On October 15, 1999, Nuri Eryuksel was arrested by anti-terror units in
Chur, Switzerland, on a request from Germany. This was a further action by
the Federal Republic of Germany in the struggle against the DHKP-C
(Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front) which was banned in August
1998, and its supporters. During the operation all the doors were broken
down by the anti-terror units and numerous persons brutally arrested. On the
basis of the arrest warrant, Nuri Eryuksel, who is visually impaired and
needs somebody to look after him, has been put in solitary confinement.

As it transpires, Germany issued an international arrest warrant against
Nuri Eryuksel in May 1999. From then on, Nuri Eryuksel was being sought by
Up to the present, this has been an operation conducted at great expense and
with great brutality and it shows that the German authorities are resolutely
carrying on their campaign against the revolutionary liberation movement
from Turkey and North Kurdistan, which is also exposed to the greatest state
repression and persecution in its own country. Since 1997, the Federal
Republic of Germany has also been using the weapon of Paragraph 129a against
the DHKP-C.
Who is Nuri Eryuksel?
Nuri Eryuksel has been living since 1993 as an asylum seeker in Germany. Two
days after his arrest in Switzerland, the German authorities applied for his
extradition, claiming that he is the leading cadre of the DHKP-C in Germany
and that he is to be tried in accordance with Paragraph 129. In his youth,
Eryuksel had been sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment by the 1980 military
junta at one of its mass trials, the main trial of Devrimci Sol
(Revolutionary Left). In 1991 he was released from imprisonment.
Even before his imprisonment, he was already blind in one eye. During his
imprisonment, an assault by a soldier stationed in his prison caused severe
damage to the eyesight in his remaining eye. Now he suffers from glaucoma.
After his release he continued his political activity in the sphere of
culture, art and music. As his health deteriorated and his political
activities became more and more difficult, in 1993 he applied for asylum in
the Federal Republic of Germany. In the meantime, his ability to see in the
eye that was injured in prison was reduced to 6%, and without appropriate
medical treatment this will only grow worse. His current solitary
confinement will only accelerate this process.
For years several European countries have been making moves against the
DHKP-C. In September 1997 three revolutionaries were arrested, and of them,
Serafettin G. was accused of being the DHKP-C official responsible for
As emerged following the arrest of Eryuksel, the Federal Republic of Germany
has sent Switzerland information from its security services about the
activities of the DHKP-C in Switzerland.
In the annual "Terrorism Reports" issued by the USA, the DHKP-C has been on
the list for years. The question that springs to mind is whether this
ambitious behaviour by the Federal Republic of Germany is desired by the
USA? It appears that the USA, which showed its leading position within the
"New World Order" with its attacks on Iraq and the Balkan countries, wants
to have its partner, the Federal Republic of Germany, carry out purges
against foreign liberation movements. But then again, the rulers in the
Federal Republic of Germany also have their own interests to serve, as the
ongoing arms trade with Turkey shows. This shows in their approach to the
DHKP-C and to the PKK, even now.
Methods of criminalisation and political persecution
The weapon of Paragraph 129a as a means of state repression is used with the
usual means and methods against the revolutionaries and supporters of the
DHKP-C. So the main trial of the DHKP-C started relatively "unspectacularly"
in May 1998 and ended with a ban on the organisation, two crown witnesses
and a verdict that the entire DHKP-C as well as its struggle in Turkey is
criminalised and condemned.
Only during the trial did it emerge that all the arrests and bans are based
entirely on the information stemming from an informer of the German Federal
Constitutional Protection, who infiltrated the organisation in 1992. Now it
appears that this informer has gone to Turkey and is "untraceable".
24-Hour Isolation
Another Turkish political prisoner, Ilhan Yelkuvan, was able to have his
solitary confinement lifted only after 63 days on hunger strike, which was
supported by many protests both in Germany and abroad, and by the resistance
of Turkish and Kurdish prisoners in Turkey, Western Europe and Germany. This
was a success which was scored against the German prison system only after
hard struggle.
Nuri Eryuksel is isolated 24 hours a day. Just like other prisoners from
Turkey, even though the lifting of it was a demand of the hunger strike, he
has no access to Turkish-language media. So he is not given access to the
journals Kurtulus and Vatan on the excuse that they are banned. In fact,
neither of them is banned, either in Turkey or in Germany. Although Nuri
Eryuksel has a subscription to the newspaper Hurriyet, he is also not
allowed to receive this. Moreover, he cannot read newspapers, books and
journals without help. So he needs somebody to read to him. But this request
has also been turned down.
INTERIOR MINISTER: 0049 18886812926
JUSTICE MINISTER: 0049 18885824525
TRIAL HEARINGS FOR NURI ERYUKSEL: Please contact us if you'd like to observe
the hearings
October 17, 0930; October 30, 1430; November 6, 1430; November 8, 0930;
November 15, 0930; November 16, 0930
November 21, 0930; November 22, 0930; November 29, 0930; November 30, 0930;
December 6, 0930; December 7, 0930;
December 12, 0930; December 13, 0930; December 18, 1430; December 19, 0930

TEL: +44 7947 624253 FAX:+44 20 79232095 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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