Latest Developments No. 44 - Saturday 28 October
2000,Web posted 11:45pm (GMT+2), Ramallah, West

28 October marks one month since the provocative visit by Israeli Likud
MK Ariel Sharon to the Al Aqsa Mosque compound, and one month of
unprecedented violence in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and 1948 Palestinian
areas. At least 130 Palestinians have been killed and over 6000 injured.
A strict Israeli imposed internal closure remains in place on all of the
West Bank and Gaza. Thousands of Palestinians have been prevented from
reaching their place of work, and a large majority of Palestinian
children are unable to reach their schools as result of the closure. At
least 700 Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza and 1948 Palestinian
areas have been arrested by the Israeli Authorities within the past

Aziz Youssef Ibrahim Tannah, 32 years old, a correspondent and director
of the Bethlehem office of WAFA, the official Palestinian news wire,
died this morning in Jordan as a result of injuries sustained 2 weeks
ago from live ammunition to his chest. He was transferred to Jordan for
immediate medical attention, which proved unsuccessful. He was later
declared clinically dead, and died this morning in hospital in Jordan.

Abdel Rahim Hasan Basharat, 35 years old from Tammoun village near
Jenin, who was reported missing earlier, was found dead late this
evening by a nearby settlement, shot and with evidence of torture on his

Bethlehem Clashes were reported this afternoon in Bethlehem, Al Khader,
where there were several injuries, and Hossan. Clashes continued late
into the evening in both Hossan and Al Khader. A large number of Israeli
settler attacks were reported this afternoon throughout the Bethlehem
area, particularly targeting families
attempting to pick olives in their orchards. Late this evening, the
village of Beit Jala was subject to unprovoked attacks from the nearby
settlement of Gilo, with the Isaeli army firing heavy machine gunfire at
residential areas, including at the Talitha Kumi school in the north of
Beit Jala. Israeli attacks last night resulted in severe damage to a
number of homes in Beit Jala.

Gaza Clashes erupted this afternoon in Gaza after the funeral of 23 year
old Jaber Ahmad Jaber Al Mishal from Beach Camp, who was shot and killed
yesterday as a result of live ammunition to his chest. Clashes taking
place at the Beit Hanoun crossing today resulted in at least 3
Palestinians injured from live ammunition. In Mentar (Karni Crossing),
clashes went on late into the evening, with at least 5 Palestinians
injured from live ammunition. Clashes in Deir Al Baleh, near the Israeli
settlement of Kfar Darom, resulted in at least 10 Palestinians suffering
from injuries from live ammunition. In Khan Younis, near the Tufah
Checkpoint, 22 Palestinians were injured as a result of live ammunition.
Clashes in Rafah occurred today near the Egyptian border, with at least
3 Palestinians injured from live ammunition, one of which is in
extremely critical condition.

Jenin Clashes erupted this afternoon throughout the Jenin area, with at
least 30 Palestinians injured from live ammunition, of which one child,
Mohammad Abu Farha, is in extremely critical condition. Fadi Amin
Mohammad Dabaya, 20 years old from Jenin Refugee Camp, who was in
critical condition yesterday, was announced clinically dead today as a
result of live ammunition to his head. In the nearby village of 'Arrabi,
at least 5 Palestinians were injured from live ammunition during
clashes. The Israeli military opened fire this afternoon using heavy
machine guns at residential areas in Jenin, provoking Palestinian police
to fire back. Palestinian security sources stated this evening that the
Israeli military has threatened to shell the headquarters of the
Palestinian Security Forces in the center of town, and has warned
Palestinian civilians to evacuate the area. Electricity was cut off from
a suburb of Jenin, after which heavy machine gun fire was reported.

The body of Abdel Rahim Hasan Basharat, 35 years old from Tammoun
village near Jenin, who was reported missing earlier, was found late
this evening by a nearby settlement. He was found shot near the
settlement, with signs of torture evident on his body.

Hebron Intermittent clashes were reported in the center of Hebron, with
at least 12 Palestinians injured from live ammunition. Near the entrance
of 'Arroub Refugee Camp, the Israeli military shot at Palestinian
teachers attempting to reach their school, injuring one of the teachers.
Near Shalala Street in Hebron, female school teachers were attacked by
Israeli soldiers and settlers, and prevented from reaching the school.
The curfew imposed on Israeli controlled parts of Hebron remains in
place for the 4th week. As a result of the curfew, at least 30,000
Palestinian school children are unable to reach their schools. Although
the schools are officially open, both pupils and teachers are prevented
from reaching the schools, effectively closing all schools in Hebron. In
the nearby village of Yatta, the Israeli military shot at Palestinian
farmers attempting to harvest olives in their orchards, injuring at
least one farmer, and closing off access to the orchards. Arrest
campaigns by the Israeli authorities continue throughout the Hebron

Salfit area Villages in the Salfit area are completely and absolutely
isolated from one another. Israeli settlers and soldiers continue to
bulldoze agricultural lands and uproot olive trees in the area. Farmers
are also prevented from attempting to gather the olives from the
uprooted trees, as the lands are closed off to all residents.

Nablus Villages in the Nablus area remain isolated from one another.
Israeli settlers and soldiers continue to bulldoze agricultural lands
and uproot olive trees in the area. Farmers are also prevented from
attempting to gather the olives from the uprooted trees, as the lands
are closed off to all residents. The village of Huwarra remains
under Israeli imposed curfew for the 21st consecutive day.

Tulkarem Villages in the Tulkarem area remain under strict closure.
Clashes were reported this afternoon in a number of areas in Tulkarem,
with unprovoked heavy machine gun fire from the entrance of Tulkarem at
residential areas reported in the evening. An arrest campaign by the
Israeli authorities continues in the area.

Ramallah,  Clashes erupted this afternoon in Ramallah after the funeral
of Ghassan Youssef Ahmad Salem 'Aweissah, 22 years old, from Ramallah,
who was shot and killed yesterday as a result of live ammunition to his
heart. At least 9 Palestinians were reported injured from live
ammunition today, one of which is in extremely critical condition.

Jericho Late this evening, shooting from heavy machine gun fire from the
Israeli settlement of Verid Yeriho at Aqbat Jaber Refugee Camp, a nearby
Palestinian Police training school, the Palestinian General Intelligence
Headquarters, and a Palestinian security post in the Nuwa'meh area were
reported. No further information is


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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