Zolo's campaign has sent the message below to us.

DHKC London Information Bureau
Dear Folks,

Yesterday, the Indiana Supreme Court issued a stay of Zolo's execution date
on the issue of the newly discovered perjured testimony ( this is about the
eyewitness being told to identify Zolo by a police officer working with the
prosecution)  at Zolo's first trial back in 1982. It puts us a very fast
track and ordered the trial judge to rule on this claim by February 12,
 As to all the new claims coming out of Zolo's retrial, including the issue
of exclusion of Black's from the jury and ineffective assistance of counsel,
the Court's order states that these matters are still "under consideration."

So we have to keep up the pressure on the Supreme Court to let Zolo have his
right to have these issues litigated in the Indiana Courts before another
execution date is set. Letters and phone calls to the Indiana Supreme Court
urging the Court to allow all the new issues arising out of  this retrial to
be heard by the Indiana courts.

This is certainly a partial victory for us and all of you can be assured
your efforts helped to bring this about.

Arthur: If you can set up a list serve for us, I will promise to write all
the up-dates and other information. My time is very limited and I must now
focus on trying to get ready for this hearing on the perjured testimony.
Please let me know if you can do this for us.

Please E mail me if any of you have any questions.

Hasta La Victoria,

Michael Deutsch

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