The October Rising: a feeble putsch by a few intellectuals?

"... my relations with Vladimir Ilyich had been most cordial. But at
that moment... I saw the full extent of [his] responsibility for the
fate of the country and the revolution... "

"... an armed insurrection means arming wide sections of the
working class... revolutionary enthusiasm is not enough for 

..... Nikolai Podvoisky.

My autograph copy of Podvoisky's memoirs was given me by Nina
Sverdlova-Podvoiskaya, grand-daughter of Podvoisky himself and of
Yakov Sverdlov, leading Bolshevik and first president of the Soviet
Republic. I met Sverdlova-Podvoiskaya in 1985 in the Old 
Bolshevik commune where she lived, in Serpukhovskaya Ulitsaya, 

A socialist publisher before the October Revolution, Nikolai Podvoisky
was Chairman of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd 
Soviet. He was a leading organiser of the October Rising, which was
coup de theatre as well as coup d'etat. Podvoisky's memoirs, excerpted 
below, incidentally cast a special light on some of Trotsky's claims. 
Podvoisky's testimony is direct and compelling. 

I post the following extract, taken from my book 'Storming the Heavens' 
(Pluto, 1987) to counter support shown on this List for the new right-wing 
orthodoxy associated with Richard Pipes and Orlando Figes.

Mark Jones

....The evening of October 17 has remained firmly fixed in my
memory After a meeting in one of the regiments I hurried to the
Smolny Institute The long corridors of the gigantic vaulted building
resounded to the trample of many feet. Soldiers' grey greatcoats, the
black jackets and smocks of the Red Guards, the dark pea-jackets of
sailors with machine-gun belts strapped round them and bristling with
hand-grenades, armed men everywhere -- such was the picture
presented by the Smolny. At the entrance were two quick-firing guns,
between them and on their flanks stood machine-guns.
A big former class-room of the Institute, on the ground floor, was
the headquarters of the Bolshevik group; the only furniture in the
room was the desks moved up against the walls. The room was full of
people. An important conference of representatives of all districts of
the Petrograd Bolshevik organisation and the Military Organisation
of the Central Committee was under way. The question of armed
insurrection was being discussed. The chairman was Comrade
Sverdlov. In the middle of the room stood a simple little table
without a cover. One report after another told that the workers and
soldiers of Petrograd were prepared for the insurrection. Party
workers from the districts produced facts and figures showing that the
time was ripe... As chairman of the Military Organisation of the
Bolshevik Party, I  reported to the conference on the Red Guards, the
army units and the fleet.  I began with the Red Guards in Vyborg
District. They were in close contact with the factory and district
Bolshevik organisations and with the factory committees. I
mentioned the names of the organisers of the Red Guards. I made
special mention of those secretaries of Party groups and chairmen of
factory committees who had shown ability in drawing workers into
their in the Red Guard. These organisers of the Red Guards had
worked well to put into force the battle slogans of the Bolshevik
Party. The former Moscow Regiment of Life Guards had given great
assistance to the Red Guards of Vyborg District, where it was
quartered. I spoke about the Red Guard of Petrograd District which
was developing into an important force. It had had its baptism of fire
during the April demonstration when a group of Tsarist officers had
attacked the Red Guards in an attempt to take away and tear up their
red flag. They were repulsed by armed force. I spoke of Moscow-
Narva District and the giant Putilov Works with its forty-thousand
strong army of workers. The February Revolution began with the
demonstration and strike of the Putilov workers. As early as 5 March
1917, the Putilov workers adopted a resolution not to lay down their
arms until the final victory of the proletarian revolution. The Putilov
workers were a well-disciplined Red Guard. I reported on the soldiers
of the Petrograd garrison, on the famous Armoured-Car Detachment
amongst whom were many former Petrograd, Moscow and Kolomna
workers. The older soldiers amongst them remembered the battles
with the Tsarist government in 1905. They had shown no fear of
court-martial when, in April, they took two armoured cars to the
Finland Railway Station on the memorable day of Lenin's arrival. The
17 armoured cars in possession of the detachment were an important
force. The officers of the Provisional Government had got control of
this force and with its aid were guarding the railway stations,
telephone exchange, telegraph office, post office, the Winter and
Marinskii palaces and the Army Headquarters.  Then I spoke about
other units. The Bolsheviks of the Motor Transport Company had all
the lorries and army cars in their hands. The Bolsheviks of the
Armoured-Car Repair Shops had six cars ready -- at a moment's
notice they were prepared to place the cars and themselves at the
disposal of the staff of the armed insurrection. The Flame-Thrower
and Chemical Battalion and the Engineer Battalion, the 1st Machine-
Gun Regiment and others had been disarmed. The soldiers of these
units, however, were eager to wash away in blood the insult of the
disarmament that had followed their demand during the July
demonstrations that all power be invested in the Soviets.  I reported 
in brief on the ten Guards' regiments. In advance of the others were 
the Pavlovsky and Grenadier Jaeger regiments and the Petrograd,
Lithuanian, Volhynian, Finland and Izmailovsky regiments, where
propaganda had taken root.  The Bolsheviks had conducted very
extensive propaganda in these regiments even before the July events.
K.Y.Voroshilov was with the Izmailovsky Regiment and had aroused
them to revolt in February.

The 180th Regiment and the Siege Artillery of the Peter and Paul
fortress would follow the Bolsheviks. The artillerymen considered it
a matter of honour for the fortress garrison that the Colt Machine gun
Battalion and the Cyclist Battalion on whose loyalty the Provisional
Government had counted, were no longer amongst the defenders of
the bourgeoisie.

I listed the troops that would bar the roads to Petrograd from Pskov,
Minsk and Mogilev in the event of the General Headquarters
making an attempt to come to the aid of the Provisional Government. The
garrisons quartered along the Warsaw, Baltic and Vitebsk railways, in
Tsarskoye Selo, Gatchina, Luga and other places were all re-electing
their company and battalion committees and placing Bolsheviks at
the head of them. Groups of the Bolshevik Military Organisation
were the only guiding force in these units. All these units would
follow the Bolsheviks only in order overthrow the power of the
bourgeoisie and establish the power of workers and peasants.

These sailors of Kronstadt and Helsingfors, the artillery and infantry
at Vyborg, the Lettish Rifles, the soldiers from the armies on the
Northern Front, steeled in the battles against the bourgeoisie in the July-
August and September days, informed the country of their loyalty to the
banner of Lenin in their newspapers Soldat (The Soldier), Volna (The Wave)
Okupnaya Pravda (The Trench Truth) The sailors and the soldiers
of Vyborg had shown where they stood as early as March when they
threw generals and officers into the sea and drowned them. They were 
confident of the success of the insurrection, confident that theirs
was the force that would crush the bourgeoisie.

Those present listened in rapt attention, trying to catch every word.
I finished my report and went aside. At that moment Yakov
Mikhailovich Sverdlov came up to me and whispered:
'Now you can go to Ilyich. He sent for you the report on the

Sverdlov took me to Antonov-Ovseenko and Nevsky who were also to go
to see Lenin. We were to give him an account of the way in which the
Party's Military Organisation was preparing the masses for insurrection.

As a precaution we decided to go separately, each of us with a guide.
Night. I was accompanied by Comrade Pavlov, a Petrograd worker born
and bred. We went a roundabout way to avoid being followed It was a lot
farther but more dependable. There had been a noticeably keener hunt
for Ilyich, dozens of plain-clothes men were roaming the city and
camouflaged pickets were to be seen everywhere. The Provisional
Government felt their rule coming to an end; they realised how much
Lenin wan responsible for the masses having become more and more
persistent in demanding the overthrow of the bourgeoisie.
The plain-clothes men were beside themselves in their effort to find

Avoiding the cadet patrols we continued our way along little used back

We crossed Troitsky Bridge, making for Petrograd District, pretending
to be going away from Vyborg District.

When we were quite sure that we were not being followed we went  over
to Vyborg District. At last we came to the street where Lenin was
We went round the house carefully to make sure there were no suspicious
characters about. The street was deserted. We entered the yard and I
was naturally very excited.

We went upstairs to the first floor and looked round. Then we knocked
giving the prescribed signal. The door opened and an unknown man stood
before us. Vladimir Ilyich was so well disguised that I only recognised
by his voice when I heard the words, 'Good-evening, Comrade
While we were on the way I had given considerable thought to
the sequence in which I would make my 'report'.

In actual fact there was no report -- just a simple, heart-to-heart

When Vladimir Ilyich had seated us he began with Antonov-Ovseenko,
asking him to give his views concerning the insurrection. Antonov-
Ovseenko said he was not in a position to judge the situation in the
Petrograd garrison but he was well acquainted with the Helsingfors
fleet and to some extent with the Kronstadt Fleet. The sailors were
ready for action. They could come to Petrograd by railway or, in case of
necessity, could approach the city from the sea. Good propaganda work
had been done amongst the troops quartered in Finland and they supported

the uprising in every way. As far as the Petrograd garrison was
concerned he believed that after the work done by the Military Organisation the
success of the insurrection was assured. He was convinced of this by the

numerous meetings held by the Party during September and October and
the resolutions passed at them.

Nevsky, whom the Military Organisation had sent specially
to Helsingfors to find out whether it would be possible for the fleet
to participate in the insurrection directly in Petrograd waters, said
that the fleet would certainly take part -  Antonov-Ovseenko was right 
- but that movement of the fleet to Petrograd would be a matter of the
greatest difficulty. After the arrest of the officers, which would be necessary
in the first hour of the uprising, their places would be taken by men with
little experience, and who were not well acquainted with the charts of
the minefields, so that it was doubtful whether they would be able to
steer the vessels through them. Deployment of the ships should it
become necessary to fight at Petrograd would also give trouble since
the sailors in command were unable to direct a battle.
 Nevsky was in favour of leaving the ships in Helsingfors and
bringing the sailors to Petrograd by rail.
I was no better off and felt as uneasy as an inexperienced
boxer in the ring...

'You said that at such and such a factory there is a good military
organisation, there are 300 men in the Red Guard, there are rifles and
cartridges, and, you said, there are even machine-guns. Who is the
commander there, do you know him?'
'Yes. I know him.' And I told Ilyich all I knew about him.
'You say he is an excellent man? Would give his head for the revolution?

And what are his military qualifications? Can he shoot, from a revolver,
say? And could he handle a cannon if it were necessary? Could he bring
up something essential in a car, in case of need! Can he drive a car?
And then, do your Red Guard commanders know anything about the tactics
street fighting?'

It appeared that I knew nothing about any one of the commanders from
that point of view. Vladimir Ilyich stood up, placed his fingers in
his waistcoat pockets and shook his head reproachfully.
'Ai-ai-ai, and that's the chairman of the Military Organisation! How
are you going to lead the insurrection if you do not know what your
commanders are like? It is not enough for them to be good agitators,
good propagandists, that they make good reports and are excellent 
organisers of the masses. Insurrection is not a meeting to hear reports,
insurrection is action with arms in hand. There you not only have to act 
with self-sacrifice but also with skill, otherwise the slightest mistake 
may cost the Lives of red guards, revolutionary sailors and soldiers ...

A mistake may lead to  defeat of the insurrection.'
I saw what a tremendous mistake we had been making. I then realised
that the Petrograd Organisation of the Bolshevik Party had mustered huge
masses of workers and soldiers for the insurrection, but had been paying
little attention to purely military matters although that was the
primary duty of the Military Organisation. There was only one thing I wanted at
that moment -- to go straight back, roll up my sleeves and try to make
for lost time...

 Noting my confusion, Vladimir Ilyich tried to help me out off the
awkward position in which I found myself.
'My dear fellow', he said, 'insurrection is the most crucial form of
warfare. It is a great art. Of course, bold commanders can do wonders by
their own example, audacity and courage. But what sort of commander
for an armed uprising is a man who cannon shoot! Such commanders must
immediately replaced by others. Leaders who do not understand the
tactics of street fighting will ruin the insurrection. And remember, please,
that soldiers are all right in their way, but in our struggle we must depend
mostly on the workers.'

>From that moment on I began to look at insurrection through the eyes
of Vladimir Ilyich. It was now quire clear to me what had to be done
in the few days that were left before the uprising. We had to make sure
that the Red Guard would not only be the leading political force, but
also the leading military force that would determine the success of
the insurrection.

'And are you sure', continued Vladimir Ilyich, 'that the commandeers of
the army units will not let you down? Are they not Tsarist officers!
I informed Comrade Lenin that during the four months of enforced
underground existence the influence of the Bolsheviks in the army units
had increased very greatly. Only those commanders had remained at their
posts in the units who recognised the control of the soldiers'
The soldiers' committees, as I had already reported, were in the
majority of cases under the influence of the Bolsheviks.

Even in a regiment like the Semyonovsky, we were able to get
resolutions passed without any special difficulty. It was true that
Preobrazhenskiy Regiment was still not ours but we were confident
we would win it over. I then named all those commanders-mostly of
machine-gun companies and some of the Guards' regiments - who during
the past few days had unconditionally come over to our side.

'What tremendous power is wielded by the revolution!' said Vladimir
Ilyich with great satisfaction. 'The main thing now is to direct it so
as to win and without the application of military science we cannot win.'
'The most important thing now', continued Lenin, 'is to select a corps
of selfless workers, especially the youth, who are ready to die rather
than retreat or give up a position. They must be formed into special
detachments beforehand to occupy the telephone exchange, the telegraph
office and, most important of all, the bridges.

The bridges... The working-class districts of Petrograd were
interconnected and were linked to the centre by eight bridges - Liteiny,

Troitsky, Palace, Nikolayevsky, Okhta, Great and Little Sampson
Tuchkov. It was absolutely essential that we keep these bridges in
our hands.

After that Lenin touched on the question of arms.
'You said that the workers were more and more persistently demanding
arms. Where do you propose to get them?'
It was our pride, the pride of the Military Organisation, that in most
regiments we could take almost all the arms from the storehouses because

the Bolshevik military groups in every regiment, on the ships and in
artillery were a force to be reckoned with. The Cossacks were the only
units we had not yet succeeded in influencing with our propaganda. In
all other units in the region and in the nearest front-line areas we were
in  a position to obtain arms in almost any quantities.

When I told Vladimir Ilyich this his face did not express pleasure
or satisfaction but some sort of perplexity: what is the man talking
about, he seemed to say. The more arms we take away from the soldiers
thee lee will remain for them Is that not so?' said Vladimir Ilyich.
Hmmm. That was something I had not thought about.
'That won't do. You must get into closer contact with the arsenals
and the munition stores,' continued comrade Lenin.
'There are workers : soldiers there, too. Work out a plan and ensure 
its fulfilment so that can take arms straight from the stores at the
very moment they are needed. It is good that we have the Sestroretsk
Arsenal, but that is not enough. I'm sure that if you help the
Bolsheviks of the Peter and Paul Arsenal, of the New Arsenal on Liteiny 
and the Old Arsenal in Vyborg District to develop their work in the proper
 way they will open the storehouses for distribution of arms to the 
workers the moment they are needed. Is it not so!'
Never before, despite the experience of 1905, had I realised how much
an armed insurrection is organically connected with the arming of
the widest sections of the working class. Nor did I realise that the
greatest revolutionary enthusiasm amongst the masses was far from
enough to ensure victory.

 Victory could only be achieved by skilled leadership. It was
only Lenin's masterly analysis of the problems of the armed uprising
and the part to be played by the masses, their leaders and the weapons,
that ensured the general participation of the workers and soldiers in
the insurrection and guaranteed success.
We began to talk of the Military Revolutionary Committee as the body
hat must lead the insurrection. The Military Organisation of the Central

Committee of the Bolshevik Party, owing to its great influence amongst
masses, had already begun to play an exceptional role in the Military
Revolutionary Committee, set up by the Petrograd Soviet. It took little
heed of the representatives of other organisations in the committee, and

here were many of them. It seemed to us that it was too unwieldy to
m operative leadership.
Comrade Lenin asked me what I thought of the work of the Military
Revolutionary Committee.
'The Military Revolutionary Committee', I answered, 'is actually
an extended bureau of the Military Organisations of the Central
Committee of our Party.'
'And that is wrong!' said Vladimir Ilyich. 'It should not be a bureau,
but a non-Party insurrectionary body which has full power and is
connected with all sections of the workers and soldiers. The committee
must ensure that an unlimited number of workers and soldiers are armed
and participate in the insurrection. The greater the initiative and
activity of each member of the Military Revolutionary Committee, the stronger
and more effective will be the influence of the entire committee on the

There must not be the slightest hint of dictatorship by the Military
Organisation over the Military Revolutionary Committee. The main
task of the Military Organisation is to see the committee
follows the correct Bolshevik line.

The main thing is the victory of the insurrection. The
Military Revolutionary Committee must serve that purpose and

At the same time Lenin pointed out the way in which the work of the
Military Revolutionary Committee would take on a mass character.
'Call daily conferences of representatives of all army units in
Petrograd and act through them.'
 Towards the end of our talk I asked Vladimir Ilyich a question:
'Would it not be expedient to print beforehand millions of copies of
decrees on land, peace, workers' control of production and the
organisation of a Soviet Republic?'
 Vladimir Ilyich looked up at me and burst out laughing.
 'You're getting a long way ahead of yourself! First we have to win
then print decrees.

 We parted with great warmth. It was long past midnight. I flew back
though on wings. Lenin's words kept hammering at my head: the masses
are there. Organise their military leadership. Put as many weapons as
possible into their hands. That is what must be done.
That same night every sing]e member of the Military Organisation
immediately got down to the job of putting Lenin's instructions into

The Smolny was as crowded with people as it had been five days before.
The workers had been armed and were setting out to defend Petrograd
against the attacking troops of General Krasnov's army corps. On
occasion they again displayed their extraordinary might and the strength

of their organisation. The Smolny had practically been turned into
armed camp; units were being hurriedly formed from workers sent by
their districts; they were equipped somehow by the Red Guard
Headquarters: or rather they were given greatcoats, cartridge 
pouches, haversacks, rifles
and cartridges. 

Many of the workers had taken up rifles and formed ranks
for the first time in their lives. The Republic, however, was in danger.
A blow was being struck at socialist power and the volunteers, sent by
factory committees, had only one thing on their minds: to fight for
Petrograd and to prevent the counter revolution capturing the city and
crushing Soviet power. The workers elected their own commanders on
the spot each unit set up a minimum staff -- officers in charge of
supplies, munitions, communications and a commandant.
The marching feet of the Red Guards resounded through the streets.
Behind them followed a motor lorry with stores, equipment and

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