Excerpted from  

What was this about the GOP being the voting serviceperson's friend?

<<TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Republicans decried an effort by Florida's 
Democratic attorney general to reconsider rejected presidential ballots from 
servicemen abroad as a belated effort to rectify an embarrassing Democratic 
move in the state's pivotal election recount.

Attorney General Bob Butterworth, a supporter of the Democrats' candidate, 
Vice President Al Gore (news - web sites), sent a letter Monday to county 
election officials across Florida urging them to count the spurned ballots.

Clay Roberts, Republican-appointed director of the State Division of 
Elections, said the overseas vote was counted and certified by all 67 county 
elections supervisors and the state has no plans to reopen the issue.

``The state canvassing commission is forbidden by law to look beyond those 
returns,'' Roberts said.>>

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