Reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED], at [EMAIL PROTECTED], who wrote on the
14/12/2000 11:40:

> (Also mentioned below is Steve Myers, a known cop and rapist who know
> "leads" Workers Fight, a tiny trot group and does alot of "work" with
> Russian trots. Peter Manson is a Weekly Worker writer, as is Ian Donavan.
> All three have publically defended Liddle from AFA)

 How dare you make these disgusting accusations against a sincere, dedicated
revolutionary. I expect the moderators to take immediate action in the face
of such slander, i.e. kicking this prick off the list.

 Steve Myers is a revolutionary who has been active for years. Presently he
is involved in what may prove to have deep historic significance, with his
work with the Russian workers' movement. Recently he organised a European
tour for the Russian revolutionary, Duma MP and militant union leader Oleg
Shein, for example, and him and his organisation are their most important
link outside of Russia. He is fighting alongside those Russian
internationalists who are struggling against Red-Brownism and
social-chauvinism in the workers' movement there. His past activities are
frankly far too numerous to mention, but he is one of the few
revolutionaries in Britain I regard as irreplaceable, not least for his
sheer energy and dedication despite having massive family commitments. And I
am not one to usually hand out medals to figures of the British Left.

 A "known cop"??? What a disgusting slander. Where is your evidence,
Vyshinsky? And as for that old lie of "rape" against him, this is a _total
fabrication_ and I mean that - and if anyone else says this anywhere else I
urge comrades to put their foot down. Indeed one witness to the night on
which this incident was supposed to have occurred says she saw the woman in
question leaving the house laughing and thanking Steve etc... Obviously she
was in deep trauma over this incident of "sexual harassment."

 There are some corners of the Left who will always make such accusations
against comrade Steve Myers, for their own creepy, sinister reasons. Believe
you me, there are motives behind these accusations. The world of
revolutionary politics is often very murky and unpleasant and full of people
with daggers under their cloaks. Anyhow, I hope the moderators take
appropriate action and at the very least challenge the vile slanders of this

 Plus, I should add that the "Workers' Fight" project is, to my knowledge,
over, although Steve regularly contributes to many left journals, for
example "Labour Left Briefing", one of the leading organs of the Labour
Left. WF had nothing specifically do with engaging with "Russian trots" (and
they do not simply engage with Trotskyists in Russia either, but with a
variety of traditions, even some which try to out-Stalin Stalin). ISWOR and
Iskra are focused on the workers' movement in Russia.

 And as for you mate, don't you dare make such despicable accusations
against comrades such as Steve ever again. You could get yourself a
reputation. And keep in mind that what goes around comes around, and such
rumours might provoke the more unforgiving type less sensitive than myself
to start prying into your own cobwebs.



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