I don't know much about the author though, Mine:)

The Theory of State Capitalism Without Substance as Capitalism
Marxist Critique of Tony Cliff's Theory of "Bureaucratic State

by Ken-ichi Suzuki.



Tony Cliff's "State Capitalism in Russia" 1 is one of the pioneering
works which exposed the non-socialist nature of the USSR under the
Stalin regime. As is well known, in this work he defines the Stalin
regime as state capitalist (or more correctly, "bureaucratic state
capitalist", according to him). As far as this is concerned, he is in
accord with us. Based on the analysis of the relations of production in
the USSR, we also have defined the regime as state capitalist.

However, an accordance in terminology doesn't necessarily mean an
accordance in concept or content. If you examine his theory carefully,
you would understand that it is totally different from ours both in
methodology and in content. In this short work, we roughly introduce
Cliff's theory first and examine its pioneering significance and its


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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