Subj:   pt 2 - The RKRP, Pseudo-Communists and Antisemites
Date:   12/01/01


The RKRP after Anpilov

In the explanation of Anpilov's departure given on the  party's official 
website, there is not a word about racism. Instead, his expulsion in 1996 is 
described as necessary because he "had denied the leading role of the 
communist party and scientific Marxism and instead emphasised the vanguard 
role of non-party masses and organisations outside the party and called for 
popular struggle to be limited to primitive forms" A further explanation is 
that his group had "openly set upon the path of counteracting party 
decisions." (9)

The exit of Anpilov from the RKRP meant that the movement Trudovaya Rossiya 
which he had led had to split too. So today there are two movements using 
that name, though only Anpilov's is officially registered with the 
authorities. The chief newspaper of the RKRP today is also called Trudovaya 
Rossiya, and describes itself as the organ of the "RKRP, the Council of  
Workers and of the movement Trudovaya Rossiya."

Of course this last signifies the Trudovaya Rossiya founded after the split 
by the then RKRP deputy  Grigoriev, and not that of Anpilov. Nevertheless the 
paper considers itself the direct continuation of the Trudovaya Rossiya paper 
that existed all through the Anpilov years, and recently celebrated its 
anniversary glorying in its long history. (18)

On their website the RKRP boast proudly of the great "theoretical, practical 
and propaganda value" of a conference they organised in Leningrad in 
November, 1997. At this conference, they managed to get dozens of "communist 
parties" from several countries to sign a declaration which embodied, 
according to the RKRP, the "lessons of 80 years since the Great October 
socialist revolution". But what were these lessons encapsulated in this 

After a long glorification of the old Soviet system, in particular under the 
reign of Stalin, the document gets to the core of the problems to be tackled. 
Under the subheading of "To purge in view of consolidating the communist 
movement", we read:
"Financial oligarchy, transnational companies, whose assault troops are 
American imperialism and international Zionism, under the banners of deceit 
and "World Democracy" exert increasing pressure in order to impose a world 
order, striving to halt the objective historical process and to impose 
industrial slavery on humanity, based on unfair international division of 
labour and a system of indebtment.
Their ideology is neo-liberalism as well as the social-democratic theories of 
social partnership, civil peace and the liquidation of all revolutionary 
potential. This ideology is further developed through the revisionist and 
opportunist ideas spread by the bourgeoisie and acting as sources of 
infection amongst the communist international movement. And when these 
tactics fail, the military machines of the United States and Nato set forth" 

So here it is in a nutshell- the main cause of world suffering , alongside 
American imperialism, is "international zionism".

It is important to realise that although some of the signatories are from 
Arab countries, this document is in no way a document about the Middle East. 
It is a general document contrasting a glorified and sanitised version of 
life in the USSR under Stalin with the world misery caused by capitalism. 
There is no mention of  the giants of European capital, nor of Japan. The 
world financial oligarchy, according to the RKRP, operates basically through 
"American imperialism and international Zionism".

The phrase "international zionism" has nothing to do with traditional left 
critiques of zionism, or indeed with zionism at all. It is a code-word for 
Jews. The phrase, and indeed sometimes even the words "zionism" , "zion" , 
"zionisation" etc on their own , is used by thousands of antisemitic 
organisations today, from openly fascist parties like the RNE to Cossack 
nationalist movements, from the RKRP and the KPRF, to west European neo-nazis 
and the Ku Klux Klansman David Duke in exactly the same way that the tsarist 
authors of the forged "Protocols of the Elders of the Zion" used it - to 
derail class struggle, to deflect workers anger away from capitalism itself 
and onto a convenient scapegoat - the Jews.

The myth that there is a mighty force called "international zionism" 
controlling the global economy is the same Big Lie used by Hitler to create 
his popular nazi movement, and to pave the way for the eradication of all 
labour and trade union rights in Germany, in the service of German 
capitalists against British, French and American capital.

While the Hitlerian "international Jewish conspiracy" lie is common to nearly 
all Russian ultra-nationalist movements today, yet something else  is common 
to most of them too. 

All movements must have a practical programme to survive, even if it is a 
hidden one. Today's Russian nationalists, like west European capitalists, 
perceive clearly that the end of the Cold War has freed European big business 
from dependence on American military might for survival. Now the project of a 
united Europe poses a huge threat to American economic (and therefore 
ultimately military and political) hegemony. A union between Russia and 
continental Europe, possibly including Japan, Iran, India and certain other 
Asian states, is dreamed of by the ideologues of a new Russian millennium. 
Sometimes called "Eurasianism", this philosophy, or variants of it, can be 
found in the writings of Zyuganov, Dugin, and many other Russian 
ultra-nationalists. It appeals especially to army officers, directors of the 
military-industrial complex, and managers of large enterprises which are now 
decaying due to lack of export markets, having been effectively cut out of 
them by the giants of US capital. The existing regime of Vladimir Putin tries 
to straddle a position between co-operation with America and "Eurasianism" - 
an impossible contradiction which will ultimately lead to its collapse.

It is no accident, therefore, that European and Japanese capitalists are 
exonerated from blame in the "Leningrad declaration" drawn up by the RKRP.

The party boasts proudly of its regular contributions in Zavtra, the 
ultra-racist journal headed by Prokhanov. Prokhanov, an admirer of the 
writings of David Duke, recently met with Duke of the Ku Klux Klan at a 
public meeting in which the fate of the white race at the hands of Jews was 
lamented. (17) .Zavtra has also published an interview with Barkashov., 
leader of the openly nazi Russian National Unity, in which Prokhanov 
expresses much admiration for him (20)

While not actually denying the Holocaust, the RKRP tries to minimise it, 
cynically contrasting it with the USSR death toll in the war , ignoring the 
fact that one was a planned and industrially executed genocide, while the 
nazi killing of Soviet soldiers on the battlefield and POW's, however 
horrific, was not. So, in an article in Trudovaya Rossiya (21) we read that: 
"Today the global press counts Jews as the unique victims of fascism." No 
mention is made of all other war deaths, he charges, including "executions of 
the English pilots". (Strange, that a so-called anti-capitalist organisation 
should mourn so much for the pilots of the most powerful imperialist nation 
of that time, but the intention of the writer is not to fight capitalism, but 
to incite hatred against Jewish people).

But the RKRP are not above outright lying about the Holocaust when necessary. 
Referring to  a controversy about the decision of right-wing Catholic nuns to 
site a convent at Auschwitz, the writer says: "Here in gas chambers and 
famine were exterminated three million citizens of the different countries. 
Therefore, if to follow the historical truth and if religious symbols, an 
orthodox cross are necessary here, David's star and a Catholic cross should 
stand here in one building." (21)

Considering that the overwhelming majority of the victims of Auschwitz were 
Jews, and only a tiny handful were followers of the Orthodox faith, this is 
an insulting phrase that seeks to rewrite history. Proportionally speaking, 
the only significant groups of Auschwitz victims which included practising 
Christians were the Romany and gay deportees , both communities rejected by 
the official Church. The Vatican condoned fascism and actively collaborated 
with Nazis escaping trial after the war..

The writer continues:

"It is possible to give due to the World Jewish Congress, a Zionist lobby, 
their political, financial and propaganda opportunities, their skill to put 
pressure upon the largest organisations and the whole states. So much is 
possible for them. In the European countries the laws providing 
responsibility for denying of the Holocaust are accepted. Law suits between 
the Swiss banks and the Jewish organisations recently were finished. Despite 
all indignation, " the Zurich gnomes " are compelled to pay to them 1 billion 
250 million dollars. They have even compelled the Vatican to recognise the 
responsibility for destruction of Jews. " Christians too are guilty..."

The Swiss government and banking industry, and the wartime Catholic 
establishment, bear an enormous responsibility for collaboration with the 
Nazis. That a so-called "communist" party should spring to their defence 
against the financial and moral claims of survivors of the death camps is 
unbelievable, except when you understand that this party is led by people for 
whom "communism" is just a question of empty rhetoric, and who are 
anticipating a rise to power on the bandwagon of a Strasserite antisemitic 

Recently the RKRP published, on the  front page of Trudovaya Rossiya, a long 
article criticising Putin and Zavtra for not being true "patriots" (sic). In 
the centre of the text are 2 photos next to each other. The first is a 
picture of relatives crying as they light candles for the victims of the 
Kursk submarine. Next to it we see a photo of Putin standing on a platform 
next to two ultra-Orthodox Jews in their traditional religious gear. There is 
a giant Star of David hanging from the platform. The caption can be 
summarised as follows: Putin was not present at the 40 days anniversary vigil 
of the Kursk. He  had much more important business than the perished sailors 
- he was opening a new national Jewish community centre in Moscow sponsored 
by Gusinsky and other prominent Jewish businessmen. The caption then goes on 
to give the area in square metres of the hall, to say that the synagogue will 
hold seating for 2000 etc..(22)

It is impossible to mistake the message: Putin ignores the bereaved Russian 
families because he is controlled by Jews!

The fact that there are tens of thousands of Jews living in abject poverty 
across the ex-USSR, the fact that in the west Jewish charities collect 
second-hand clothes for them, the fact that there are non-Jewish capitalists, 
in Russia and outside of it, making  billions out of the country's 
privatisation - all these are ignored.


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