Vladimir, I think that you have made some pretty wild comments here.....
So let's start with just a few.

<It's equally plausible that, if you discounted Gore's illegal votes,
would've won the national vote.>

You are claiming that the 'fraud' from the Gore camp 'plausibly'
amounted into the hundreds of thousands of votes nationally?    For that
is the margin of Gore's popular vote lead over Bush.    How's that?

The fraud of the Republicans largely consisted of dumping the
dysfunctional and older equipment into the poorer, and Black,
communities.     Then their votes could be tossed out at a higher rate
than votes tossed out from the better off, and Republican, precincts.
The Democrats had nothing comparable in place to rip the Republicans out
of the votes cast for their candidates.

<The reasons the dems didn't want to join in on the black complaints was 
simple. Black voting in Florida was up 65%. A full
16% of all votes cast 
in Florida were cast by black voters. Yet, only 13% of Florida's
is black. It's almost impossible to make a claim that they were 
disenfranchised, when they were actually overrepresented at the polls. 
There may have been problems with blacks voting, but it would've been a 
pretty obvious public relations loser to take that tack and who's going
risk a public relations backlash? Also, with a split Senate, the
party really wanted Bush in because they think he gives them the best
at recapturing Congress in 2 years.>

This hypothesis of the Democrats really wanting the Republcans in the
presidency is bizarre.     You are postulating that the Congress is a
higher and more important political body than The Presidency.    It's

And 'public relations" being a problem if the Democrats had challenged
the Republican actions?     'Public relations' with whom in mind?
Public relations with the corporations might have suffered
 by opposing the Republican theft.      But public relations with the US
population as a whole was stained and damaged by the Democratic Party's
compliancy before the Republican onslaught.

And the idea that Blacks were over-represented at the polls in a
Southern state???     Do you take as insignificant the Black
disenfranchisement by the state's police and courts?      I wonder about
the 'statistics' you used.    The idea that the Black population gets a
fair shake PLUS in Florida is incredible.

<Remember, his own party hated Al Gore. He had very, very few friends in 
D.C.. Many democrats in congress thought he was going to be a disaster
president, and feared he would lose them seats in Congress in two years. 
They actually thought their power would be strengthened with Bush in
It's easier to be reelected as the 'principled opposition' than as the
supporters of a president(Gore) who would probably prove to be such a 
disaster he'd be out of office in one term.>

Who says his own party hated Gore?     This is silly.     Al Gore
personifies the Democratic Party.     He was a  hack for hacks.    There
were no Democratic Party heavies wishing for a Republican victory.
You have dreamed this scenario up.

Gore is no more 'incompetent' than Clinton.     And no more a disaster
for the Democratic Party power structure than Clinton, neither. 

Gore was favored more by an unmotivated population that was turned off
even more by Bush.     But the corporate elite liked Bush more.      He
won that vote outright.

So to hell with the popular vote of the masses of people.      The
Democratic Party Tops agree with the Republican Party that the corporate
'vote' is what counts.      So they conceded.     And refused to press a
valid case.


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