Owen Jones wrote:


   Comrade, you seem to miss the point. It was the nature of the 
Soviet Union
  - i.e. a deeply degenerate and corrupt workers' state ruled by 
a privileged
  caste of bureaucrats - that made the restoration of capitalism 
  unless the bureaucratic rot was cut out with the knife of a workers'
  political revolution. Of course it was not "capitalist", but rather 
it was a
  society stuck in transition between capitalism and socialism - sharing
  features of each - that could have gone either way. However, the 
regimes of
  Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler were essentially identical, and the
  distinctions we draw between Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany are 
between the
  property relations of both, that made the former a workers' state 
and the
  latter a capitalist state (ruled by a fascist bureaucracy which 
served as a
  hireling of the bourgeoisie, but had usurped political power from 

"Essentially identical"?  How deceived, then, were those, including 
those in Auschwitz and other essentially identical places in 
Europe, who eagerly listened to the approaching roar of Soviet artillery! 
What a pity they did not have the benefit of theis 
enlightening instruction from Mr. Owens' predecessors, who at that 
time were only cleaning their typewriters in the US Army 
propaganda units.  

   Of course, Trotsky's predictions were not entirely accurate despite 
  the claims of some of his more devout followers. He believed that 
the Second
  World War would trigger the fall of the Soviet bureaucracy. Quite 
to the
  contrary, this caste emerged strengthened with domination of half 
of the
  European continent. However, the bureaucracy did undertake capitalist
  restoration in order to form the new bourgeoisie - a conversion from a
  "social" caste to a property-owning class - though fifty or so 
years after
  he thought this possibility would be confronted. And indeed the 
  of capitalism did not plunge the former bureaucratically deformed 
  states into civil war with the working classes on the barricades 
  the social conquests of their revolution, but either they were 
passive or
  indeed supportive of counterrevolution. But clearly this would 
not have
  happened were it not for the fact they were so tortured by the 
rule of the
  bureaucracy. One has to wonder what drove half the Polish working 
class to
  their knees at the feet of the Pope.


"Tortured"?  By khruschevs and brezhnevs?  If so, why these workers 
and peasants did not overthrow 
this bureaucracy, indeed, the master-"torturer" Stalin, when they 
were all armed to the teeth during the war and for years after 
it?  Could it be that they saw the "essential" diffrerence between 
Stalin's and Hitler's regimes, indeed, between Stalin's and 
capitalist regimes who "tortured" the Soviet people for the entire 
life of the Soviet Union?  And when the Ober-Torturer 
Churchill  arrived to Fulton did not he say something "essentially 
identical" to what Mr. Owen is saying today about the Nazi 
Germany and the Soviet Union?  And did not a many of Mr. Owens political 
ancestors rallied, in their appropriately left 
disguise,  to the battle cry of their imperialist masters, as Mr.
Owen and his ilk are now rallying behind the imperialism "with 
human face."

Anton Baumgarten


Workers of All Coutries, Unite!

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