socialism will exert influence as a
pole of attraction for the peoples, revolution will connect people together.
The guerrillas and villagers start to become as one in the Sierra Maestra.
This communal life is not a miracle but an answer to important needs. Those
who fought to get rid of the tyrants and who saw the light of freedom and
hope, when they connect with the peoples, that means revolution.
That's why we trust ourselves. Our opponents stand for filth and have
nothing to give the people, economically, politically or culturally, they
are stealing from the people's pocket, taking away their rights, freedom and
culture. Who can win, in the struggle between these two powers? Sooner or
later, what has right on its side will win, victory will be ours, the
working peoples.
Down with imperialism and it collaborators!
Long live the brotherhood and sisterhood of the peoples!
Long live international solidarity!

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