Owen Jones on the struggle of the DHKC...

> Are those the one that have little acts of individual terror now and then
> in a few cities? Oh whatever happened to Bolshevism, I do miss it.

Owen Jones' thoughts on "Stalinism" - and not a quote from Trotsky in

----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  You stupid fuck.. You fucking have the nerve to speak like that you
> retarded moron. There's some fuckers I don't take this shit off, and
> worshipping brain dead fucks like you are one of them. You're the type of
> shit who could have gone either way...fascist or Stalinist...as long as
> can make your wank fantasies about pulling people's guts out come true.
> reckon you're hard core being a Stalinist...why no just become a Marilyn
> Manson fan you reject shit?
>  Wanna know something, you twisted piece of Stalinist crap
>   ... The only Stalinists I've come across are over 80 or
> ex-KGB or student goth-types who worship the devil in their spare time.
> man, you lot are FINISHED, you're DEAD.
>  I would LOVE to see you fuckers exterminated for what you've done to the
> Communist movement and for murdering hundreds of thousands of Communists.
> Stalin and his bunch of shits (who changed all the time cause he kept on
> killing them) needed to be hung in the centre of Moscow by the proletariat
> for all to see, to put fear in every future counter-revolutionary who
> conspire against the workers' state. And you are such a pyscho you deserve
> to be shot alongside them. Cause I don't like you, and I don't like your
> fellow social outcast psychos.
>  I'm not on the Marxism list, I was forwarded one of your mails by a bloke
> who put at his subject line: "more from the wacko shit". You were
> on about how it would be a dictatorship...you know SHIT about how they
> that word, you think it in the Fuhrer Sieg Heil sense. You are such a
> fucking wacko that arch-Stalinist Mark Jones called you the stupid little
> fuck that you are. Why don't you meet him? The difference is he has BRAINS
> and you are full of sheep shit.
>  I'll see you in hell.
>  Cheers
>        Owen

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