Below we give further information sent to us by Zolo's campaign, which is
fighting to stop his execution scheduled for October 25.
Note that some faxes, phone numbers and e-mails are given in the message.
There is also a summary of his case.

DHKC London Information Bureau
thanx for asking; zolo is doing well & in good spirits. We're hoping to get
an appeal in state court -- keep any & all letters of support going to the
indiana supreme court

indiana supreme court
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

317.232.2540 (phone)
317.232.8372 (FAX)

...and counsel to the chief justice:
David J. Remondini
Counsel to the Chief Justice
304 Indiana State House
Indianapolis, IN 46204

317.233.8684 (phone)
317.233.2990 (FAX)
317.381.3942 (pager)

info on the current "justices":

    1. 1981-1982: Zolo was arrested and convicted with two others of killing
a Gary Police Officer in the course of fleeing a bank robbery. Zolo given
death penalty, two co-defendants receive 60 years. State targets Zolo for
death penalty because of political activities.
    2. 1993: Zolo's death penalty reversed, but guilty verdict upheld.
Indiana Supreme Court finds that the State withheld exculpatory gunshot
residue tests which showed that Zolo never fired weapon and that failure of
defense counsel to put forward any mitigation evidence constituted
ineffective assistance of counsel.
    3. 1996: Zolo retried and again given the death penalty. New defense
counsel fails to put forward any mitigation evidence about Zolo. Additional
errors include:

        a. Critical eyewitness at first trial admits at second trial that
identification of Zolo was the product of police coaching and that without
such improper conduct he would not have been able to make identification.
        b. Systematic error, claimed to be the result of computer,
up to 70% of the Black pool from jury pool at the time of Zolo's retrial.
Zolo tried by an all white jury.
        c. Despite exemplary record of achievement and support, defense
counsel at retrial fails to put forward any of Zolo's accomplishments in 15
years since he was first given death penalty. Defense counsel fails to call
any witnesses in mitigation or put forward any evidence.
        d. Defense counsel refuses to communicate with Zolo during course of
entire appeal process and fails to raise numerous meritorious issues in his
        e. Prosecution puts on false and perjured testimony in retrial and
continues to suppress favorable evidence.

    4. 2000: Indiana Supreme Court affirms Zolo's death penalty, holds that
defense counsel failed to preserve critical issues which threatened to allow
damaging inadmissable evidence into the trial and thus refuses to review
error. Indiana Supreme Court sets October 25, 2000 as execution date.

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