After more than a year of imperialist occupation UNMIK and KFOR is fully
responsible for the situation described below.

>From a recent Human Rights Watch report:

Full text at:

The Pre-Election Climate in Kosovo

More than a year after the end of the war in Kosovo, the security situation
in the province remains a cause for serious concern. Attacks on minorities,
including murder, continue. The weeks surrounding the first anniversary of
the entry of the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) into Kosovo in June saw an
upsurge in violence against minorities in the province. A series of grenade
and land-mine attacks and drive-by shootings targeting Serbs left eleven
dead and more than a dozen wounded. Violence continued during the summer: On
July 12, a Serbian Orthodox priest and two seminary students were wounded in
a drive-by shooting near the village of Klokot. A grenade was thrown from a
moving car into a group of children at a basketball court in the Serb
village of Crkvena Vodica on August 18, leaving ten wounded. On August 27,
an Albanian man drove his car into a group of children in the same village
before fleeing the scene, killing one child and wounding three. An
eighty-year-old Serb farmer from the same village was shot dead later the
same day. On September 14, a forty-five-year-old Serb woman was shot dead at
her home in Kamenica. A sixty-year-old Serb shepherd who had been reported
missing was discovered dead near Strpce on October 4, with gun-shot wounds
to the body. With most minorities displaced outside Kosovo or living in
minority enclaves under permanent KFOR guard, the decision by Serbs to
boycott registration should have come as little surprise, even without the
alleged manipulation by then-Yugoslav president Milosevic. In the case of
Kosovo's minorities, therefore, it is hard to argue that the minimum
conditions exist for the holding of free and fair elections.

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