A rally, march  and candlelight vigil in opposition to U.S./UN
sanctions against Iraq took place Oct. 26  in the Hudson Valley town of
Kingston, N.Y..
        Over 65 sign-carrying local residents, including 35 students
from Bard and Vassar colleges and the State University of New York at
New Paltz took part in the protest at Academy Green Park, calling for an
immediate end to the murderous decade-old sanctions.
        The action was called by the newly-formed Mid-Hudson Coalition
to End the Sanctions on Iraq, representing several local student and
community groups.
        Speakers at the brief rally included students Michael Chameides
of Bard  and Matthew Kavanagh of Vassar, Bard professor Joel Kovel, and
Jack A. Smith of the Mid-Hudson National People’s Campaign and
International Action Center.
        The event included a march to the nearby senatorial campaign
headquarters of Hillary Clinton and Rick Lazio.  A letter left at the
offices insisted that the candidates join some 70 members of Congress
who have opposed the sanctions, which were an outgrowth of the Persian
Gulf war.
        In a statement, the local coalition declared: “The sanctions on
Iraq...have been responsible for the deaths of over 1.8 million people,
about half of them children.  In addition they have destroyed one of the
most comprehensive and effective healthcare and education systems in the
Middle-East, ensuring that Iraqis will be incapacitated for generations
to come....[Nothing] justifies consigning 22 million people to poverty,
anguish and death.”


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